Chapter 868: Facing the Difficulties

Old Mrs. Li frowned, thought for a while and comforted them, "Don't make any noise for now, everyone in our family has clean backgrounds and clear origins.

“The people in the village even risked their lives to escape here with us. Our family is doing well and everyone is doing well.

“If something bad happens to our family, it will be bad for everyone, so it may not be as you guessed.

"You know, the Hai Lan Army has been in Xindu for a few days. Maybe someone knows Jia Yi and is familiar with his affairs in the south, and accidentally let it slip."

These words reminded Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say, **** is still spicier.

 The old lady is old, and her actions are prudent and thoughtful.

“Then let’s wait until Jiayi comes back in the evening and we’ll ask.”

Tao Hongying was relieved, but she remembered that she had not bought roast chicken for her nephew, so she called the boy to catch two ducks and roasted them directly. In the evening, she ate roast duck burritos as a substitute for roast chicken.

When it got dark, Jiaren Jiayi and other brothers came back from outside with smiles. They smelled the fragrance in the yard and stepped a little faster.

“Fourth Aunt, do you want to eat roast duck tonight?”

Jiayi asked with a smile, prompting Tao Hongying to reply with a smile: "Yes, your grandma asked me to buy roast chicken to satisfy your craving. I forgot about it for a moment, so I quickly roasted the duck.

 “You can just take a bite and eat roast chicken tomorrow.”

Jiayi quickly waved his hand, "The duck roasted by the fourth aunt is ten thousand times more delicious than the roast chicken outside. Who would eat roast chicken when there is roast duck!"

Tao Hongying was coaxed from ear to ear, and her subordinates worked more efficiently.

 After a while, Li Zhensheng and others also came back.

 Only Mr. Hou and Li Laosi returned to the dock military camp.

 But the whole family together consists of twenty people, so it is quite lively to eat together.

Jiayi made one of the two roast ducks himself and was satisfied with the meal.

 After the dining table was removed, everyone gathered together to talk.

Mrs. Li asked about the rumors outside. When Li Lao Er saw his eldest brother drinking tea and his third brother looking at the sky, he knew that this arduous task had fallen on him.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Mom, next year is a critical year for the Northern Expedition. Some people who are against the emperor, or people who do not want the Northern Expedition to succeed, may attack our family.

"We have discussed with the Marquis and want you to take your family to Quanzhou to live for a while, and at the same time, you can check the family's rights and make arrangements for the marriage.

"Here in Xindu, there is no need to worry about the young and old at home. We are fighting with each other, so we are not afraid."

Going to Quanzhou?

Mrs. Li and others were stunned when they heard this, but after thinking about it, they thought it was a good thing.

Li Zhensheng bought a courtyard, a shop and other properties in Quanzhou, and everyone knew about it.

 Furthermore, the boys often talked about the scenery at the seaside, which made everyone excited.

Especially as a woman, there are not many opportunities to leave home. If you can go thousands of miles away to see something, you will really be able to show off for a lifetime.

 But now going south is equivalent to taking refuge, not just playing around.

Therefore, Tao Hongying was the first to speak: "Mom, you can take your family to the south for a stroll. I will stay and guard the house."

"No, fourth aunt, you and grandma should go south, I should stay and look after the house." Wan'er quickly took over the topic.

Wenjuan also joined in the fun, "I'm not leaving either. Brother Huan will definitely stay and take care of the restaurant. I will accompany him, so I can also take care of the house.

"No, you all go to the south. I'll stay. There are people in the cafeteria of the left and right academy who can't live without people..." Zhao Yuru also waved her hand.

 For a while, the room became noisy.

In the end, Li Laoer coughed twice and said, "Don't argue, everyone. This trip south is not for fun, but for the preservation and continuation of our Li family. "We have already discussed it with Mr. Hou, Jiaren and Brother Li The son is left to take exams, the family's wife is left to run the restaurant, the third child is guarding the college cafeteria, and the remaining mother, her two younger siblings, and her nephew and daughter-in-law are all going south.

“Mrs. Wen took Xingxing with her, and Hui Niang and her two children also accompanied her.

“It’s best to ask Liu Biaotou’s family tomorrow. Liu Yang is getting married, so they probably have to go together too…”

Li Zhensheng and Li Laosan also nodded, and Li Zhensheng agreed: "This matter is settled, no one can say more, and it cannot be changed."

Tao Hongying had a bad temper and got angry at the time, "No! Such a big yard must be guarded by someone!"

“Besides, the Chinese New Year is about to take place, and Jiaren and Brother Li are taking exams. How can we do it without anyone to take care of their food, drink, clothing, and supplies?”

Li Laoer and others all looked at the good news. They couldn't avoid the good news, so they had to face the difficulties.

“Mom, um... I am the princess and cannot leave the fief without permission.

“So, I won’t go to Quanzhou with you this time. I will take care of the chores at home, so don’t worry!”

Tao Hongying’s eyes suddenly widened, and she became even more worried!

Li Laoer was afraid that his sister-in-law would get angry, so he quickly withdrew on the pretext that he had documents to write.

Before he left, he did not forget to say, "This matter must be kept secret, be careful of anyone interfering with it."

Li Zhensheng and Li Laosan also rubbed oil on the soles of their feet, called their sons and nephews, and ran away with them.

 Leaving a room full of old and young women, big eyes and small eyes, all anxious and angry.

Tao Hongying grabbed her daughter's hand and wanted to say something, but knew that she would not be able to persuade her. She was anxious and irritated, and her eyes were red.

Jiayin was startled, hugged her mother quickly, and comforted her with a smile, "Mom, others don't know, don't you know?

"How smart your daughter is. The Wu family made so many calculations before and didn't do anything to me. Even if someone tries to do something in the future, they won't be able to hurt me. Don't worry!"

"Fart!" Tao Hongying saw her daughter's nonchalant look, so she was so angry that she cursed, pulled her daughter and patted her twice on the back.

 “Your mother hasn’t been burned out by the oil fumes, so you’re deceiving me like a child?!

“You know best who you are left to face. Is that something you, a little girl, can handle?

“Your foster father will always take a detour when he sees that man!

“When your adoptive father and your father go off to war, and your second and third uncles are men, once you are called into the palace, they will not be able to save you even if they want to!”

The more Tao Hongying talked, the more frightened she became. She held her daughter's hand tightly and did not dare to let go. She made up her mind.

“No, if you don’t leave, my mother won’t leave either.

 “Where are you, where is your mother!”

Mrs. Li also had a headache that seemed to be splitting. Occasionally when she couldn't sleep at night, she would consider whether to send her granddaughter to Quanzhou to escape.

 If there is one Wu family, there will be a second one.

 If you can fight with one person in your family, you may not be able to fight with the second one!

 It is safest to send all the children far away. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, so you don’t have to face these intrigues.

 But she was reluctant to let go, so she did not discuss it with her sons.

Who would have thought that now that she really wanted to go south, she would go and leave her granddaughter behind to face danger...

"No, it can't be done. You can't even tell the world about this!" Mrs. Li waved her hand, "Hongying, Yuru, you take the children and leave, I will stay and take charge..."

 “Milk, I won’t leave!”

 “Yes, milk, I want to keep it.”

“I’m not leaving either. We can’t leave the canteen. I’m still looking after the house!”

Zhao Yuru, Wan'er, and Wenjuan also started fighting. Needless to say, the room fell into a new round of quarrels...

 (End of this chapter)

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