Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 857: Calling out grievances is useless, so what else is needed for Dali Temple!

Chapter 857: It’s useless to complain, but what about Dali Temple!

 Some of the courtiers watched the excitement, some were surprised, some were afraid of being affected, but most of them were confused.

Wen Yushi is half of the Li family. He should go out to present the memorial first, followed by Li Laoer. There is no need to guess. These defendants must have provoked the Li family.

 But no one knows what caused the Li family to be offended.

And with such a large-scale counterattack, the Li family must be furious!

 But there were also understanding people in the crowd, namely the six officials who knelt down to defend themselves.

  What they did to the Li family, I know best.

Because of the case of Li Jiayi hurting someone in the street, they filed a memorial and wanted to punish Li Jiayi as soon as possible.

Even if he cannot be beheaded, he will still be sentenced to twenty years of hard labor.

 This is definitely a heavy blow to the Li family!

 As a result, when their memorials were handed over, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the emperor did not respond at all.

 No, the emperor responded, otherwise the Li family would not have found them so accurately...

 The emperor must have given the memorial to the Li family!

The entire period of silence of the Li family was used to collect evidence and details about their crimes!

The more they thought about it, the more panicked they became, and the louder they shouted their grievances...

On the other hand, Yushi Wen and others lowered their heads and waited quietly after delivering the memorial, and did not participate in any quarrel or argument.

 Let’s make a decision!

The rest of the officials shut up and stopped talking, leaving only a few defendants like clowns...

The emperor glanced at Manager Yi, who immediately shouted: "Quiet!"

The few who complained finally discovered that they were at a disadvantage, but it was too late.

The emperor directly said, "It's useless to complain, so why should Dali Temple do it? The officials involved in the case escorted Dali Temple and ordered Dali Temple to investigate in detail and report it at any time!"

The minister of Dali Temple hurriedly came out to respond, but his heart felt as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis, and he was extremely bitter.

This case may seem ordinary, but behind it is the struggle between the Li family and the six people.

The gods are fighting, and he, the "mortal" caught in the middle, is involved again!

But before he could think more, the emperor asked again: "How is the investigation of the Wu family's case in Jiangning Marquis Mansion? Is the Wu family really seizing people's fields and robbing people's daughters?"

The minister of Dali Temple trembled when he heard this and knelt down.

 Of course the investigation found it out, after all, the witnesses and material evidence were sufficient.

Since the Wu family has the emperor as their son-in-law, they originally didn’t think about how to hide it...

But the emperor has been silent. There is also a queen in the palace who is fighting for her mother's family. Even if he has 10,000 courage, he does not dare to take the initiative to report it!

He quickly analyzed the emperor's tone again and made sure that there was no regret or soft-heartedness, so he quickly explained the case clearly.

The emperor snorted coldly and said: "The Wu family has failed the emperor and oppressed the people. The evidence is conclusive. The whole family will be beheaded if they are over ten years old, and sold into slavery if they are under ten years old. Next year..."

 He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "We will be asked to cut it in the autumn of next year."

The courtiers were a little surprised when they heard this. After all, the queen was still in the harem, and the emperor had no intention of abolishing the queen. They thought that the outcome of the Wu family would at most be to be driven back to their ancestral home to farm.

How did you think that the emperor really wanted to kill the Wu family? !

I'm afraid what the Wu family committed is not as simple as it seems...

 But no matter how hard they tried, no one dared to ask the emperor.

Soon, the emperor waved his sleeves and dismissed the court.

When the courtiers saw the six unlucky men being escorted away by the guards, they all had mixed emotions and talked as they walked.

“Is this Li family crazy? Why did they sue so many people at once?”

“Who knows how they got into trouble with the Li family? The Li family usually doesn’t show off easily.”

"Don't worry about the reasons for now, let's take a look at the power of the Li family. It's only been a few years, and the Li family has already recruited so many helpers. Today, it's a six-pronged attack?!"          Oh, yes, yes, I’m also surprised by this. The Li family has become so powerful despite not saying anything.”

 Wen Yushi, Li Laoer and others walked in front, completely ignoring the comments behind them.

Those people who dared to add insult to injury to the Li family should have expected what they would end up with today.

  After all, the Li family attaches great importance to "reciprocity"!

Wen Yushi rubbed his sore eyes and said with a smile: "I can sleep well tonight. I stayed up for half the night last night and went to court again this morning. I can actually fall asleep standing up!"

“Me too,” Li Laoer yawned, “I’ll go back to Suijintan early in the afternoon. Lao Si and Dayong are both there. Let’s have a few drinks and have a good sleep.”

 At this time, in order to investigate these six people, the two of them and Li Zhensheng spent a lot of effort.

 Fortunately, today I overturned six idiots at once.

 All the efforts and hard work have paid off!

Mr. Wen waved his hand and said, "Wait a few more days until Hailanjun arrives in Kyoto and takes Jiayi back. It won't be too late for us to drink again."

These words reminded Li Laoer. He looked at the sky and said quickly: "I'll go ahead and tell you something at home tonight."

With that said, he left in a hurry.

Mr. Wen shook his head enviously. He was not as free as Li Laoer and could leave whenever he wanted.

He has to go back to the Yamen to work, but he can sneak out to buy some gadgets at noon.

 The baby girl at home has lost her temper because he has been too busy recently and rarely plays with her. She has already lost her temper and refuses to be held by him...

During the day, Xindu was very lively because six more officials fell down in the court, and everyone was talking about it.

 But when night falls, everything reluctantly returns to calm.

In Jing Zhaoyin's prison, four jailors were sitting together drinking tea and chatting.

One of them said: "Our leader is really old. He only drank a few bowls of mutton soup at night, and he's actually got a bad stomach!"

“Haha,” another prisoner couldn’t help laughing and whispered, “Don’t mention it, our leader’s feet are weak when he walks, and he almost hit his head when he went out!

“If he doesn’t drink the soup or medicine when he goes back, he may not be able to survive it!”

“It’s a pity about those mutton soups. Cyclamen’s craftsmanship is very good. The soup is milky white in color, and the haggis and mutton don’t have any fishy smell. Add a few thousand-layer sesame seed cakes, and it’s a perfect match!”

The skinny jailer who spoke first had a salivating look on his face, as if he was still thinking about it.

The others laughed and gloated about the misfortune, and asked the skinny jailer: "You went back to your hometown a few days ago and didn't come to work, but you suffered a loss.

“We have been eating Cyclamen’s good food for several days, and every meal is delicious.

“The pork in the pot is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the sweet and sour fish is sour and sweet, and the most fragrant thing is the braised pork. Pour a spoon on the white rice, and you won’t exchange it for a gold ingot.

“Oh, look at my waist, it’s become a whole lot bigger!”

The skinny jailer made a gesture to pinch his waist, but the two of them couldn't help but laugh.

After chatting like this for a long time, when it was time to patrol, the two jailers casually walked around the cell.

When he came back, a jailer said to the skinny jailer: "Fugui son, you just came back today, why don't you ask more questions?

“Why did you throw that thief into General Li’s room?”

The skinny jailer, the rich man, quickly said with fear and fear: "I just saw that the room was empty, so I threw the person in. It's just for one night. It should be okay, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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