Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 895: Leave one of your grandsons for me!

Chapter 895: Leave one of your grandsons for me!

Now it was Mrs. Tang’s turn to be surprised, “I have long heard that the princess is smart and a good girl who is one of the best in Tianwu. I didn’t expect that she has such ability.

“You must know that these fruits are very pretentious and cannot be sustained without the soil and water here.

“Every year when I bring fruits to the palace, I don’t know how many hairs the governor is so worried about.”

Mrs. Li was naturally even happier when she heard her praising her granddaughter, "When we came here, we also brought some white jade melons, which are a specialty from the southwest.

“I’ll have some delivered over tomorrow so that I can have some fresh food.”

"Well, I've been stuck in Quanzhou my whole life and have never been to Xindu, let alone the southwest border city. Now that I can eat fruits from the southwest, it can be considered as a wish fulfilled."

Mrs. Tang accepted the offer without any politeness at all, which also made Mrs. Li get closer to her.

The two talked about the different customs of the north and the south, as well as their concerns for their children and grandchildren. Finally Mrs. Tang asked, "Sister, how long can you stay here this time?"

“We have a big boat at home. If we don’t go back in a hurry, I will often look for you to go out on the sea in the future.

"Don't be afraid of those thieves on the sea. Although I am old, I can still kill ten or eight pirates and Japanese pirates with a spear!"

Mrs. Tang was dumbfounded when she heard this, and quickly stopped her mother-in-law, "Mom, you are too old to wield a sword or a gun, so be careful and duck your waist.

"Besides, there is Hailan Army, so why do you need to take action?"

Mrs. Tang coughed twice, and with some frustration, Mrs. Li whispered: "My daughter-in-law here is good at everything, but she is more nagging than me, and she treats me like a child."

The room is so loud, no matter how quiet her voice is, everyone can still hear it clearly.

 So, everyone laughed.

 With such a mother-in-law, Mrs. Tang’s life is quite exciting!

Mrs. Li joked and said, "I am the same, I am closely monitored by my little granddaughter at home.

“One moment I’m afraid of the wind, and the next I’m afraid of the snow and the slippery road, so it’s not enough to take even one more step!

“I will be the master of my own life my whole life. I don’t want to be old and not free anymore!”

Mrs. Tang laughed, looking happy to have found a companion.

After chatting for a few more times, Mrs. Li said: "I dragged a bunch of old bones here this time because I actually have something to do.

“Old sisters must have heard that my boy Jiayi rescued a girl at sea. He went back and told me, and I just wanted to see how the girl was doing.

“If two children are destined to be together, let them get married.

"If the two children are not destined to be together, I will help the girl and give her some support."

These words surprised both Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang.

Of course they have heard of the story of a hero who saves a beautiful woman.

 After all, the city of Quanzhou is not big, and most of the Tang family's personnel are in the army. Even if no one else knows about this, the Tang family is also aware of it.

They occasionally chatted, and they all thought that Jiayi could only take the coral girl as his concubine, and it would be good to give her a title.

Who would have thought that the Li family actually planned to marry Huanhu as their granddaughter-in-law!

When the Tang family marries their children, they don’t actually pay much attention to family status, but no matter what, they must have a girl with both parents and relatives to rely on.

The Li family is so unexpected!

Mrs. Tang thought for a while and said, "Sister, I have heard before that your Li family is benevolent and righteous, but today I heard it with my own ears, and I am really convinced.

“But elder sister, you can’t be careless about your child’s life-long affairs. Moreover, Jiayi has gradually gained a reputation in the army and has made great achievements in battle. I’m afraid he will be stationed in Quanzhou permanently in the future, right?

“Is your family looking for a well-matched wife for Jiayi, who can also help Jiayi?

“As for the coral girl, if Jiayi is willing, it would be good to be the second wife and take more care of her.”

These words can be said to be superficial. After all, this is the first time we have met. How can we get involved in the marriage of other people's children.

Mrs. Tang quickly opened her mouth to explain something to her mother-in-law, for fear that the Li family would be unhappy. Although she didn’t want to, Mrs. Li was very happy that Mrs. Tang regarded her as one of her own.

 She shook Mrs. Tang’s hand and said with a smile: “Old sister, I know you have good intentions, and most people do behave this way.

“But our Li family is different. Our family has family rules. Men do not take concubines, but only wives.

“Before, Jiayi and the coral girl rescued each other, and many people saw it. If our family doesn’t show an attitude, this girl may have a difficult life in the future.

“But after all, it is a lifelong family matter, and as a grandmother, I can’t bear to have him become a grudge.

“That’s why I came all the way here, intending to see for myself how the girl is doing, and then think about how to deal with her.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tang repeatedly clapped Mrs. Li's hand, "Oh, my sister is so kind! Any girl who can marry into your family will be lucky!"

“How many unmarried boys are there in your family? Make sure you leave one for me!

“I have a particularly beloved granddaughter who is fourteen this year. She is proficient in playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is as beautiful as a flower. She must be sent to your home to enjoy her blessing!”

 Everyone laughed when they heard this, but Mrs. Tang was so anxious that she pulled her handkerchief.

It's not that the Li family is bad, it's really a daughter's marriage. How could the mother-in-law let her go out so easily?

 Fortunately, Mrs. Li said: "Don't be anxious, little sister. Several of my boys are not engaged yet.

“Let the children move around more in the future. It’s really a fate. We don’t need to tell you, the children will see the right things on their own.”

"That's true!" Mrs. Tang smiled happily, "My granddaughter is one of the best. Everyone who sees her likes her!"

Mrs. Tang did not dare to listen any more and hurriedly opened the banquet in Luo.

Soon, everyone was seated, eating lunch, chatting, and getting closer and livelier.

 After dinner, they went to the garden for a stroll. It was not until the sun turned to the west that Mrs. Li said goodbye.

Mrs. Tang personally sent Mrs. Li and others out, and repeatedly asked them to come to the house frequently.

Mrs. Li naturally agreed and went home happily.

Although the Hailan Army is Tianwu's Hailan Army, it is now in the hands of the Tang family.

The Li family wanted to go into the wounded barracks to see Miss Hualou, and to say hello to the Tang family in this way was also out of respect.

I didn’t expect the Tang family to be so easy to get along with, but it’s an unexpected surprise...

The Tang family is definitely the protagonist in Quanzhou City. During the Chinese New Year, there are countless people who want to visit the Tang family.

The Tang family specially dedicated a day to entertain the Li family, which naturally attracted the attention and curiosity of others.

 Especially Mrs. Tang’s enthusiasm, which is really rare.

You must know that Mrs. Tang’s temper is as famous as that of the Tang family.

When he was young, someone sent a beautiful woman to the general, but Mrs. Tang chased her for two miles with a long knife.

Although she is older now, she still has a hot temper.

If she doesn't like someone, no matter how high his or her status is, she won't see him.

But if she gets her temper, she will be willing to do good to others with all her heart.

 Obviously, the Li family belongs to the latter.

Li Zhensheng has been running business in Quanzhou City for several years, and many people know the details of the Li family, but Mrs. Tang cannot be so enthusiastic just because the Li family is a double noble.

So what is so good about the Li family that impressed Mrs. Tang?

Old Mrs. Li came all the way here, why?

 (End of this chapter)

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