Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 831: Our main family is the Li family in Suijintan!

Chapter 831 Our main family is the Li family of Suijintan!

The news he received today was too sudden, and the opportunity was rare. He wanted to make a profit as soon as he got excited, but he failed.

This time, the three men sent out are the main force of the secret guards. They know too many secrets of the Wu family!

The steward of the family shop also helped spread the news.

It would be fine if they were all lost, but if only one of them was caught alive, it would be completely over...

 “Where’s Madam? Hurry up and ask Madam to come over!” Mr. Wu shouted over and over again.

 Before I could follow him out, Mrs. Wu had already come looking for me.

She said as soon as she entered the door: "Master, why did I hear that you didn't have lunch? This is not allowed, your health is important.

“As long as our daughter is still in the palace as queen, our family has nothing to fear.

“Even if Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment find out anything, at most they will be fined a little money...”

Unfortunately, she was only halfway through speaking when Mr. Wu grabbed her arm firmly and lowered his voice and asked, "Who else around you knows about that matter?"

"What's up?"

Mrs. Wu was confused by the question, and Mr. Wu was so angry that he wanted to split her head and mess with it.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows about killing Princess Kangle and taking the heart blood for the Queen to drink, besides you?"

“Ah, ah!” Mrs. Wu finally reacted, “Only Grandma Sun knows!

 “When I met the old fairy that day, she was the only one by my side.”

Mr. Wu immediately ordered, "Hurry up and deal with her secretly. You must not let her say another word!"

Mrs. Wu was startled. She always relied on Grandma Sun, but now she heard that Grandma Sun was going to be killed, so she was a little hesitant.

“Master, Grandma Sun is very loyal and will never betray me...”

“Idiot!” Mr. Wu shouted with smoke coming from his anxious voice: “This matter will be exposed soon. Only by killing Grandma Sun can we save you!

“Once I am captured, you can still go to see the empress and plead for me, otherwise we will have to wait for death!”

“Ah!” Mrs. Wu finally knew the seriousness of the matter and quickly called the little girl waiting outside the door to find Grandma Sun.

As a result, the little girl turned to Ai Ai and said: "Madam, just now Grandma Sun said that something happened to her nephew. She wanted to go out of the house to have a look, and asked us to take care of her..."

 “What?!” Mrs. Wu’s face changed in shock.

Mr. Wu immediately called for his attendants, ordered a few people's hands, and took the little girl straight to the back door of the Hou Mansion.

Outside the back door is a small alley. There are more than a dozen small courtyards in the alley. All the family members of the Marquis Mansion's stewards and others live here. Grandma Sun's nephew also lives here.

Shortly after he came to the Marquis Mansion as an errand, this boy became obsessed with gambling. At night, he gathered a group of people to throw dice in a small garden room, but was discovered and kicked out of the house.

The people in the courtyard where he stayed did not dare to offend her too much for the sake of Grandma Sun, but they also did not interact with him too much.

When the chief came with his men, the people in the yard were startled when they saw how aggressive they were.

 The woman ran into the house in panic, and the children even ran away crying and hiding.

Chang Sui was so noisy that he had a headache. He yelled loudly, then called a man to come forward and asked: "Where are Sun Zhuzhu and Aunt Sun? Who knows where they are, please call them out quickly!"

 Everyone in the courtyard looked at each other, not knowing.

Chang Sui was annoyed and asked: "It's the master who wants to question Nanny Sun and Sun Zhuzhu. You should call them out quickly, otherwise the business will be delayed and the master will blame you. No one can afford it!"

A man bravely said: "Sun Zhuzi disappears and disappears every day, and no one can catch his shadow.

“Besides, it seems that he didn’t come back last night. As for Grandma Sun, we didn’t even see her!”

One child was so bold that he suddenly stuck his head out from behind his mother and shouted, "I know, Grandma Sun ran out. I accidentally bumped into her, and she called me a bastard!" "Where did she run to?" Chang Sui quickly asked.

The child pointed outside the alley, but he couldn't tell where exactly.

Chang Sui was helpless, so he quickly led people to chase him outside.

 What they didn’t know was that at this moment, Grandma Sun and her nephew had been tied up, thrown into a carriage, and jolted out of the city.

Sun Zhuzi was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but Grandma Sun was unscathed.

But if someone could see through it, they would definitely be able to see her purple intestines...

Just now, she heard someone send a message saying that her nephew had his leg broken by the gangsters in the casino because he owed money, and he was waiting for her to save his life.

She hurried out of the house, but the casino didn't ask for any money at all and knocked her and her nephew unconscious!

 When they woke up again, they were in this carriage.

A young steward was sitting at the back of the car, guarding the door. She couldn't get out even if she wanted to.

She struggled and whimpered crazily, but unfortunately her mouth was stuffed with rags and she couldn't say a word.

The young steward was none other than Zheng He.

Perhaps seeing Grandma Sun’s eyes almost popping out of her head, he tried to persuade her with a few words of kindness, “Old lady, please stop struggling!

"If you have the strength, you should think about what you have done that is immoral. When the interrogation comes later, you can explain it earlier and save yourself the pain."

Unfortunately, Sun Yan did not listen to persuasion, the struggle became more and more powerful, and the broken cloth in her mouth was spit out by her!

She retched twice and immediately shouted: "I am from Jiangninghou Mansion, please let me go! I will give you as much money as you want!"

It's a pity that Zheng He put the rag back casually, and even stuffed it again and again.

Mama Sun's throat was almost blocked and she suffocated to death.

After finally taking a breath, she heard Zheng He say: "The one we are arresting is you, Aunt Sun, Mrs. Wu's personal nanny.

“Also, let me tell you one more thing, we are not from a casino, our owner’s surname is Li, the Suijintan Li family!”

  Li family? !

Grandma Sun took a breath and understood everything in her heart...

 In the yard of Li’s family in Xincun, Mrs. Li was playing with Xingxing and Yueyueer.

 The two children were dressed like cotton **** and ran around chubby. They were very cute.

Mammy Chang is always watching over me, helping me from time to time.

 Wan'er and Wenjuan were sitting in the house, sewing some small things for their children.

Since the family bought a maid, they have people around to help them, so they don't do eye-catching tasks such as clothing and shoes.

Wenjuan stretched her head and looked into the yard from time to time, for fear of tiring the old lady.

Wan'er gently patted her sleeping son and comforted her in a low voice: "Wenjuan, don't worry.

“I saw my grandma thinking about my sister who went to the city, and she didn’t eat much for lunch, so I asked her to help look after the children and take care of her.”

Wenjuan blushed and replied: "I know that too, but grandma is taking care of the children and we are sitting in the house, and I always feel uneasy."

Wan'er looked at the sun and said, "Don't worry, my sister and the others should be back soon!"

Before these words could be heard, a servant came running back from outside, "Old madam, the princess and the others are back!"

 Fourth update! Yesterday's debt was not paid off, and I kept my word, but the update was late, which kept my friends waiting for a long time. It must be earlier in the future! Hugs, refill!

 (End of this chapter)

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