Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 858: When someone steals money, he steals life!

Chapter 858: When someone steals money, he steals life!

The jailers turned around and looked at the door. One of them said, "It doesn't matter if you have anything to do. Let the chief take the key chain. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. We will bring it up tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Fu Gui'er immediately became energetic again. He took out a dice and invited everyone to bet on two...

This play lasted until midnight. Everyone was so sleepy that they finally fell asleep lying on the table.

 In the inner cell, the driest area was covered with a straw mat, with linoleum on the mat to keep out moisture, and finally a thick quilt.

Jiayi and Lao Huang lay side by side, covered with quilts, snoring sweetly.

 In the corner opposite them sat a thin man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, looking like a thief.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but fall asleep, and his eyes were still chattering.

Xu was sure it was safe, and he stood up cautiously.

An oil lamp was lit on the far wall, illuminating a little dim light.

 He ​​used the light to look at the sleeping Jia Yi and Lao Huang, and subconsciously held his breath.

 Then, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his messy hair and sprinkled some powder near Jiayi and Laohuang.

After waiting for a while, he kicked their feet tentatively. When there was no response, he bent down and pulled out a knife from the sole of his shoe, and cut Jiayi's neck while holding back the trembling...

  Unexpectedly, Lao Huang, who was supposed to be sleeping, suddenly widened his eyes and kicked him away.

Tao'er hit the wall hard and screamed in pain, completely waking up everyone in the cell.

 Lao Huang rushed forward, crackling and opening it again, until Tou'er was half dead. He dug into Too'er's mouth again, pulled out a fang, and finally gave it to Jiayi along with the porcelain bottle and the dagger.

Jiayi had already sat up and watched the show when Lao Huang moved his feet.

 How could he not be somewhat defensive when he was in a dangerous situation?

 What's more, during the day, his father had already sent him a message!

This thief has left so many empty prisons, but he just packed them into this one. Only a fool can't see that there is something fishy!

At this moment, he took what Lao Huang handed over and said with a smile: "I'll add chicken drumsticks for you tomorrow!"

 Lao Huang scratched his bald head, lay down with a smile, and almost immediately started snoring again...

Several jailers in the distance were awakened. Only then did they dare to step forward and asked with a cautious smile: "General Li, what are you..."

Jiayi shook the things in his hands and sneered: "If I remember correctly, neither your Lord Yin nor the court should have sentenced me to death, right?

"Then the thief who was suddenly pushed in, used m-drug to stun me in the middle of the night, and held a dagger in his hand, intending to cut my neck. What happened?"


 Cut your neck? !

Several jailers felt their legs weak when they heard this, and their faces turned pale at that time.

Especially the rich man who locked the little thief in, almost peed his pants.

It took a long time for a jailer to regain his composure and waved his hands hurriedly, "No, no, General Li, it must be a misunderstanding. Even if you give us a hundred courages, we won't dare to harm you!"

 “Just wait, we will report it right away, and we will definitely not let you encounter something like this again!”

 After saying that, he quickly assigned tasks to several brothers.

Some went to the prison boss’s house to report the news, some went to the backyard of the government office to report the news, and some even went to the Earl’s Mansion...

Since something happened to Jiayi, Li Laoer and Li Zhensheng have taken turns to live in the Earl's Mansion, fearing that outsiders would not be able to find them if something happened.

Tonight, Li Laoer was worried about his son, so he sent his eldest brother home to see his mother, but he stayed. After receiving the news from Jing Zhaoyin, he immediately went out and rushed over.

Meeting the patrolling city defense soldiers on the road, Li Laoer directly reported the name of the Earl's Mansion without hiding it, and explained the reason for going to Jingzhao Yin Prison.

The lieutenant blocking the road heard that Li Jiayi had been assassinated in prison. Without hesitation for a moment, he immediately got out of the way and even escorted the Li family's carriage directly to Jingzhao Yin Prison.

 One of the soldiers was impatient and complained a few words. The captain heard this and whipped him around in circles.

 “You idiot! Do you know who Li Jiayi is? That’s how hard he was to kick Uncle Guo to death!

“Do you know why Jing Zhaoyin delayed the sentence for so long? He was waiting for the Hailan Army. Li Jiayi was the hero in killing the Japanese pirates!

“When something happens to him, you still dare to stop the Li family. Is it because you think his head is too heavy on his shoulders and you want to chop it off?”

The captain scolded the soldier in a low voice, and the others quickly persuaded him, and then went on patrol again.

Besides, Li Laoer came all the way into the cell, not to mention the prison boss who was making hot bed at home, even the Fuyin Master came.

Seeing Li Laoer and everyone bowing awkwardly, Mr. Fu Yin said: "Uncle, could you please make a trip in the evening..."

Li Laoer had a dark face and snorted coldly: "My son is going to be killed, how can I not come? If something goes wrong, I, the father, should collect my son's body!"

 “Uncle, what you said is serious, what you’re saying is serious!” Mr. Fu Yin couldn’t help wiping his sweat beads and kept cursing in his heart.

He was sleeping soundly with his arms around his concubine. Suddenly, disaster came from the sky, causing him to rush here in a hurry. He also had to listen to people's ridicule. Where could he go to reason...

The prison boss felt even more guilty. He had taken a lot of benefits from the Li family, and Prince Lu had given him many instructions, just to take good care of this little General Li.

 As a result, people were almost killed under his nose now, and he really couldn’t explain it...

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!" Li Laoer glanced at his son in the prison and the half-dead thief, and said impatiently: "I want to hear it. The emperor didn't even give the order. Who dares? Trying to harm my son!"

The governor looked at the cell leader, who looked embarrassed, and then looked at the jailers on duty at night.

A jailer couldn't escape, so he stood up and told the story, not forgetting to remove himself at the end.

“That... sir, you really don’t blame us.

“It was Fu Gui’er who locked that thief into General Li’s room!

“The boss is not here, we don’t have the key, and we can’t move the thief to another room. We just want to deal with it all night and take him out in the morning, but something happens when we don’t think about it..."

The prison boss is not stupid, and he took over the conversation with a roll of his eyes, "Oh, I was fine when I had dinner, but I just drank a cup of tea handed to me by the rich man and I felt bad.

"And this thief was also sent in by wealth..."

Everyone subconsciously looked at Fugui'er, with determination on their faces. Everything tonight was all the work of this boy.

Fugui'er's face was as white as paper, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

 “I’m not, I’m just...I’m wronged...”

 He was so frightened that he seemed to have lost half his life, and he could not even speak clearly.

Mr. Fuyin breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered, "Tie him up and interrogate him immediately!"

Several jailers immediately pulled the rope and quickly tied Fugui into a pig-like shape.

 Although we drink and gamble together on weekdays, we get along well.

 But at this time, no one can miss the old feelings...

 (End of this chapter)

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