Chapter 822 Good intentions are rewarded!

Guli was surprised. He didn't expect Jiayin to be so generous.

 Others don’t know, but he knows it very well.

If a fresh food shop opens and sells only vegetables and fruits, among other things, it can easily earn several thousand taels a month.

 10% profit sounds small, but you can definitely get hundreds of taels of silver every month.

  And this is a long-term benefit. As long as the shop is open, the income will not stop...

 This is much better than a reward!

 He took a deep look at Jiayin, then lowered his head and bowed in response.

 “Thank you, Princess, for the reward!”

Jiayin waved his hand and said, "You deserve this. Go back and talk to Mr. Jiang, and remember to come back for hot pot."

"Yes, Princess." Gu Li took a few steps back, then turned and walked out.

Old Mrs. Li couldn't help but sigh, "This kid is really good. Before, I only saw him acting steadily and taking care of the shop diligently. I didn't expect him to be so good at studying."

“If I had known, I would have persuaded Mr. Jiang to cancel his slave status and send him to the scientific examination, maybe he would be a scholar now.”

 Jiaren didn’t want grandma to say more, so he changed his subject and said, “Grandma, Brother Lu is not feeling well. He needs to stay in the village for a while and ask Divine Doctor Zhang to take care of him.

"He has brought a lot of elite soldiers to protect him. We can't live in our house. Grandma, how can we arrange it?"

Old Mrs. Li quickly looked at Lu Zong, looking him up and down with concern.

Lu Zong wore a brown hidden flower robe with wide sleeves today, which made his face look a bit dark indeed.

Mrs. Li was distressed and kept nagging, "You kid, why are you so polite?

“If you are not in good health, you should come here as soon as possible and ask Dr. Zhang to take a look!

“You are in Xindu and your family members are not around, so you should pay more attention to everything. If you fall ill, your parents will be worried and distressed when they hear about it.”

 After saying that, she would ask someone to ask for Dr. Zhang.

Jiayin has learned medical skills for so long, and of course he can see that Lu Zong is not sick.

Thinking about the fact that the fifty elite soldiers outside the courtyard would all live together, she vaguely guessed Lu Zong's good intentions.

So, she quickly stopped her grandma and said, "Grandma, Brother Lu is not seriously ill, and he will not be ill for a while.

“After lunch, I’ll ask my eldest brother to accompany Brother Lu for a walk. It’s time to eat.

“As for the place to live, Brother Lu can live in the west wing of my adoptive father’s yard, and the soldiers can live in our ward.”

Old Mrs. Li nodded, "That's good. There are still five vacant rooms in the dormitory, so we can make arrangements for them."

Jiayin then went out and called the maids and boys to clean the room and arrange bedding.

 The kitchen has also begun to make bone soup...

When the sun was right overhead, the cat brothers came back laughing and carrying the basket.

There are all kinds of vegetables in the basket, and of course I also picked a lot of fruits.

Tao Hongying heard the news in No. 2 Village and rushed back. She personally made some delicious side dishes.

The old lady was afraid that the boys would be restrained, so she placed the hot pot in the wing of Ye's house.

 Children can have fun without adults around.

Even if you are drunk, you can still take a bath in the hot spring pool in the west wing.

Although the Marquis said when he went on the expedition, the yard can be used by the Li family as he pleases.

 But Jiayin still asked Dongmei to lock up the hot spring pools in the main room and the east side room, and clean them regularly, so that when the adoptive father comes back, he can live comfortably and clean at any time.

If Lu Zong hadn't come to stay this time, because he was of high status and his father had a relationship with the Marquis, Jiayin would not have made such an arrangement...

Originally, Lu Zong's treatment was just an excuse, but in the afternoon he went to see Dr. Zhang, and Dr. Zhang actually diagnosed some deeply hidden old diseases.

It turned out that he was naughty when he was a child and had sun exposure in the winter. Although he was cured at that time and became strong after so many years, he still suffered from cold syndrome.

If you don’t take good care of it thoroughly, it will be easy for your heirs to have difficulty in the future. This shocked Lu Zong.

 You must know that he is the only legitimate son of the Lu family, and it is his duty to spread the branches and descendants.

 Fortunately, I came to Li’s house to help this time and found out. I really felt that my kindness was well rewarded...

At this point, Lu Zong settled down, drinking decoction and taking medicinal baths every day.

Of course Jia Xu will accompany Lu Zong and just go back to the city to stay for one night occasionally.

 Due to the arrival of Lu Zong, fifty elite soldiers from the Lu family took three shifts to guard the new village and the Li family.

 This makes the Li family and the people in the village feel a lot more at ease!

Four or five days passed in a flash, and Jiaren saw that Wang Sheng and Liu Kui had not yet delivered the deed of the shop, and were about to go to the city to ask for it.

 As a result, people from the second village came to report.

“Young Master, some people have come down from the archway and want to see you and the eldest master or uncle!”

Jiaren guessed how much he could and asked, "Did they notify their names?"

"Say it, young master! They said their surnames were Liu and Wang. They shouted for permission, but raised their chins high. It doesn't look like a good bird." Xu, the veteran who reported the news, was an aggressive person and added another sentence casually. , "Young Master, do you want to beat them out?"

Jiaren waved his hand, said something to grandma, and was about to go.

Not worried about the good news, he wrapped himself in a big red and gold cloak and followed him.

Jia Xu and Lu Zong naturally wanted to go with them after hearing the news.

 Brother Li and Brother Cat were even more unafraid of trouble and ran ahead.

The elite soldiers of the Lu family were divided into twenty people and closely guarded the rear...

So a huge group of people arrived at the archway in less than a quarter of an hour.

 The veterans of the second village didn't know why the Liu and Wang families came to visit, but every time so many people came to Suijintan, it was bad.

They already had experience, so everyone gave up their work and gathered around the people who took advantage of them, vaguely seeming to surround the Liu and Wang families...

 Liu Kui and Wang Sheng were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they looked as miserable as pig heads.

 At this moment, seeing the veterans being like this, they did not dare to speak.

Shopkeeper Liu and Wang Yuanwai had dark faces and wanted to kill their two sons and eat their flesh.

 Originally, they heard that their son bet his own shop at the Poetry Club, and even lost the bet.

They were very angry, but they didn't take it seriously.

 After all, the shop is no longer in the name of the two children. Even if they refuse to cash in, no one dares to rob it.

 As a result, Mr. Mo Mei and several other old gentlemen came to the door in person yesterday and asked them to honor their bet and give the shop to the Li family as soon as possible.

They said good things, complained and begged for mercy, but no matter how hard the old gentleman asked, they didn't agree.

 Finally, the old gentlemen left. They all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the matter was over.

 As a result, in the afternoon, many people who had done business with them suddenly stopped cooperation.

Until this morning, the shop was deserted, and there were still many people gathering in front of the door and pointing.

 They realized the seriousness of the matter!

 Children cannot deny the trouble they cause.

The two families got together, discussed it carefully, and finally decided on a bitter plan.

 Then he beat the two boys severely and planned to send them to Li's house to plead for mercy.

 Presumably the Li family is soft-hearted and will not hold on to this matter.

 After all, everyone has children in their family, but it’s just a joke. How can a casual bet be taken seriously? !

 (End of this chapter)

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