Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 849: Women today are so unreserved!

Chapter 849 Today’s women are so unreserved!

At three o'clock in the morning, cheers gradually came from the city gate.

Everyone rushed to the window, stretching their necks and looking into the distance.

 The streets downstairs were lined with people on both sides, as if the whole city had come out.

 “The Northern Expeditionary Army is mighty!”

 “The Marquis is mighty!”

 “The hero who killed the barbarians is back!”

Everyone was excited, their faces were red, they were shouting with their necks stretched out, and they were extremely enthusiastic.

The Li family was also excited. Brother Cat almost leaned half of his body out of the window, "Where's my fourth uncle? Why hasn't he come over yet?"

Mrs. Li was afraid that her grandson would fall, so she pulled him with one hand and held the window with the other. She looked more worried than surprised.

It is a good thing that the Northern Expeditionary Army has high prestige, but it is too grand to be welcomed by thousands of people.

Jiayin also thought of this and frowned as well, but she didn't want grandma to worry and whispered, "Nai, my adoptive father is very powerful. He must have a way to deal with it."

 Before her words could even hit the ground, the people below changed their slogans.

 “Long live the emperor! Long live Tianwu!”

Jiayin hurriedly looked out, smiling happily, and his worries were gone.

It turns out that the Qianbei Expeditionary Army, full of iron-blooded spirit, came majestically from a distance.

Protected by them was a snow-white horse in the middle, and immediately came the emperor wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

 The Marquis and Li Laosi were riding black horses, half a horse behind, guarding both sides of the emperor!

All the glory of the Northern Expedition was given to the emperor at this moment, but the real heroes had hidden merit and fame.

Facing the people's shouts of "Long Live the Mountain", the emperor could not help but blush with excitement and nodded with everyone from time to time.

 The people became more and more excited, and I don’t know who took the lead in kneeling down.

 “Long live the Emperor!”

 “Long live Tianwu!”

 “The Northern Expeditionary Army is mighty!”

The emperor was coaxed to straighten his back and become high-spirited.

Mr. Hou and Li Laosi looked at each other with understanding and smile in their eyes.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted on the side of the road, "Dad, foster father!"

The two people quickly turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw the whole family waving vigorously and shouting at Cyclamen's window.

 “Fourth, Mr. Hou!”

 “Fourth uncle, Mr. Hou!”

Master Hou and Li Laosi laughed at that time and waved the riding whips in their hands.

 Before the Li family could get excited, a woman in the box next to them screamed in surprise.

“Ah, look! The Marquis is looking at me, looking at me!”

"Who is that next to him? That general is so majestic! Mother, propose marriage to me, propose marriage to me!"

 “Shut up! You don’t want your reputation anymore? Keep your voice down!”

Everyone in the Li family has been dumbfounded.

Don't we say that women in the boudoir should be reserved, but with the attitude next door, I'm afraid they will be snatched in the street!

Tao Hongying's face turned dark with anger and she rolled up her sleeves.

Jiayin laughed so hard that her stomach hurt, and she quickly stopped her mother and said, "Haha, mother, I didn't expect that my father is more popular than my adoptive father!

“You go home and talk to my dad, tell him to behave well, and be sure to ignore no one, otherwise there are so many women outside, mother, you can’t beat them all!”

 “Okay, I’ll wait until your father comes home!” Tao Hongying said through gritted teeth.

 It made everyone laugh...

Li Laosi, who was riding on horseback, just about to talk to the Marquis, sneezed twice, and the hairs on the back of his neck immediately stood up.

He turned around and looked around, wondering where this inexplicable sense of crisis came from... The Marquis asked with concern: "Are you wearing less clothes? Just go home and take a bath in the hot springs."

Li Laosi shook his head and said in a low voice: "Master Hou will enter the palace soon, and I won't accompany him. I will go somewhere first!"

Mr. Hou understood and nodded.

 When they arrived at the dock last night, they heard all about the family affairs.

Jiayin was assassinated and Jiayi killed someone in the street. Naturally, they knew about these things.

