Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 901: One wants to marry, the other wants to marry!

Chapter 901 One wants to marry and the other wants to marry!

Li Jiayi sneered, and without saying a word, he raised his foot and kicked him in the back of the head.

Guo Qiang was so painful that he fainted immediately and lost his voice...

 There was a deathly silence in the tent for a while.

 Several wounded soldiers subconsciously shrank their necks.

They have all heard that General Li was born with supernatural powers and had great abilities, but they did not go to sea with General Li and had never seen it with their own eyes.

 Unexpectedly, at a time like this today, I was lucky enough to have my doubts clarified...

 Military doctor Sun was not afraid, he coughed twice and told what happened just now.

 He is a lonely old man with no children. After Coral came to the wounded barracks, he took good care of him.

 He was also very grateful and couldn't help but say a few words for Coral.

"General Li, don't blame me for talking too much. I'm afraid it won't be possible for Miss Coral to stay in the wounded barracks any longer. If you are serious about it, please quickly arrange a place for her."

Li Jiayi nodded, without saying a word to defend himself, he just cupped his hands and thanked her, then took the coral's arm and went out.

Outside the tent, more people had gathered now. They were suddenly confronted by the cold-faced Li Jiayi, and everyone was a little embarrassed.

Especially the general in charge of the wounded camp, he is familiar with Li Jiayi on weekdays.

 The Li family sent snacks over a few days ago, and he even took a few pieces.

At this moment, he stepped forward and asked: "General Li, what happened, do you want me to help deal with it?"

Li Jiayi nodded without being polite at all.

He pointed to the tent and said, "Guo Qiang inside has recovered from his injuries. Don't stay in the camp anymore.

“This man has bad character, and it is really shameful to insult the medical woman who bandaged his wounds.

“If this spreads out, the reputation that our Hailan Army has fought so hard to regain will probably be discredited by him.”

These words have raised today’s quarrel to more than one level!

The general and all the soldiers who were watching the excitement changed their expressions. They stopped watching the excitement and paid attention to it.

The general responded immediately: "Don't worry, General Li, I will investigate and deal with it fairly.

“If this kid is really shameless and humiliates the Hailan Army, I will definitely not let him reap the rewards!”

 Li Jiayi cupped his hands and thanked her, then picked up the package on the ground, turned around and called to Hualu, "Follow me!"

With that said, he strode to the small tent and opened the curtain and walked in.

Coral hesitated for a moment and followed in with her head lowered, but she still flipped the tent curtain up so that people outside could see into the tent.

She no longer has a clean reputation and is not afraid of anything others say.

 But General Li failed.

 He is such a good person, destined to become a dazzling **** of war and respected by the world. She cannot bring him down...

Li Jiayi glanced at the empty door, but felt panicked in his heart.

He took a deep breath, put the package on the bed, and said, "Here are the daily necessities prepared by my grandma and fourth aunt. Although they are not expensive, they are practical."

 Color hurriedly bowed and thanked her, her slender neck lowered, silent and quiet, completely different from just now.

If he was a tiger who was seriously ill and on the verge of death but still tried to bite the money wolf, then the girl in front of him now was like a cat with its claws put away, with a bit of anxiety and uneasiness.

He thought for a while and said, "It's not your fault for what happened just now. If there is such a person again, you still have to fight him back. Don't be polite!"

 Coral suddenly raised her head, and suddenly there was a spark in her dead eyes.

 A woman is known to be chaste and gentle. Not only did she hit someone, she also rode on him...

General Li didn't mind, and even said he didn't blame her... Li Jiayi felt a little pain in his heart when he saw her like this.

But he didn’t know how to persuade her, so he walked around on the ground depressedly for a few times, then simply opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

“Girl Coral, I’ve loved practicing martial arts since I was a child. I’m a rough guy and can’t handle those tacts and tacts. Let me just say it!

“You broke into the den of thieves single-handedly to avenge your parents and relatives. I think you are brave and decisive!

“During the period in the wounded barracks, you also tried your best to take care of the injured brothers. You were much better than those weak and weak girls!

 “I admire you very much and I want to marry you!

“Furthermore, when we saved each other’s lives and fell into the water together, most of the injustice and bullying you suffered was because of me. I must take the responsibility of taking care of you.

“Of course, I also have selfish motives. I think you are so strong, and after we get married, you can support me in continuing to kill Japanese pirates.

“In case I have any misfortune and die at sea, you can take my place and be filial to my grandma and my father, and take care of my sister!

“So, if you think I’m okay and not too bad, then marry me.”

 Coral opened her mouth in shock, her face turned red, and her heart beat like a drum.

It seemed that she could hear every word clearly, but she couldn't understand them all together.

  General Li likes her and wants... to marry her? !

Li Jiayi couldn't wait for a long time from Coral to respond, and thought she didn't like him, so his eyes were a little disappointed, but he still said: "If you don't like me and don't want to marry me, that's okay, but you can't stay in this wounded barracks anymore.

“I will ask my family to arrange another job for you, which will be enough for you to support yourself.

"You can also live under my banner temporarily outside, so as not to be bullied by others, until you gain a firm foothold or find a happy position as a man."

 After saying that, he turned to leave.

"General Li!" Coral reached out and pulled Li Jiayi's sleeve, tears streaming down his face in an instant.

Just now, she was really in despair when faced with a villain who was full of filthy words and trying to step her into the mud.

She couldn't imagine what she would do if rumors spread again.

Continue to be guided by others to survive, but still get married and be tortured by evil people for a lifetime.

 No matter which one, she didn’t want to suffer anymore.

 She really wanted to die and go find her parents under the Nine Springs!

 But at the critical moment, General Li appeared again.

Just like last time, this man stretched out his hand, pulled her out of hell, and protected her behind him.

 The broad shoulders are like a mountain, blocking all the wind and rain for her.

 She couldn't help but become greedy.

  Could it be that God could not bear to see her loneliness and sent this man to save her twice?

 Can she be more greedy and selfish...

She choked, her upper and lower teeth chattering, but she still shouted, "General Li, I...I like you, I want to marry you!"

“But I’m afraid I’ll harm you. My whole family is dead. They say I’m the one who killed them. I don’t want to harm you!”

"I...I know you are a good person, and your family is full of good people, and you don't dislike me, but I...I..."

She was eager to explain, but she was confused, stumbling, and bursting into tears.

Jiayi was at a loss when she cried. He wanted to pull up his sleeves to wipe her tears, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he could only persuade her in a low voice.

“That...coral girl, don’t cry.

“I don’t dislike you, everything I said is true, I thought you didn’t like me!

“You don’t have to be afraid of those random rumors, our family doesn’t believe them.

“My grandma always said that people have to earn their own lives, and it cannot be decided by just a few words!

“From now on, as long as you live with me wholeheartedly and treat my family well, our family will be your support!”

 (End of this chapter)

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