Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 902: Whether it is extremely peaceful or not

Chapter 902 Good luck

 Coral tried her best to look up at the sincerity in his eyes, and smiled even as she cried.

 She didn’t miss it, she caught her salvation!

Li Jiayi felt distressed and shy. He coughed twice and didn't know what to say.

 He simply said, "Girl Coral, take care of yourself first, I'll go home and tell you!"

 After saying that, he turned around and strode out.

 Coral looked at his back until it disappeared, then covered her face with her hands and started crying again.

“Oh, Coral Girl, you are driving me to death!” The elderly woman stood outside the door at some point in the morning and listened closely to what had just happened.

 Before, when Coral was injured, she was the one taking care of it, so she was very familiar with it.

At this moment, she broke into the tent directly, pulled down the door curtain, grabbed Coral's hand, and started talking happily.

“Coral Girl, I’m so happy, so happy!

“General Li likes you and wants to marry you, so you don’t have to suffer in the future!

"Listen to me, don't be stupid! When someone from the Li family comes to pick you up, just follow him and don't say anything to hurt the Li family. The Li family doesn't mind, so don't hold on to him.

“You really feel sorry for me. Please treat the Li family well and repay your kindness in the future!”

"Sister-in-law Mi!" Coral couldn't help but hugged the elderly woman and choked out: "I'm afraid General Li is pitying me, but he said he admired me, said I was decisive, said I... I'm so happy! He didn't pity me. , don’t pity me!”

"Silly girl!" Sister-in-law Mi also had red circles in her eyes. She patted the coral in distress and comforted her in a low voice, "You are also a girl from a good family. You have been educated and literate since you were a child. You are well behaved and even good at martial arts. You are good at everything.

"General Li likes you, it's because he has good taste! Don't take those rumors seriously in the future, your family was unprepared when something happened, and the thieves got it."

“The Li family is different, they are very powerful. Even if others don’t say it, even with General Li around, no one dares to bully them!

“If you are really worried, give your parents a few more sticks of incense and ask them to bless General Li and the Li family!”

 “Yeah!” Coral nodded heavily.

Sister-in-law Mi thought for a while and then advised: "As for the Li family, I see that the two ladies who came to visit you are kind and kind-hearted, unlike those nobles with piercing nostrils.

“The Li family should also be very prudent in their actions. They won’t just bring you in directly. There must always be a matchmaker and a matchmaker. After this ceremony, it will be three or four months before you get married.

“Take this opportunity to take a good look at the Li family and see if they can get along well with each other.

"If you really feel that something is wrong, you should regret it and regret it. Getting married is a lifetime event!"

"No!" Coral objected immediately, "Sister-in-law Mi, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I can't say this again in the future.

“General Li and the Li family are kind to me and are willing to marry a woman like me, which is already very kind.

“The Li family is the only one who dislikes me. I will never have any selfish feelings towards the Li family!”

"Okay, okay, don't worry!" Sister-in-law Mi sighed, "I just said casually, I just want you to be happy about your marriage.

“Think about it carefully, this is the best ending. People say that everything will turn out well, and you will definitely have a good life in the future!”

“Thank you, sister-in-law, I will never forget your care for me.”

“Oh, don’t talk about this. In this world, women have a hard time, so they should help each other.”

 Let’s not talk about the conversation between Huanhuan and Sister-in-law Mi, just talk about the Li family’s yard, which is also exploding at this moment.

"What are you talking about, Jiayi! Miss Huanhuan promised to marry you?" Mrs. Li was so surprised that she almost threw away the lychee in her hand, grabbed her grandson and sat next to her.

"Yes, Jia Yi, what's going on!" Tao Hongying was also curious and happy, "When we went there, Miss Huanhuan didn't even say she agreed to get married, she even refused to accept a gift." Mrs. Wen put down the needlework in her hand, He smiled and said, "This is a happy event. That girl is really nice and she is a perfect match for you!"

Jia Yi's face turned red with embarrassment, and he wanted to be vague, but he was also afraid that his family would misunderstand Hu Hu, so he told her what had just happened.

Mrs. Li and others felt sad and distressed when they heard this.

Tao Hongying was even more angry and cursed: "Why are there such shameless wounded soldiers?

“It’s a kindness for the girl to bandage his wounds. Even if he’s not grateful, he still wants to harm him!

"Such a ruthless person should be killed by the Japanese pirates!"

Mrs. Li also said: "That's right, Miss Guanhuan is good at beating. When you encounter such a beast, you should beat him until he is scared, so that he will not have any bad intentions next time."

Mrs. Wen sighed, "This girl is also pitiful. She was raised by her family to be cheerful and generous, and she was very loved.

“Suddenly everyone in the family has passed away, and there are so many rumors, no matter how strong-tempered you are, you will inevitably become timid.

“I’m afraid that if I don’t do something right, I’ll be criticized by others, and I’m even more afraid that if I get close to someone, I’ll bring bad luck to others. It’s really... not easy!”

 Everyone nodded.

Jiayi thought about the danger before and said, "She was really determined to die. If I hadn't gone there in time, I would have died together with the wounded soldier."

“Well done!” Old Mrs. Li patted her grandson on the shoulder and praised, “I was worried at first, wondering when you two stupid young people could just talk it over and get married as soon as possible.

“It’s all right now, everything has been sorted out, and the rest will be left to the family. You can just wait to be the groom’s official!”

Jiayi blushed again, but still endured the shame and whispered: "Grandma, Miss Guanhuan was originally a lady, but her family suffered a disaster..."

“Don’t worry, brat!” Old Mrs. Li’s face seemed to be blooming with a smile, and she quickly gave her grandson a reassurance, “Our Li family married a grandson’s daughter-in-law. When has the daughter of another family ever felt wronged?

“Besides, you’re getting married and settling down here. It’s just an extra root for our Li family, and we need to take better care of it.”

"Thank you, grandma!" Jiayi was completely relieved, scratched the back of his head, and ran away on the pretext that something happened at the military camp.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

 Lao Li waved his hand and began to "gather people".

“Come, come, let’s discuss it quickly and see how we can arrange for that girl Coral!

“This girl is stubborn and is heartbroken by the sudden disaster in her family. Let’s think more about it and don’t wrong her!

“From now on, we will be a family, so let’s take care of our wife in advance!”

Everyone quickly gathered around and expressed their opinions...

Let’s not talk about how lively things are here in Quanzhou, and we are planning to hire a wife. I just want to say that in Suijintan, we are busy visiting relatives and friends in the first month of the year. In a blink of an eye, it is the twelfth day of the first month.

 At the previous palace banquet, good news was expected to come to the palace on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but now it cannot be postponed.

Wan'er brought her maid and mother-in-law with her, and she was busy packing her sister-in-law's luggage that day.

 Let’s not talk about clothes, shoes, socks and jewelry. You should also bring the things you commonly use.

Wan'er was afraid that her sister-in-law would be wronged in the palace, so she wished she could dress up as a maid and serve her.

 It's a pity that it doesn't work, so I can only prepare more things, just in case.

 (End of this chapter)

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