Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 924: Marry a queen as your granddaughter-in-law!

Chapter 924: Marry a queen as your granddaughter-in-law!

"Mom, grandma!" He couldn't wait for the boatmen to set up the springboard, so he jumped directly from the bow of the boat, threw himself in front of the Li family, and fell to his knees.

 “Mom, grandma! The unfilial son An Geer is back!”

 “Brother An, Brother An!” Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying rushed forward, hugged Jia An and burst into tears.

Tao Hongying wished she could stuff her son back into her belly again, as if this way she could clearly feel that her son was alive and that he was by her side.

 Nearly three years and a thousand days and nights, she soaked so many pillows and had so many nightmares.

 Finally, I finally got my son back!

 The son is safe and healthy, with no missing nose or eyes!

Old Mrs. Li was also crying so hard that she couldn't breathe. The Li family has no shortage of grandchildren, and now they even have several great-grandchildren.

 But every one of them is her concern!

Especially the two boys, Jia An and Jia Xi, were the naughtiest and the ones she beat and scolded the most, so naturally they were the ones she cared about the most.

 Originally in Xindu, she talked about it more lightly.

 Since arriving in Quanzhou and seeing the vastness and danger of the sea, her heart has truly become cold.

She wanted to pray to all the gods and Buddhas, and secretly kowtowed eighty-one times every day before going to bed, just to pray for her grandson's safe return.

Now, finally, all my wishes have come true.

"Brother An, we will never leave again. At least we have to wait until grandma goes to see your grandpa before you go out to sea. Grandma is old and can't stand your threats like this!" Mrs. Li reached out and patted her grandson. My back felt angry and distressed.

Tao Hongying was even more powerful and pinched her son several times.

"Damn boy, you're going to worry mom to death! Wow, neither you nor your father are good people! If you go to sea, he will go to war, and mom will cut her heart into pieces! You don't want me to live! "

Huiniang, Sister-in-law Liu, and Mrs. Wen all wiped their tears.

Mrs. Wen quickly persuaded her, "Auntie, Hongying, stop crying. It's good that the child is back. You don't have to worry about it in the future. The family is reunited."

Huiniang also said, "Yes, yes, just come back safely."

Sister-in-law Liu was about to speak when she saw a tall woman wearing a gauze skirt and veil walking over with a child.

 She quickly reminded everyone, "Auntie, it seems...there are guests?"

guest? !

Everyone heard the sound and looked over, guessing that the woman was from the country of Fan. After all, her dress and facial features were completely different from those of the Tianwu people.

Tao Hongying had sharp eyes, looked at it carefully, and suddenly said: "Oh, why does this child look like a star?"

 Everyone was reminded and couldn't help but nod.

The woman was a little anxious and said, "The nest...is like Liga'er's joy."

 Everyone doesn’t understand and don’t know how to respond.

The woman pointed at An Geer who was wiping her tears. Before she could say anything else, Tao Hongying had already woken up. She pulled her son's ears and cursed: "You bastard, you are marrying me and having children outside." !”

Jia An tilted his head in pain. He glanced at the woman and the child from the corner of his eye. He suddenly realized and shouted, "Mom, it's not me, it's not me! It's Brother Xi, his wife and son!"

 Happy family? !

Tao Hongying thought for a while, Jia Xi didn’t say anything before.

He couldn't hide such a big thing no matter what, so...

"You brat, you still dare to lie! If you dare to do something but don't take it seriously, don't say he is my son in the future!" Tao Hongying's men really tried their best.

 Jia'an doesn't care how strong he is in body and how majestic he is on the sea, he is just a good cat under my old lady, begging for mercy all the time. "Mom, I really didn't lie. They are the children of Brother Xi's wife, and they are the queen and crown prince of the Kingdom of Gods and Buddhas!"

Mrs. Li originally wanted to intercede with her grandson, but she felt a little weak after hearing this.

 Fortunately, Jiaxi finally arrived at this time.

  Everyone who had been eating melon for a long time asked almost in unison.

"Jiaxi, are this woman and child your wife and child?"

Jia Xi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously shrank his neck and responded, "Um...didn't my uncle tell my family in the past two days? These are my wife and children..."

"You brat!" Now it was Zhao Yuru's turn to get angry. She raised her hand and patted her son on the back, "Your second brother made a big fuss at the beginning and thought you were a good person. Unexpectedly, you are not a bit good. After the death of my son!

“He even told his family to get married, but you went to sea to bring back your wife, children, and children!”

Jiaxi immediately hugged my mother's arm and coaxed her with a smile, "Mom, mother, I was wrong! I should have told my family earlier, but it was really inconvenient to contact me outside.

“Aibei is the princess of the Golden Buddha Kingdom, and when I was injured and exiled to their country, she helped me a lot and almost saved my life.

“I got married to her, and when I came back from the sea to pick her up, I found out that the child was also born...”

Zhao Yuru listened from beginning to end, and her eyes turned red when she was angry.

She knew that her son was in danger outside, but she didn't know that he almost died.

This foreign woman in front of me is not only the daughter-in-law, but also the savior of her son, not to mention that she has brought her grandson back...

She couldn't help but look at her mother-in-law, "Mom, this kid Jiaxi is really ignorant, but he has also endured hardship..."

Halfway through her words, she was stopped by Mrs. Li, who said angrily, "This is a happy event, don't worry I won't be happy! Whose grandson is more powerful than my grandson? The Queen has already married her!"

After saying that, she called Jia Xi, "Hurry up and invite your wife over here and let grandma see her. There is also grandma's great-grandson!"

"Okay, grandma!" Jiaxi hurriedly walked to the woman's side, murmured for a long time, and finally took his wife and children one by one and walked forward.

 The woman bowed awkwardly and said, "Abby, please give me a favor."

The child's pronunciation was much clearer, and he said crisply, "Hello, grandma, I'm Wenwen."

"Hey, okay, okay!" Mrs. Li was so happy that she patted Aibei's hand, bent over and picked up Wenwen, and said with a smile, "No wonder everyone said that Wenwen and Xingxing look alike. Their fathers are brothers, how can they be different!"

 Everyone also laughed. Zhao Yuru was not familiar with his daughter-in-law yet, but he was close to his grandson by blood.

She quickly took Wenwen from her mother-in-law's hand. Seeing that the child was a little tanned and thin, with distress all over her face, she coaxed over and over again, "Wenwen is home, grandma will prepare delicious food for you!" It’s all your fault for bringing you and your mother back!”

Abby couldn’t understand what everyone was saying, especially since her husband and brother-in-law had just been pinched and beaten, she was always worried.

 But at this moment, everyone was laughing and hugging her son, so she finally felt relieved.

 At this time, General Tang Lao and Mr. Fu Yin, accompanied by Li Zhensheng and Jia Yi, came over to see the ceremony.

 The Kingdom of Gods and Buddhas is not big, so naturally it cannot compare with Tianwu.

 But Abe is the queen of a country, and she is on an equal footing with the emperor in terms of etiquette.

 So, General Tang Lao and Master Fu Yin were very polite.

Jia Xi stepped forward to help translate. Ai Bei, who was still worried and cautious just now, now straightened his back, his expression was full of nobility and pride, as if he had become a different person.

Mrs. Li and others were watching, finally feeling a bit more realistic about marrying the queen as her granddaughter-in-law...

 (End of this chapter)

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