Chapter 850 The main branches of the tree

 The two officers were startled and straightened their backs subconsciously.

 One of them raised his hands in salute and asked: "General, I wonder what you do for a living?"

Needless to say, this general is Li Laosi.

 He returned the greeting with his hands raised, and the armor leaves on his body rustled.

 There seemed to be an invisible iron-blooded murderous aura permeating the air, which made the two guards become more respectful and avoidable.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers. My general's nephew is in prison. I want to visit him. I wonder if you can be accommodating."

Li Laosi was very polite, and the soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward and stuffed a piece of silver into each of the two officers.

The two officers were holding the money, but they wanted to take it but did not dare to take it.

One of the officers asked: "Who does the general want to visit? We need to report it to the prison boss..."

Li Laosi said: "My nephew's name is Li Jiayi!"

 “Ah! It turns out to be General Li Si!”

 “The Northern Expeditionary Army, General Li Si, who has just returned from victory!”

 The two officers were all bright-eyed and hurriedly took out the money.

 One led Li Laosi to walk slowly, while the other rushed forward to report the news.

Li Laosi's personal soldiers, two of them followed the courtyard, and the rest were guarding the door, serving as servants for the two officers.

It happened that the prison boss had something to do and went out. The first officer couldn't find anyone for a while, so he gritted his teeth and said a few words to his brothers, then went directly to the prison to meet Li Laosi.

"General Li Si, General Li is in the innermost prison. Just go there." A guard bowed and made a flattering gesture.

Li Laosi nodded to thank him and winked at the soldiers.

 The two soldiers immediately started talking to the officers.

Because of their errands, the guards didn't go to see the fun just now, they were just curious.

 Soon, the two parties were talking and laughing.

Jiayi stayed with the "rotten grass spirit" for several days.

 Eating and drinking together, sleeping together, and fighting together, we have found out the details of this cohabitation partner—he is a charlatan whose brain has been damaged!

It is said that he was thrown in because he was stupid and couldn't find a home. He stole chickens in the north of the city and accidentally hurt the owner's house. He had no money to compensate...

Jiayi felt a little pity for his uncle when he thought of his uncle who had left home and could not return.

 At this moment, he was secretly shaving the head of the "rotten grass spirit" with a dagger.

I didn't expect that I had just finished shaving, and when I turned around, I saw my fourth uncle standing outside the door.

 “Four...Uncle Four!” Jiayi jumped up and shouted in surprise.

 Li Laosi looked his nephew up and down.

I haven’t seen him for more than two years. The former naughty boy has now taken on the appearance of a man. He is tall and full of energy.

  Perhaps he has been here for a few days. He eats and drinks well, his face is glowing, and he does not appear to be suffering at all.

He was relieved, reached into the fence, patted his nephew heavily on the shoulder, and said teasingly: "You kid, you have made the family angry this time. Wait until you get out, and your grandma will hit you with a pipe and a pot." "

Jiayi wanted to pull his fourth uncle to sit down, but when he was halfway squatting, he realized that this place was a prison and the ground was dirty and damp. But Li Laosi didn't mind. He pulled him and sat him down, then took off a sheepskin wine bag from his waist and pulled out the stopper.

 He took a sip and handed it to Jiayi.

Jiayi was so happy that he quickly took a sip. Finally, he sighed happily and complained: "Everything about the food sent from home is good, but there is no wine. I'm starving to death!"

Li Laosi rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "You dare to drink in this place, you will die!"

Jiayi chuckled and whispered, "Don't worry, fourth uncle, I'm always on guard.

“Lao Huang and I took turns keeping vigil, and my sister also brought me a lot of things. Even if something happens, I won’t suffer.”

After saying that, he pointed at the bald "rotten grass spirit" and said: "This is Lao Huang. There is something wrong with his brain. He can't speak a few words, but his skills are really good. He fights with me every day, haha."

Lao Huang was looking longingly at the wine bag in Jiayi's hand. When he saw him turning around, he reached out his hand, quickly snatched the wine bag away, and drank.

Jiayi hurriedly grabbed it back and finally got it. Half of the drink was gone. He was so angry that he gave Lao Huang a kick.

Lao Huang was not annoyed either. He lay on the ground with his arms as pillow, feeling comfortable after reminiscing.

 Li Laosi looked funny.

My nephew is really big-hearted. He can still make friends after being in prison...

 You should tell me about it when you get home, so that I won’t worry about it.

Jiayi was afraid that he would be robbed of the wine bag again, so he quickly drank the rest, wiped his mouth, and then said: "Fourth uncle, don't worry. I killed that boy from the Wu family after careful consideration, not recklessly.

“Once the Wu family plotted against Fu Niuer, our Li family only went to the emperor to complain, which was not enough to deter anyone who was interested.

“I killed the boy from the Wu family, the so-called uncle Guo, in the street, so others would be afraid. After all, we in the Li family had a stupid young man who even the uncle Guo would dare to kill!


 Before Jiayi could continue, Li Laosi had already taken over.

“Secondly, I have made meritorious service in Jiangbei, and you have also made meritorious service in Hailan Army.

"We have two heroes in one profession, plus the Marquis. You are afraid of being jealous of him, so you plan to use this incident to offset the merit and let the family take a step back, right?"

Jiayi laughed dryly and scratched his messy hair, "That's not entirely the case. I'm afraid that he will leave me in Kyoto after being jealous. I still want to go back and kill the Japanese pirates!"

"It doesn't matter whether you are a general or a soldier, as long as you can kill the Japanese pirates. Fourth uncle, you don't know, the Japanese pirates are even more hateful than the barbarians!"

“The Japanese pirates were cruel and cunning, and destroyed many people’s homes in Quanzhou. It was a **** feud!

“Even the two boats my uncle left in Quanzhou were almost snatched away by Japanese pirates. I vow to quell the Japanese pirates and completely restore peace to the people of Quanzhou!”

He looked a little excited, and then said after a while: "Xi Ge'er and An Ge'er haven't come back yet. I will always stay at the beach to pick them up for my family..."

 Thinking of his son and nephew who were wandering somewhere, Li Laosi's eyes darkened, but he quickly covered up the past.

 He nodded, looked at his nephew and said, "I won't say thank you to my family.

"First of all, this boy from the Wu family killed well. Thinking about Fu Niu'er being wronged and me, the father, not being here, I can't wait to chop the whole Wu family into pieces!"

“Secondly, this time the Northern Expedition has advanced three hundred miles further than before. Next year we will be able to completely drive the barbarians back to the grassland and regain the rivers and mountains in one go.

“When the time comes, I will retire from the army and go home to be filial to your grandma, or go out to find Brother Xi and Brother An.

“You just go ahead and kill the Japanese pirates. No matter how great your contribution is, it is the glory of your family.

"In addition, I will discuss with your uncle and your father to slowly move part of the family's property to the south as a retreat."

Jiayi frowned and subconsciously looked in the direction of the palace.

Li Laosi patted his nephew and said, "Don't worry, it will be fine for the time being, but things are unpredictable and people's hearts are changeable. It is always right for us to be more prepared.

“And the tree has big branches, so the four rooms of our Li family cannot always be together..."

 (End of this chapter)

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