Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 823: There is no "love" to speak of

Chapter 823 There is no "love" to talk about!

 But they had a good plan, but when they reached the intersection, they were stopped.

No matter how hard they braved the cold wind, the veterans with missing arms and legs refused to let them in.

They just shouted a few words, and countless people gathered over carrying sticks and hatchets.

When Jiaren, Jiayin and others came from Xincun, the Liu family and Wang family were surrounded like chickens with shrinking necks, and their faces were whiter than snow in fear.

It really makes everyone feel relieved after watching it!

Behind every naughty child, there is a naughty parent!

Wang Sheng and Liu Kui are certainly hateful, but parents and elders who can teach them are definitely not good people!

Jiaren was not busy trying to "reason" with the two families. Instead, he looked at the road behind him. The family's carriage had just arrived.

Shui Ling jumped out of the car and said with a smile: "Miss, sit in the car and watch. It's too cold outside."

Without waiting for Jiayin to refuse, Jia Ren had spoken, "Fu Niu went up, and Brother Lu and Jia, also avoided the wind.

“In the Broken Gold Beach area, we don’t have to worry about our family suffering a loss.”

Lu Zong and Jia Xu didn't insist. They helped Jiayin get into the carriage with their own hands, and then followed.

 The charcoal pot was lit in the carriage, and it was burning warmly.

There were even hot tea, melon seeds and peanuts and other snacks on the small table.

Jiayin is so funny to watch, Shui Ling really knows the essential routine of "eating melon"!

Lu Zong and Jia Xu also laughed, each grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and then went to the window.

Jiaren then brought his two younger brothers forward and motioned for everyone in the second village to disperse.

 The Liu family and the Wang family breathed a sigh of relief and quickly saluted.

Liu Kui's father has been a businessman for many years. He kept the lowest possible attitude and said with a flattering face: "The common people have paid tribute to Young Master Li, the Sixth Young Master, and the Seventh Young Master. It is really presumptuous to come and disturb them today. I still hope Haihan."

Wang Sheng's father was Wang Yuanzhong, a small official who worked in the government office. He thought he had two respects, but he just handed over his hand and said nothing.

Jiaren was impatient to bother with them any longer, so he waved his hand and asked straight to the point: "Our Li family has no friendship with your family, so there is no need to be polite. Tell me, what are you doing here today?"

Shopkeeper Liu and Wang Yuanzhong looked at each other, both a little unhappy.

 The mouth is hairless and the work is not done well.

This boy from the Li family doesn't understand etiquette at all. How can he block people at the intersection and speak directly?

 Could it be that the Li family can't bear to part with a bowl of tea? !

But the situation is stronger than the people, and they can't force their way into Li's house unless others give way.

Shopkeeper Liu thought about the shop at home, coughed dryly, and said bravely: "Well... Young Master Li, at Mr. Mo Mei's poetry party the day before yesterday, my son was ignorant and offended a lot. I hope the young master will be noble and don't care about it. .

“You are of the same age, and the eldest young master must also understand the word ‘young and vigorous’. Everyone will do some ridiculous things when they are young.

 “For example, taking a bet on a shop that does not belong to you…”

 After saying that, he pulled Liu Kui forward and scolded: "Why don't you kneel down and apologize to Mr. Li!

“Look at you, you are idle all day long, ignorant and ignorant. If you were half as steady as Mr. Qiu, I wouldn’t have to bother you so much!”

Liu Kui's face turned red, whether from hatred or embarrassment, but he still knelt down.

 He lowered his head, looking very honest.

Wang Yuanzhong hesitated for a moment, pushed Wang Sheng out, kicked Wang Sheng on the leg, and scolded: "Idiot! Quickly apologize to Mr. Li, and say you will never make such a joke again!

"You are a student who is studying, and all your expenses are the family's money. The grocery store is the only property in the family that has always been in my name. You are so bold that you take the decision without authorization and use it for bets! "If this word spreads, what will others say about you? People who understand sense will say that your joke has gone too far. If you meet stupid people, they may think that the Li family is bullying others and taking away our shop! "

As expected of a government official, he will grasp the key points whenever he opens his mouth.

 After Wang Yuanzhong said these few words, Wang Sheng and Liu Kui became ignorant children, while the Li family became a bully!

 Jiaren sneered, put away his big cloak, and said mockingly: "Master Wang and Master Liu can't change the fact that you want to default on your debt even if they are eloquent.

“At the poetry meeting that day, Wang Sheng and Liu Kui insisted on initiating the last competition, and they also strongly advocated the addition of the two bet shops.

“We were forced to fight, and we also used the cyclamen at home as a lottery. At that time, Mr. Mo Mei and hundreds of guests testified, and even signed a document, written in black and white, which cannot be denied!

“Even so, Wang Sheng and Liu Kui still took advantage of the loopholes in the paperwork and forced our servants to compete with them. They were determined to win Cyclamen and were extremely arrogant.

“As a result, they were really ineffective. They were even worse than our servants and lost the game.

“If they are willing to admit defeat, they must take out the bet and hand it over to us. This is only natural!

“Now that you are here, you want to expose everything because the child is ignorant. Isn’t it too shameless?

“If we had lost the game that day, you would have been sitting in the lobby of Cyclamen by now, waiting to take charge!”

Wang Yuanzhong and Shopkeeper Liu both looked bad and gritted their teeth secretly in hatred.

If their son wins the competition, they will indeed not let go of the cornucopia of cyclamen.

 But now that their family has lost, of course they don’t want to hand over the shop anyway!

Shopkeeper Liu squinted his eyes, but still had a smile on his face. He pleaded lowly, "Master Li, it was indeed our child who was at fault that day, but you are all classmates, just kidding..."

Jiaren waved his hands with contempt in his eyes.

“Shopkeeper Liu, Liu Kui is already married and has a son. I have never heard of anyone who is over twenty, a husband and a father, and can be called a child.

“Then when is it time to become an adult? When is it half-buried or covered in a coffin?”

These words were so venomous that everyone couldn't help laughing.

A veteran with a beard joined in the fun and said, "Oh, if you think about it this way, I am also a child of 480 months old!"

His old brother also cried out, "Then I am a child of 500 months old, who is going to love me!"

Everyone laughed even harder, but the faces of the Wang family and the Liu family turned red and black with embarrassment!

Jiaren ignored them and continued: "Also, don't say that Liu Kui and Wang Sheng and I are classmates in the future.

“They had malicious plots against me and wanted to ruin my scientific research path. After they were discovered, Luo’an Academy has kicked them out of the academy and will never hire them.

“So, Liu Kui, Wang Sheng and I are not only not classmates, we are also enemies!

"From now on, you two should not use the word 'classmate' to talk about love. Even if I agree, all the teachers and students of Luo'an Academy will not agree!"

Wang Zhongyuan was still a bit arrogant and couldn't bear to listen, "Young Master Li, I'm sorry to say that both shops are under my name and shopkeeper Liu's, so what Wang Sheng and Liu Kui said doesn't count at all.

"Your bet is not valid at all. Our family will never hand over the shop for the children's jokes!"

 (End of this chapter)

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