Chapter 854 A belated birthday gift

 Obviously, Mr. Hou and Jiaren also thought of this. They looked at each other and reached a consensus instantly.

 This Guli, even if he has no ill intentions towards Broken Gold Beach, still needs to find out his identity and purpose.

Because he is too close to Jiayin and lives in the village, if he finds out that Jiayin is different, it will definitely not be a good thing.

  Rather than bet that someone is thinking about old feelings, keeping secret, and helping to keep it secret.

 It would be better if he had no chance of discovering the secret at all...

"Don't worry about this matter, I will send someone to investigate." The Marquis told the two brothers and sisters, and said: "Jiayin should be more careful when he is with Guli in the future."

As he spoke, he called Ye Shan loudly and told him to come to Mu Jue.

 As a result, before Ye Shan could leave, Mu Jue floated down from the roof.

Perhaps he was a little embarrassed to be seen by everyone, so he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I didn't eavesdrop on your conversation, I just like to look at the moon."

Jiaren frowned, obviously not believing this excuse.

The Marquis didn't care, and motioned for the good news to come forward, then pointed at Mu Jue and said, "Do you remember that one year on your birthday, your adoptive father said that your gift was still outside?

 “This boy is your birthday gift!”

 Give a living person a gift? !

Hearing the good news, he was baffled, and Jiaren was about to object immediately.

House Hou waved his hand and explained a few more words to Tong Jiayin.

“Even though this kid looks like he’s smiling, he’s actually a ruthless, stubborn person and a genius in martial arts.

"Let him be your personal guard from now on. As long as you want to do something, it has nothing to do with ethics. As long as you tell him, he will do it."

Jiayin subconsciously looked at Mu Jue a few more times.

Today he is wearing black clothes, his face is sharp and angular, his eyes are not big but very bright, sometimes there is a bit of cruelty in the corner of his mouth, but when it is raised, it changes to cynical ridicule...

 70% handsome, 30% scoundrel!

If this was placed in the entertainment industry of the previous life, it would be a huge hit and make countless girls scream.

It's a pity that this is Tianwu, and he is also a personal guard given to her by her adoptive father.

The word "personal" sounds ambiguous, but just like personal nanny, it means that one can be completely trusted.

Jiaren originally wanted to object, but thinking that Gu Li was now responsible for the repair of the new shop, his sister would definitely have to go there often, and the multiple guards around her would provide multiple safety guarantees, so he swallowed his words...

But he stopped talking, and Mu Jue smiled and said: "Master Marquis, we originally agreed on five years.

“In other words, within these five years, I will be completely loyal to the princess and obey all her orders.

“But after five years, I must be free!”

The Marquis nodded, "Don't worry, I won't regret it.

“I have settled your deep hatred for you long ago, and now it’s your turn to fulfill your promise.”

 He patted Jiayin's shoulder lightly and said seriously: "This girl is my lord's nixin, and I will leave it to you to protect her from now on."

Mu Jue was silent for a moment, then knelt down on one knee and saluted Jiayin.

"In the next five years, if anyone wants to hurt the princess, they will definitely bleed my blood first. If anyone wants to kill the princess, they will definitely step on my body first!"

Jiayin glanced at the Marquis, who nodded slightly.

Jiayin then stepped forward to help Mu Jue up and said, "Brother Mu, we will have a good time getting along with you in the next five years."

She spoke and stretched out her right hand.

A flash of doubt flashed in Mu Jue's eyes, but he still stretched out his hand to hold it.

The girl’s hands were very tender and soft, slightly cold, just like in his memory, the ice cream served to him by his mother one summer day, which made him subconsciously want to take a bite...

"Happy cooperation!" Jiayin saw that Mu Jue was a little stunned, so she smiled and shook his hand up and down, and then took it back.

Jiaren looked at Mu Jue and felt inexplicably annoyed. He calmly took his sister and said to the Marquis, "Master Marquis, it's getting late. I'm taking Fu Niu'er back."

"Okay," Mr. Hou nodded and said, "Fu Niu'er remember to bring the medicine early tomorrow. I'm going to rush to the military camp at the dock." "I understand, adoptive father." The good news was accepted, and he let his eldest brother do it honestly. Put on a cloak for her, and then walked away with her eldest brother in her arms...

After leaving the gate of the Hou Mansion, Jiaren couldn't bear it anymore, "Fu Niu'er, as the old saying goes, you know the face but not the heart.

“Although the Marquis cannot harm you or let people with malicious intentions around you, there is still a chance that the Marquis may make mistakes, so you still have to be more careful.

“If you notice something is wrong with someone, tell me immediately, you know?”

"I know, brother!" Jiayin lowered his head and rubbed his shoulder, and whispered: "Brother, don't worry!"

Jiaren sighed, suddenly feeling nostalgic for his childhood.

At that time, my sister was chubby and very cute, and her brothers would carry her wherever she went.

Now that my sister has grown up and faces more dangers, I can no longer keep her around me all the time...

 At night, Jiayin was thinking about preparing medicine for wounds, and was busy in the space for a while. He had already slept a little after getting up early.

 In her daze, she seemed to hear crying, and sat up suddenly when she was startled.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun were waiting outside the door. When they heard the noise, they quickly walked in.

"What happened?" Jiayin asked with a frown.

Shui Ling responded in a low voice: "Miss, this morning the pier camp sent... the urns of the ashes of the soldiers who died in the battle. There are two families in the second village without men.

“Xu doesn’t want to believe that the elderly and children of the two families are crying in front of the Marquis’ door.”

 Died in battle…

Jiayin sighed inwardly. Yesterday's reunion was very lively. Everyone actually wanted to ask, but no one asked to spoil the scenery.

The battlefield is dangerous, and there are more than a thousand wounded soldiers in the military camp at the dock. How is it possible that no one died in the battle?

 It’s just that no one wants to hear such sad news, even if it’s a day late...

Jiayin quickly put on her coat and skirt, washed herself and went to the front yard.

 The yard was a bit empty, apparently everyone in the family had gone to the next door.

In front of the Ye family's courtyard, two women brought four or five children, and an old lady with gray hair was crying sadly.

The village chief, Uncle Zhao, Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying, and dozens of villagers gathered around.

The village chief sighed and began to persuade, "Daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, daughter-in-law of the Qi family, stop crying and get up quickly. The ground is cold, so don't freeze the children."

“When men go off to war, no one can guarantee that they will come back intact!

 “It’s really hard to get through, but you still have to grit your teeth and get on with your life.

“There are so many villagers in Xincun No. 2 Village, no one can watch you, old and young, without a place to live!”

Uncle Zhao and others also followed up and said, "Yes, you also have work in the workshop. The children will grow up in two years. Learn how to support the family, and the family will be able to support itself again."

The villagers also looked sad and opened their mouths to comfort him.

 “For the sake of the children, you have to cheer up.”

 “Just grit your teeth and endure it for a few years, it will be fine when the child grows up.”

“You guys are like this, and the father won’t feel at ease even if he moves around.”

It's a pity that no matter how hard everyone tried to persuade them, the two families still knelt and refused to get up.

 Some smart people have frowned, and Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying also sighed.

Needless to say, these two families want to use this matter to gain some practical benefits...

 (End of this chapter)

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