Chapter 832 Give us a bowl of rice!

Old Mrs. Li immediately left the two little babies behind and hurried out to greet them.

Mammy Chang quickly called Xiaodong and Wanqiu who were under the eaves, and took the child into the house. Then she rushed forward in a few steps and helped Old Mrs. Li's arm.

Jiayin watched her grandma standing at the door from a distance. Before the carriage stopped, she jumped out first, rushed forward and hugged her grandma's arm, "Grandma, I'm back!"

“You stinky girl, you are really disobedient. If you let go, you will never come back!” Mrs. Li looked at her granddaughter carefully and felt relieved when she saw that she was unharmed.

She was about to speak again when she saw her eldest son sitting in another carriage and turning to the back of the village. There were ten guards following the carriage.

So, she asked in surprise: "Did I send your uncle to Divine Doctor Zhang? What happened to you when you entered the city?!"

Jiayin was afraid of being scolded, so he blinked his big eyes and quickly changed the subject. “Grandma, this is a small matter, we’ll talk about it later.

"We have been busy for a long time and are in a hurry to come back. No one has eaten. We are almost crazy with hunger. Grandma is kind and gives us a bowl of rice first!"

  After saying that, she held her hands together in a strange way, like a beggar, making the old lady dumbfounded.

Old Mrs. Li slapped her granddaughter's hand and said angrily: "You will fight with me, and when you are full, I will see where you can hide!"

She said this, but she felt sorry for her granddaughter and grandsons. She quickly called the boy to go to the kitchen to give instructions and prepare the food quickly.

The weather has been dry and cold these days, and my family has nothing to do, so they started making dumplings.

  Pork and pickled cabbage stuffing, cabbage and pork stuffing, beef and radish stuffing, mutton and green onion stuffing. In short, there are a lot of stuffs that the family likes to eat.

 When it gets dark, put up a wooden board in the corner of the yard and cover it with a large piece of clean oil paper.

 After making the dumplings, run them through cold water, sprinkle them with water, and freeze them into ice shells within two-quarters of an hour, and then put them into a clean frame.

In this way, no matter how many months it is left, as long as the ice shell does not melt, the dumplings will not shrivel or deteriorate.

At times like today, when meals suddenly need to be prepared and dozens of families are waiting to eat, these frozen dumplings come in handy.

 There are three large pots and one small pot in the stove, and they are burning at the same time.

 Two large pots were filled with water to cook dumplings, leaving two large pots for stews and small stir-fries.

 In less than half an hour, the hot meal was ready.

Twenty guards of the Lu family carried two pots of dumplings and a bucket of dumpling soup back to the east guard room to eat.

Jiaren and the others were left, and Mrs. Li felt sorry for them having to freeze outside all day, so she took the initiative to place the dinner table in the east room, where it was warmer.

Jiayin was afraid of being scolded, so she smiled and went to the table to eat with her brothers.

 Originally, she also invited Ye Shan, Zheng Sanjiang and Zheng Liu.

 It's a pity that Ye Shan and Zheng Sanjiang abide by the rules and refuse to serve.

Zheng Liu was thinking about Zheng Yi and Zheng San and refused to stay.

 Finally, they all went to the kitchen to eat.

Mu Jue, on the other hand, was not polite. Jiaren invited him and he sat down at the bottom of the table.

 What Mrs. Li likes most is when the children get together and eat big meals.

She was holding the basin with a smile. When she saw which child's plate was empty, she quickly added a spoonful of dumplings.

Jiayin occasionally looked up and almost choked himself.

Grandma looks so much like a woman feeding pigs, and they are the little pigs that are grunting and fighting for food...

 Old Mrs. Li didn’t know it yet, but her granddaughter had seen through her, and she was still “feeding the pigs” conscientiously.

When she got to Mu Jue's side, she couldn't help but add two more spoons and said angrily: "This child was sent out by the Marquis on some errand. Why is the child so hungry and thin?" I didn’t come back, I didn’t have any errands to give, so I hurriedly ate a few more meals at home to make myself fat! "

Mu Jue stared at the plate full of dumplings. Listening to Mrs. Li's distressed complaints, she hesitated for a moment with her chopsticks, then started eating again.

 The last time he ate dumplings was on his birthday.

At that time, his mother's illness was not that serious, so he cooked the noodles and mixed the fillings himself, and he ate two full plates.

Father was afraid that he would be overstretched, so he took him for a walk in the yard. Mother sat under the eaves, laughing all the time...

A few years later, he ate dumplings again. They were not made by his mother, but because of the old man’s nagging, he tasted the same!

Possibly because the masters were afraid that the table full of meat-filled dumplings would be a bit boring, the kitchen sent out a few more plates of freshly made dumplings filled with leek and egg!

On a winter day like this, green leafy vegetables are hard to come by, let alone fresh leeks!

 After Cat Brother ate one, he cheered, "The leek and egg dumplings are still the most delicious!"

When everyone heard what he said, they all moved their chopsticks to the plate.

Jiayin ate one, turned around and saw that Mu Jue didn't move his chopsticks, so he picked up two for him and advised: "Brother Mu, eat quickly. If you wait a little longer, my seventh brother will rob them all!"

   Brother Cat immediately protested, "My sister is partial, and my eldest brother and the others have also eaten it. Why are you only talking about me?"

Jiayin quickly grabbed two for himself and then said: "Brother, the four of them together can't eat as much as you!"

"What's wrong with me eating too much? No matter how much I eat, I won't gain weight!" Brother Cat shook his head proudly and ate faster and faster.

The good news instantly hit my heart, and the dumplings in my mouth no longer tasted good, and I was immediately defeated.

Although she has a slim figure, has grown taller, and has become thinner, she still has to consciously control her diet.

 Because if she eats too much and too greasy food, she will still gain weight.

 For the sake of beautiful clothes and to escape from the ranks of chubby girls, she gave up countless delicious foods...

“Grandma, look at my seventh brother, he’s bullying me!” Jiayin hugged her grandma and complained.

Mrs. Li glared at her grandson and supported her granddaughter, "Don't listen to your seventh brother's nonsense. My lucky girl is not fat!"

"Eat more. If you delay your growth when you are growing, you will regret it later."

“Your seventh brother is jealous of you. It’s useless even if he is as skinny as a monkey, and he can’t wear beautiful dresses!”

 Everyone couldn't help but look at Brother Cat, picturing what he looked like in a skirt in their minds, and then burst out laughing!

Brother Cat has become accustomed to grandma's favoritism. He spread his hands to express his helplessness and continued to swing the chopsticks until they flew up.

Soon, the dishes and bowls were all gone, and everyone was full and full.

Jiayin was a little worried about the little girl selling glutinous rice balls.

The killer of the Wu family wanted to use the child as a cover, but was afraid that the child would talk nonsense, so he gave her mute medicine.

 She checked the little girl's pulse in the shop, but she was really not sure.

 So, I just asked my uncle to send the child to Divine Doctor Zhang.

Although the child and her mother were murdered by the killers of the Wu family, the root cause still falls on her.

What's more, she also learned medical skills, and she can't turn a blind eye to both public and private matters.

 At least, help this child heal his throat...

 (End of this chapter)

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