Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 925: The Li family's luck is incredible!

Chapter 925 The Li family’s luck is incredible!

 Compared to the Li family, General Tang and Lord Fu Yin were naturally more surprised.

 There is a queen among the envoys of the eight countries, which is incredible enough. After all, it is too rare for a woman to sit on the throne.

Unexpectedly, not only is the queen here, she is also the granddaughter-in-law of the Li family, and she even gave birth to a child!

In other words, maybe in twenty years, the king of the Golden Buddha Kingdom will be the grandson of the Li family, and the Golden Buddha Kingdom will become the territory of the Li family!

The two of them really tried their best to endure it again and again, so that they didn't let their chins hit their feet!

No wonder people say that the Li family is lucky. This is simply unlucky.

However, General Tang was surprised and a little regretful.

 Because the one who married the queen was actually his favorite Li Jiaxi, and his grandson-in-law flew away!

 But soon, the regret disappeared.

Compared to Li Jiaxi, Li Jia'an is a little less sleek and shrewd, a little more calm and generous, and has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and is also more handsome...

Although Ai Bei is the queen, she is smart and has a deep relationship with Jia Xi. Naturally, she wants to follow Jia Xi back to the Li family for a short stay.

As for the remaining envoys from the seven countries, Mr. Fu Yin settled them in the post house in Quanzhou.

There are often people coming and going in Quanzhou, so government inns are always safer than ordinary inns.

 So, over the years, the posthouse has been built very well, and now it can accommodate a hundred or ten people, so it is not too shabby.

After a few words of greeting, things were arranged and everyone dispersed.

Jiayi and Liu Yang followed the envoy to the post house. Mrs. Li took Jiayi and got into the carriage, while Zhao Yuru took Jiaxi, Aibei and her son into the second one.

Tao Hongying, Mrs. Wen, Huiniang and others were curious about how Jiaxi could marry the queen, so they also got on the first carriage.

Jia'an just had his ears pinched because of his brother. Of course he couldn't hide it for him now. If he took the blame again, wouldn't his ears be in trouble again?

 So, he "betrayed" his brother completely!

 “Grandma, you don’t know, Brother Xi just gets jealous and repays kindness with enmity!”

It’s a pity that as soon as he started, he was hit hard by my mother.

Tao Hongying scolded, "Speak well! How could anyone say that about my brother?"

Jia'an giggled and quickly changed his words, "That... I used the wrong word. Brother Xi and Sister-in-law Aibei fell in love at first sight, a match made in heaven!

“When we encountered a storm at sea, we couldn’t bear it anymore, so we had to tie ourselves to the pillar.

“I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, the big ship had already run aground on the beach. The other two ships were nowhere to be seen. My brother and our master were both injured.

“There were only over fifty people left on the ship out of a hundred or ten, it was really miserable.

“At this time, sister-in-law Aibe took people out to sea and met us. She kindly came to rescue us and helped us find a doctor. She also had our boat repaired and food and water delivered to us.

“Later, I took some porcelain, went to the city to exchange for coins, rented a yard, and took everyone to live there.

“Sister-in-law Aibei often came around to take care of my brother, and she took a liking to my brother every time she came here and there.

“We didn’t know her identity at first, and it wasn’t until someone came to trouble us that we found out that Sister-in-law Abby had been involved.

“Her father, the old king, is dying, and many aristocratic families want to marry her and control the country by controlling her.

“We discussed it and helped Aibei destroy half of the family and stabilize the government.

“Sister-in-law Abe was so grateful that she asked my brother to marry me in front of the old king, and he agreed.

“Because we had to go to sea, I asked my master to be a witness and let my brother and sister-in-law Abe get married.

“After we got married, our master died of illness, and the old king was also seriously ill. Sister-in-law Abe wanted to stay and take care of us, so she did not leave with us.

“Until we returned recently, we met Sister-in-law Abby again. She has become the queen and has given birth to a nephew!

 “That’s it, it’s really simple.”