  They were away from home and could not take care of their family, which made their family suffer. Both of them were filled with raging anger.

 However, there is no rush in these matters.

 They are back, and they have a lot of free time to slowly solve the problem and seek justice piece by piece!

 The Northern Expedition was victorious, and the emperor came out of the city to welcome him in person and receive congratulations from all the people.

The civil and military officials who were waiting at the entrance of the palace looked really wonderful when they received the news.

Some people admired the Marquis for his thoughtfulness, while others secretly cursed him for being treacherous.

Of course, those who want to provoke others will be disappointed.

Soon, the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived in front of the palace gate, and all the officials knelt down and kowtowed to greet them.

The emperor joined hands with Marquis Xinting and entered the palace gate, followed by civil and military officials.

With the excuse of changing clothes, they had some free time. Marquis Xinting and the emperor sat in the back hall, drinking tea and chatting.

The emperor felt guilty and knew that Xindu could not hide what happened for more than half a year, so he spoke first: "Cousin, did you just see Fu Niu'er and the others on the roadside?"

The Marquis nodded and said, "I see, Fu Niu'er got fat no matter what she ate when she was little. Now that she is a grown-up girl, she is getting thinner and thinner."

The emperor coughed dryly and said, "It was my negligence that caused this child to be wronged and frightened."

The Marquis frowned and replied: "Your Majesty is serious, that incident was an accident. No one could have imagined that the Queen and the Wu family would listen to such outrageous rumors."

 The emperor felt better. Thinking of the queen and the Wu family, his face darkened again.

"The Wu family is really stupid. They can't even see such an obvious trap. I have already started to investigate the person behind it. I just got some clues, but the Queen cannot be eliminated for the time being."

The Marquis glanced in the direction of Shoukang Palace and asked, "But who's handiwork is it?"

The emperor snorted coldly, with a stern look in his eyes, and lowered his voice, "Who else can tamper with the palace except that one?

“Similarly, we can’t touch her for the time being, but we can’t keep those idiots outside who are cheating on us. Let’s kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and give that old poisonous woman a warning!”

The Marquis bowed his hands and saluted, "Your Majesty, that was enough before, but now that I am back, if there is any need, Your Majesty, please feel free to send me."

The emperor smiled and nodded, "My cousin is my source of strength, but since my cousin has just come back, I'd better rest for a while and don't worry about anything else."

 After saying that, he stood up first and said, "Let's go, the civil and military officials are still waiting in front."

The Marquis followed, with Manager Yi waiting on his side with a smile, and quickly went to the front.

 Let’s not talk about how happy the court was because of the victory of the Northern Expeditionary Army. I just said that in front of the side door of Jingzhao Yin Yamen, two officers were leaning against the wall and yawning out of boredom.

One Xu lost money in gambling last night and was a little listless, cursing and saying, “I’ve really stepped on **** recently, I’m so unlucky.

“That dice seems to have eyes wide open and is specifically working against me!

  "When I shout loudly, it will become smaller. I am so angry that I want to overturn the table."

His companions laughed, gloated, and said, "Just marry Dice home. As your wife, she will naturally be obedient!"

 “What a fart, you just married a dice and went home!” The officer who lost the bet laughed and scolded, and the two of them started to quarrel.

At this moment, a dozen fast horses suddenly came running from a distance.

Suddenly a general was wearing a helmet. He was tall and majestic, which aroused the awe of passers-by and quickly gave way.

 The two officers were extremely envious.

Although they are equipped with swords and are considered public officials, when they go out, everyone calls them mangy dogs.

 Don't talk about being so majestic, everyone respects you, it's good if you don't spit on them behind your back.

The two of them were muttering to themselves, but they didn't expect the team of people to stop in front of the door. The general immediately jumped off his horse and strode over...

Hey guys, there will be two updates today and four updates tomorrow. The reason is simple, Xiti is quarantined for five days! I almost took my children to the gathering, but luckily in the end I just put a seal on the door. In this extraordinary period, my dear children, safety comes first. Go out less and gather less. It’s also great to stay at home and read books and watch TV shows. Pen refills!

 (End of this chapter)

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