Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 853: Having no mistakes is the biggest mistake!

Chapter 853: Having no mistakes is the biggest mistake!

"That's right, he is just a few months younger than Jia Huan. Look at Jia Huan, the child is already three years old, and his wife doesn't know where she is yet!" Mrs. Li gritted her teeth angrily.

Li Laosan felt sorry for his nephew and persuaded him with a naive smile: "Mom, maybe Jiayi hasn't figured it out yet. Don't worry about it. Maybe one day the fate will come, and we will get married and have children soon."

 “That makes sense.” Mrs. Li thought of her family joy. Although she got into a little trouble at the beginning, she was happy to marry Wenjuan and soon became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Li Laoer also smiled and said: "The men sent out today came back with the news, and the fleet of prisoners sent by the Hailan Army will arrive in two or three days.

“When the time comes, with General Tang’s help, Jiayi will be able to come out easily.

"It's just that the reputation is definitely not good. This guy doesn't have to think about finding a wife in Xindu."

Li Zhensheng waved his hand nonchalantly, "Then let Jiayi find a wife in Quanzhou! The sky is high over there and the emperor is far away. Even if they know about the trouble he has caused, not many people will mind.

“After all, there are so few people who have been to Xindu that no one even mentioned it to the emperor, let alone the queen’s brother.

“Rather than caring about these things, Quanzhou people are more concerned about when all the Japanese pirates will be killed, and when they don’t have to worry about going fishing!”

 Everyone nodded, this is indeed the truth.

Mrs. Li also wanted to ask how many days her younger son could stay at home, but she found that her younger son was already leaning in his chair and snoring.

 She was so distressed that her eyes were red, and she quickly shouted to Li Zhensheng and others, "Hurry and help the fourth child back to the house and let him sleep well.

"This child is probably exhausted. Don't call him. Let him sleep until he has had enough."

Li Zhensheng and Li Laosan carried Li Laosi one by one and walked all the way back to the backyard.

Soon, Tao Hongying was also kicked back by Mrs. Li.

 At this time, what else do you have to worry about at home? Taking good care of your returning husband is the most important thing!

Jiayin was too full to eat and was worried that his adoptive father had drunk a lot of wine, so he called Shuiling and brought a pot of honey water to the next door.

The Marquis changed into a dark blue brocade robe, with cloud patterns embroidered on the cuffs and neckline with silver thread.

 Looking very simple, it perfectly matches his cold and naturally noble temperament.

He had just taken a shower, and his black hair was not completely dry and was hanging behind his back. His expression was even more lazy and casual.

Jiayin let out an exaggerated wow as soon as he entered the door, and then sat down opposite his adoptive father dejectedly.

The Marquis looked confused and couldn't help but ask: "What's going on? Is there something wrong? Or have you thought of something difficult?"

Jiayin sighed, wrinkled her delicate little face, shook her head and replied: "Hey, I was just thinking, I will definitely not have a stepmother in the future.

“I am afraid that no woman in the world can be worthy of such an outstanding man as my adopted father. It’s pity that my adopted father, who is both civil and military, wants to be a bachelor!”

Mr. Hou was amused and laughed loudly. He stretched out his hand to rub the little girl's hair, "I thought the sky was falling, but it turned out to be such a small thing.

“My adoptive father has said that if Jiangbei is not taken back, he will never consider getting married. Besides, there is no need for you to get married since you are here to provide for your adoptive father until he is old and die!”

After saying that, he dropped the topic and asked: "You have been wronged for the past six months. Tell your adoptive father how to vent your anger on you?"

Jiayin smiled and poured honey water for her adoptive father, "There is no need for my adoptive father to take it out on me. Although the Wu family plotted against me, their whole family is now in prison, and Young Master Wu was kicked to death by my third brother. This is considered retribution.

“If our family continues to seize the Wu family, not to mention that it will be difficult to explain to Uncle Huang, I am afraid that everyone in the world will say that we have no mercy and will kill them all!”

Mr. Hou nodded, the situation was indeed like this.

 The little girl is very smart and sensible, it is not easy to think of these things.