Jia An shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and spoke in an understatement, like a running account, but the dangers and twists and turns in it could be guessed by anyone.

Tao Hongying was not willing to pull her son's ears any more. She hugged him in her arms and wanted to say a few words of sympathy and comfort, but finally she condensed them into one sentence. “Go home, mom will prepare delicious food for you! You can order whatever you want!”

"That's great, Mom." Jia An was so happy that she said, "Mom, I want to eat braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, fried meatballs, pot-wrapped pork..."

The names of these dishes are all meat, which made everyone laugh again.

 “Glutty boy!” Tao Hongying was annoyed, but she still deserved to be happy, “Okay, I’ll keep it for you to enjoy.”

Chatting and laughing all the way, we soon entered Quanzhou City and arrived at the Li family yard.

 Because he didn’t know the existence of Aibei’s mother and son, it was really unprepared to bring people back so suddenly.

After getting off the carriage, Tao Hongying drove Zhao Yuru to accompany her new daughter-in-law and grandson. Then she took the people herself and quickly cleaned up a side yard.

Li Zhensheng has been operating in Quanzhou for several years. His family is rich and there is no shortage of anything in the warehouse.

  Cleaning up the yard sounds troublesome, but in fact it only involves hanging a bed tent, adding some wood utensils and supplies, and laying out new bedding.

In just half an hour, we are almost ready.

At this time, the ingredients have been disposed of in the kitchen.

Tao Hongying went to the main room to say something, and then hurriedly went to fry.

Jiaxi brought his wife and children back to the yard, and Zhao Yuru sent her maid Qiaoer to help Abe, because the two slave girls Abe brought were unfamiliar with everything.

Jia'an was also dragged by Brother Cat, and they went to wash up and change clothes together.

Soon, brunch was put on the table, and everyone came over with a new look.

Jiaxi was wearing a camel brocade robe, which made his figure even more upright.

Jia'an, on the other hand, is dressed in a sky-blue gown after the rain, with a jade belt wrapped around his waist, which makes him look even more calm and noble.

Old Mrs. Li couldn't help but hold one of her grandson's hands and nodded repeatedly.

“It’s true that you didn’t leave home for three years in vain. You have really made a difference. I don’t know how many people will envy our family when you go out like this.”

"Yes, mother, these two boys have been naughty since they were young. They would even open their butts to look at them. They are so naughty! No one thought that they would be as promising as they are now!" Zhao Yuru also sighed with emotion, Making Jia Xihe and He Jiaan blush.

Jiaxi protested, "Mom, that's how many years ago, what kid isn't naughty? Besides, I'm married, you can just tell me. Brother An didn't marry a wife, so be careful of outsiders finding out. People are willing to find him as their son-in-law!”

"Well, let's not talk about it anymore." Zhao Yuru teased her son, "If you let it slip again, I will put everything on your head and pick out Angor."

At this time, Wenjuan came over accompanied by Aibei and her son.

 Abby has changed into a gauze skirt and removed the veil.

She wore a light blue dress with magnolia flowers all over the ground, a bright moon bun, a beaded hairpin with gems and flowers and butterflies inserted sideways, and a pair of emerald bracelets on her wrists.

 She has deep facial features, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose and red lips. This dress makes her even more beautiful.

Everyone was surprised and praised him one after another.

"Jiaxi's wife is really suitable for our Tianwu's dress."

 “Yeah, it’s so beautiful.”

Ai Bei didn't understand, but she guessed that everyone was complimenting her. She smiled and held up her hairpin, obviously liking Tianwu's jewelry very much.

Jia Xi looked proud and raised his chin, making everyone laugh even harder.

Wenwen also changed into sapphire blue clothes and pants, her hair was combed up, and she wore a square scarf of the same color. She looked like a little scholar, very cute.

Mrs. Li loved it so much that she held Wenwen in her arms and asked questions.

It was a busy time when suddenly there was a loud grunting sound, which attracted everyone to look over...

 (End of this chapter)

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