Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 867: The etiquette is light but the intention is heavy

Chapter 867: Etiquette is light but caring is important

Jiayin, the "landowner", stayed.

 Jiaren and Brother Li have to take the exam next spring and must stay.

Jia Huan supports the restaurant business, so he must stay.

Li Laosan has to stay in charge of the academy cafeteria.

The rest of the old, weak, women and children were all taken care of by Li Zhensheng, and they went south to Quanzhou to live for a year.

 Including Mrs. Wen, Yue Yaer, Huiniang and their two children.

Even Sister-in-law Liu had to go with her for Liu Yang’s marriage...

 That night, both young and old in the Li family went to bed very late.

The Li Zhensheng brothers certainly wanted to make arrangements for their trip south.

Jiaren and Jiayi, who had not seen each other for many years, lay on a big kang and talked endlessly.

Mrs. Li, Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were doing needlework and discussing how to make more delicious food for Jiayi.

Jiayin is also busy making lists.

 Since birth, she has almost never been separated from her grandmother.

This time not only grandma, but also my mother, aunt, and sisters-in-law are going on a long trip together.

She is naturally worried about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and wishes she could take care of everything...

On the second day, everyone in the Li family got up late. After breakfast, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Jiaren and Jiayi took brother Li and brother Mao, dressed up, said goodbye to their families and headed into the city.

 Last night, Lu Zong's post was sent over, inviting them to have a gathering at his house.

Jiayi did not suffer at all in prison, but received a lot of conveniences from the prison boss.

And the prison boss is Lu Zong's connection. No matter what, the Li family must go and thank him.

 So, Jiaren told his family last night.

Today I not only brought Jiayi with me to the Lu family, but also brought generous gifts.

In addition to the Four Treasures of the Study and other commonly used items, there is also a bearskin cloak that the old lady, Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru sewed for Lu Zong.

These things may not be very good, but they all reveal the Li family's intentions.

A while ago, Jiayin was cooped up at home with nothing to do, and couldn't bear to see her brothers carrying clumsy bamboo boxes when they went out to pick up books.

So, she took her maids and nuns to make a lot of cowhide men's bags.

 Elegant style, large capacity, rainproof and dustproof, and can be carried cross-body.

 All the young and old men in the family, from Li Zhensheng to Mr. Wen, as well as the Jiaren brothers, all have a role to play.

 Everyone really liked it after they got it.

Especially Mr. Wen, he is a person who is accustomed to never leaving his books. Occasionally, he takes the yamen files home and continues to read them.

In rainy and snowy weather, he would take off his cloak and wrap up the book box for fear that the books would get wet.

Now that I have this square leather bag, I don’t have to be so embarrassed anymore.

 Brother Jiaren also couldn’t put it down.

Jiaren and Brother Li naturally put books, and Brother Cat put his favorite food and pens and paper for easy recording. Of course, small things such as money do not need to be stuffed in the purse, which is so cumbersome to hang around the waist.

Now a cowhide bag is all done.

Today, Jiayin heard that there were Jia Xu, Guo Wenhao, Zhimin and Xiu Jie at the party. The family gave gifts to Lu Zong, but it was not easy for them to watch.

So, she took out the few remaining bags and asked her brothers to take them with them. Everyone had a share and it was a lively event.

Logically speaking, women’s needlework cannot be given away to outsiders.

 But she is only ten years old, so she is not a big girl.

Moreover, Guo Wenhao, Zhimin, Xiu Jie and others have known each other since childhood, and they are well connected, so there is no need to be too taboo. Lu Zong and others were envious of the Jiaren brothers who originally carried such cowhide bags, but they couldn't ask for them.

Now, they suddenly got their wish, and they were naturally very happy!

Especially Guo Wenhao, he put all his small things in it at that time, and he was reluctant to let the boy help carry it...

 Lu Zong was born into a family of military commanders, and he heard that Jiayi was born with supernatural powers, so he naturally gave it a try.

As expected, the two quickly became familiar with each other without "fighting". After playing for a day, it seemed as if they had known each other for a long time...

When the sun set in the west and everyone separated, they made an appointment to go to a blacksmith shop run by a veteran of the Lu family tomorrow to look at weapons.

  Men are naturally fond of martial arts, so how can anyone not be interested in weapons?

So, after sleeping one night, the Li brothers went out again...

For three to five days in a row, the boys went crazy and couldn't catch the shadow at all.

Mrs. Li was happy for her grandchildren to get together and get close to each other, but she still laughed and scolded them, "You can't catch these brats if you let them out."

Tao Hongying happened to be going into the city, so she smiled and said, "Mom, will you go out for a walk with me to relax?"

Mrs. Li quickly waved her hand, "I'm not going, you go quickly. When you come back, remember to go to the south of the city to buy some roast chicken. Jiayi likes to eat it."

 “I got it, mother!”

Tao Hongying responded with a smile, picked up the gold-woven cloak, held Granny Lin's hand, and got into the carriage.

  When Mrs. Liu’s family had trouble, she helped out.

Today, Mrs. Liu held a small tea party, inviting her, Mrs. Wen, and several other women she was friends with to have snacks and chat together.

 Mrs. Wen brought Yue Yaer over yesterday, so she should go back to her parents' house to stay for one night.

 So, at this moment, Tao Hongying was on her way alone.

 Soon we arrived at Liu's house, where everyone was drinking tea and laughing.

They are all acquaintances who know each other well and have similar temperaments, and they don’t have too many worries about what they say.

One of the women asked Tao Hongying, "I heard that the young general in your second room has taken a fancy to the girl from Quanzhou?"

Tao Hongying was stunned when she heard this.

Only family members know about this. When did it become known?

She was confused in her heart, but she replied with a smile: "It's not that I'm fancy, it's just a chance encounter.

“After all, our home is here, too far away from Quanzhou.”

The woman nodded and said with a smile: "I guess so too. When looking for a wife, you need to find someone who is well-matched, and preferably someone from the local area.

“Otherwise, eating, drinking, and dressing will be different every day, which is also annoying.”

 A good match?

Tao Hongying’s heart skipped a beat.

 Could it be that the details of the girl who is related to Jiayi are known to everyone? !

She said tentatively: "My mother-in-law has the final say in the marriage of our children, and it's also the case at home these days... Alas!"

 She sighed and looked helpless.

As expected, the lady immediately advised: "Actually, it is right for the old lady to have concerns. I heard that the girl is an orphan. How much luck does such a child lack in life?

"The second wife of your family has a title. It is too low to find such a daughter-in-law."

Tao Hongying responded casually and then winked at Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu immediately changed her subject and brought up the New Year's rituals and trivial matters.

Tao Hongying had something on her mind and had lunch at Liu's house, then hurried home with Mrs. Wen and her daughter.

Mrs. Li was about to take a nap. When her daughter-in-law came back, she asked, "Why didn't you go shopping in the city? Also, have you bought some roast chicken?"

Tao Hongying couldn't care less about roasting chicken. She dragged her mother-in-law into the house and whispered: "Mom, there should be a spy in our family or in our village, who is stealing everything and telling the truth about the family!"

Mrs. Li was startled, turned around to look at Mrs. Wen who followed, and asked, "What did you hear in the city?"

Tao Hongying and Mrs. Wen quickly repeated what the lady said.

 (End of this chapter)

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