Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 894: There is a difference between north and south

Chapter 894 The difference between north and south

  They took a boat all the way south. There were almost 20 people, old and young, in total. They definitely didn’t dare to go too fast.

 So when we arrived in Quanzhou, it was already the twelfth lunar month.

Li Zhensheng bought a three-and-a-half-acre house here, with a large garden.

If we were in Xindu, such a courtyard would probably cost five to six thousand taels, so it might not be possible to buy one.

 But here the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the land is extremely cheap. It only costs 800 taels to buy a complete house.

The family had just settled down. The merchants Li Zhensheng did business with and some good friends came to visit with his wife after hearing the news.

Original Mrs. Li is a first-class imperial concubine, and Tao Hongying is a general's wife and the princess's mother, so naturally she has to meet guests and socialize with them.

 After finally being busy for three to five days, everyone had time to go for a walk in Quanzhou City.

Everyone was frightened when they saw those people with yellow hair, blue eyes, and even those who were as black as charcoal.

The stars and the crescent moon were hidden in mother's arms, and they dared to take a peek through the gaps between their fingers.

 Li Zhensheng also opened a restaurant here, but he did not sell seafood.

 After all, Quanzhou is rich in seafood. The locals have been eating it for several lifetimes, and the cooking techniques cannot be better.

He squeezed in suddenly and couldn't grab any good fruit.

  Simply, he opened an ordinary restaurant and brought in all the cyclamen stir-fries and stews.

He also bought a farm to grow all kinds of new vegetables at home.

 Coupled with the new menus that Tao Hongying and Jia Huan thought about, Quanzhou locals were very satisfied with their food, so business has been good.

Everyone was tired from walking around, bought a lot of new gadgets, and had dinner in a restaurant. They all felt very happy.

 It is warm and clean, has a large population and is considered prosperous.

 Before the new excitement wore off, it was the end of the year again. Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying helped Li Zhensheng prepare New Year's gifts and leaving gifts. In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

  Jiayi and Liu Yang also returned from Hailan Army, and the family had a New Year's Eve dinner last night.

 In addition to the sauerkraut, pork, beef and radish that the whole family likes, this morning’s dumplings also have three delicacies and fish fillings, which are also considered local specialties.

Xing Xing and Yue Ya'er ate dumplings from small bowls, but they only stared at the pickled cabbage, pork, beef and radish, and didn't even look at the three delicacies and fish.

Tao Hongying couldn't help laughing and said: "These two children are native northerners, and they can't change their appetite.

“I ate it fresh for two days, and then I never wanted to touch fish or shrimp again.”

Mrs. Li rubbed her belly and said, "Don't talk about children, even my old bones can't adapt to it.

“It’s only been a few days, and my breath smells like fish, and my whole body has been marinated by the sea breeze from the inside out.”

Everyone laughed and agreed.

Wenjuan hugged her son, fed her a meatball, and said with a smile: "What grandma said is that in the north we stay in the house to keep warm every day, but here the windows are always open. We will wake up from the heat at night!"

Mrs. Wen also nodded and said: "However, my throat feels wet when I breathe here, which is very comfortable.

“If you have a cough, you will definitely not get sick easily here.”

After chatting and eating, the stewards from various places came over to pay New Year's greetings.

 Liu Yang was going to visit his father-in-law's house, and he made an appointment to accompany his mother to visit and discuss the marriage.

Mrs. Li also asked Jiayi to visit General Tang at his home and gave her a post, planning to go there on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

General Tang Lao General liked Jia Yi very much. When he was in Kyoto, he worked hard to get Jia Yi out of prison.

 Years ago, the Li family sent generous New Year gifts, and they visited again after the New Year, just to have a good relationship with the family.

 In the afternoon, both Jiayi and Liu Yang came back drunk. Over at the Yue family, Sister-in-law Liu was waiting for a banquet on the eighth day of the lunar month.

The Tang family is also very happy to have the Li family come to visit and will definitely sweep the couch to welcome them.

 With nothing to do, the old and young ladies matched their dresses and jewelry, prepared gifts, and soon another two days passed.

Early on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, everyone had dinner, packed up, and took the car to Tang's house.

 Zhao Yuru and Wenjuan did not like to socialize and insisted on staying behind to look after the house and take care of the children.

So, Mrs. Li took Tao Hongying, Mrs. Wen and Sister-in-law Liu and set out.

The Tang family has been a general for generations and has been guarding the southeastern sea area. It can be said to be the largest family in Quanzhou.

The Tang family's residence is located in the east city of Quanzhou. It has a large residence with seven entrances, plus three alleys at the back, and dozens of courtyards. It houses three to four hundred people of the Tang family.

 It stands to reason that a big tree will have many dead branches.

 With a large family, there will always be a few who are disobedient and act out of line.

 But there are no rumors of the Tang family oppressing the people in Quanzhou.

 Furthermore, most of the descendants of the Tang family served in the army to protect their families and the country, and many even died fighting Japanese pirates and pirates.

In order to appreciate the loyalty of the Tang family, the people of Quanzhou, regardless of their status, passed by the door of the Tang family. Literary men got off their sedan chairs and military men dismounted their horses.

The Li family also heard about this, so they got off the carriage a few feet away from the Tang family's gate.

And the Tang family also treated the Li family with great courtesy, and even opened the door to welcome them.

Mrs. Tang is about the same age as Mrs. Li. She and her daughter-in-law were waiting at the hanging flower gate.

As soon as she saw Mrs. Li, Mrs. Tang stepped forward and shook her hand, smiling and greeting her.

Originally Mrs. Li was a little nervous, but Mrs. Tang also came from a noble family. She has a cheerful personality and speaks loudly. She is much easier to get along with than those high-minded ladies in Xindu.

Old Mrs. Li relaxed in just a moment and started chatting and laughing with Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang looks dignified and dignified, with a soft temperament and a strong temper.

At this moment, she was walking behind with Tao Hongying, Mrs. Wen, Sister-in-law Liu and others, and said to them with a smile: "When my mother was young, she accompanied my father to sea to kill Japanese pirates. Her temperament was inevitably... a bit more generous. I hope Don’t be offended!”

"No, the eldest lady is serious. It's too late for us to admire such a heroine like the old lady." Tao Hongying responded with a smile: "Besides, my mother also has a cheerful temper, maybe she will be more compatible with Mrs. Tang. "

Before the words were spoken, Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Li in front of them burst into laughter without knowing what they said.

Mrs. Tang and Tao Hongying looked at each other and felt relieved.

Soon, everyone arrived at Mrs. Tang’s yard and sat down to eat fruits and snacks.

Quanzhou is like spring all year round, and fruits such as lychees, mangoes, and longans are extremely fresh.

Plates of dim sum are what the Tang family cooks are best at.

 But Mrs. Li and others did not show any novelty while eating.

Mrs. Tang was outspoken and asked, "Sister, are you not used to the fruits we have here?"

 Old Mrs. Li shook her head and said with a smile, "Old sister, you don't know something.

“My granddaughter is a glutton. She has a greenhouse where it feels like spring all year round, and she also grows these fruits.

“Although our family doesn’t eat it every day, we can still satisfy our cravings every now and then.”

 (End of this chapter)

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