 But it was precisely because of this that he felt more and more sorry for the little girl.

“Don’t worry about the court or what outsiders say, you only care about yourself. If you are unhappy, you can deal with them how you want!

“Since they chose to bully you, they must take responsibility for their own actions. They brought this disastrous ending on themselves!”

 “Okay, I understand, adoptive father.” Jiayin swayed her legs and smiled with joy. She suddenly remembered something and asked again: "Father, have the medicines I sent you before been used?

"I have saved a lot, and I can still take out about a hundred kilograms. Do I need to send it to the dock military camp?"

The Marquis nodded, with a flash of relief in his eyes, "Your batch of wounded medicine was delivered too timely. At least 200 wounded soldiers survived because of that batch of wounded medicine.

“There are currently more than a thousand lightly and seriously injured soldiers in the dock military camp. I will rush there tomorrow. It would be better if you have wound medicine here. The wound medicine prepared by the Ministry of War is really..."

 The Marquis didn't finish his words, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with the Ministry of War.

Jiayin did not want his adoptive father to be angry, so he quickly said: "Father, in addition to the medicine for wounds, I also took a lot of frostbite ointment, and the effect is very good.

“I just saw that my father has frostbite on his hands. I think ordinary soldiers must be more severely frostbitten. Why don’t we take away the frostbite ointment tomorrow too.”

"Let the soldiers soak their hands and feet in hot water before going to bed every day, and then apply ointment. They will be almost fully recovered in three days."

The Marquis was pleasantly surprised when he heard this, "My Fu Niu'er's medical skills are getting better and better. I'm afraid Tianwu is the only one who has such an easy-to-use chilblain ointment."

“Of course, don’t look at who my daughter is, she is the number one genius in Tianwu!” Jiayin raised her chin proudly and smiled, showing her small white teeth.

Hou Ye couldn't help laughing and ruffled her hair again, sighing in his heart.

The chubby girl has grown into a slim girl, but she is still kind and cute, and still as dazzling as the little sun...

 At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Yeshan opened the door, and outside the door was Jiaren.

Obviously Jiaren didn't expect his sister to be here, but he walked in anyway.

Ye Shan got tea and then retreated, leaving Jiaren and Jiayin brother and sister sitting opposite the Marquis.

The Marquis asked: "Is there something wrong with Jiaren?"

Jiaren nodded and said: "Master Hou, you have just returned from the expedition. Logically speaking, I should not disturb you at this time. You should have a good rest.

"But there is something that concerns the safety of our family and even the entire Broken Gold Beach. I would like to ask Mr. Hou to help investigate."

 The Marquis raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

Jiayin was surprised and asked: "Brother, what's going on?

“Could it be that the Wu family or the Wang family is causing trouble behind the scenes again?”

Jiaren shook his head and said: "No, it's Mr. Jiang's book boy Gu Li. I suspect there is something wrong with his identity.

“It’s not that he has done anything to offend Suijintan and our family, it’s just that he has been wandering since he was a child and was brought to our Suijintan after meeting Mr. Jiang.

“He worked as a bookboy for Mr. Jiang, and in the past two years he worked as a steward for you, taking care of Baiyunjian’s business. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, but when you think about it carefully, there are a lot of doubts.

“In the previous poetry meeting of Mr. Mo Mei, he showed much more knowledge than me, and he tried his best to hide it and act like a steward. Sometimes his demeanor was different from that of a slave.

“I tried several times, but he blocked me without any trace.

“Zheng He and the others also helped me find out about his past, and there was no trace of anything suspicious...”

 He frowned when he heard the good news.

Guli has always been taciturn, honest and reliable. He has helped her take care of business for so long without making any mistakes.

 Think about it carefully, for a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, who has never made any mistakes, that is the biggest "mistake"...

 Fourth update~ I’ve made up for what I owed yesterday. The cold wind is howling outside the flower window and the snow is flying. I hope you all can watch dramas and enjoy hot pot in a warm home. It’s peaceful and happy, pen refill!

 (End of this chapter)

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