Chapter 1026 is simply arrogant!

The imperial concubine was afraid that the three princesses would cause trouble again, so she hurriedly responded, "The princess is so courageous! I believe the princess is also confident, otherwise how could she propose such a proposal!

"Well, it would be too time-consuming to compete with the princess among the dozens of girls present. How about just selecting ten and competing with the princess?"

Jiayin responded simply and mentioned, "It's too troublesome to compete in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and it's hard to judge the winner or loser. Why don't we do better than poetry? You can come up with whatever the topic is!"

Some people gasped and their eyes almost popped out.

 To fight one against ten can be said to be arrogant.

At this moment, he actually added a question, letting his opponents come up with the questions. This is simply arrogant!

 But, is it really arrogant?

The apple of the Li family's eye, the adopted daughter whom Marquis Xinting loves as if he were his own daughter, is she so brainless and stupid?

 Some smart women have already married their own girls and quietly left the "battlefield".

 But more people were so angry that they also planned to show off their faces in front of the imperial concubine!

“My dearest concubine, I am willing to compete with the princess.”

 “The same goes for my daughter.”

“I have been studying for more than ten years and want to give it a try.”

 In the blink of an eye, more than 20 girls signed up.

Before the imperial concubine could speak, Jiayin spoke again, "I'm very happy that there are so many people who want to compete with me. But it's just a simple competition, which is really boring. How about we add some bonuses?

“I have no shortage of gold and silver jewelry, clothing and cloth, and I think you girls also don’t have any shortage.

“Then let’s get practical. I will play ten games against ten of you. After each game is judged, the loser will be slapped.

  "If I lose, I can let your maids or you hit me at will! But if you lose, you have to get a slap from my maid."

After saying that, she nodded the water spirit and said with a smile, "Here, this little girl is thin and small, and not very strong. Don't be afraid!"

 Young and vigorous, these four words are not just used to describe young men.

   Many girls present here were simply treated with contempt and disdain by every word of the good news, and they were so angry that they turned into toads with bulging bellies!

I don’t know who took the lead, so they immediately started shouting together.

 “Okay, the lottery winner will decide to smack his mouth.”

“The princess’s face is swollen, don’t cry!”

Jiayin waved his hands indifferently, as if he didn't take anyone seriously, and then turned to tell Shuiling, "Be careful if your hands hurt, and remember not to use too much strength for a while."

 Everyone was even more furious after hearing this!

The imperial concubine watched it from beginning to end. It could even be said that she had pushed for this situation, but at this moment she suddenly felt a little regretful.

The Li family has always had some magical power, otherwise they would not have been able to climb from mud-legged people to Tianwu powerful people. It only took ten years, which is enough to match others' hundreds of years of accumulation.

 But even if she had the intention to go back on her word now, she was still stuck.

At this moment, the emperor arrived with seven or eight important ministers.

It turns out that just now the third princess was afraid that Good News would suffer, so she urgently sent Caiyun to move reinforcements.

The emperor is discussing matters with several important ministers, so don't disturb him.

 If it were anyone else, Manager Yi would never pay attention to him.

But when he heard that the good news was going to suffer, he went directly to report it.

 Fortunately, the emperor also felt tired and was about to have tea and snacks with several important ministers to rest for a while.

 General Manager Yi told the story of the Royal Garden.

The emperor got up immediately, drinking tea and snacks wherever he could, or just going to see the excitement.

The wives and daughters of several important ministers were also among the guests, so they shamelessly followed behind... The imperial concubine was also startled when she saw the emperor and others coming, and quickly stood up to greet them.

Everyone also knelt down and kowtowed, shouting "Long Live the Mountain".

 After a lot of trouble, the emperor took the main seat, accompanied by the three princesses and the noble concubine on both sides. Several important ministers also received a brocade stool each.

Jiayin smiled and stepped forward, saluted, and asked, "Uncle Huang, did you know that I was going to kill everyone, so did you come here specifically to support me?"

The emperor couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and responded, "You may appear to be well-behaved, but you are actually braver than anyone else and have a stubborn temper. I am telling you to stop the competition right now. Can you still stop?"

"Of course not!" Jiayin wrinkled her nose and insisted, "Although I am a young woman and not a gentleman, there is no reason to take back what I said.

“And we have just decided the lottery. There will be ten rounds of competition, and the loser in each round will be slapped.

“I was still worried that the judgment was unfair, but the emperor just happened to be here. You are the common ruler of the world, and no one is fairer than you!”

The emperor was happy to be praised. He glanced at the imperial concubine and everyone, and said, "Well, I will be the judge."

The noble concubine just paid it off, but the ladies from various families below were extremely excited.

 As a woman, she cannot study and take scientific examinations, so the chances of meeting the emperor are too few.

Now as long as you win Princess Kangle, you will be able to register in front of the emperor. This is definitely an opportunity with many benefits.

 Compared to just now, more people want to join the ten-person team.

 After some intense “discussions”, the quota was finally decided.

 Power is extremely useful at any time.

 Out of the ten quotas, eight of them are girls from well-known families, including the daughters of several important ministers. The last two girls left are the ones who are really well-educated in poetry and books, but their fathers and brothers are just ordinary officials...

Good news No matter what their origins are, she has made up her mind today to beat them to tears and establish her authority!

When her adoptive father and father were in Xindu, it didn't matter if she kept a low profile, and no one would dare to bully her.

But now these people are bullying her without any support and actively provoking them. If she doesn't become tougher, then any cat or dog will dare to bark at her from now on!

The third princess was so anxious that she picked up her skirt and ran to Jiayin and Baozhu. She pulled Jiayin and asked in a low voice, "Can you do it? Do you want to quickly find a few people to help you compose poems on the spot?"

Hearing the good news, he felt heart-warming and funny. He hugged the third princess on his left and Baozhu on his right, comforting him, "Don't worry! When have I ever suffered a loss? Just wait and see the fun, today's slap will definitely be thrown away." "

The third princess and Baozhu were doubtful, but there was nothing they could do to stop them. They could only wait patiently.

Mr. Yi was also worried. Taking advantage of the time when the palace maids and eunuchs were buying new tea and snacks, he came over and asked, "Princess, are you sure? Some of those girls are indeed good at learning..."

Jiayin smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, Chief Manager, just wait and see the fun later."

Mr. Yi smiled bitterly and hurriedly slipped back to serve the emperor, thinking in his mind that if the good news was lost later, he would definitely help to make some corrections.

 You can’t let your little girl get slapped!

 Soon, the competition began.

The first person to appear was Miss Lu. Firstly, this incident happened because of her. Secondly, her family background was the lowest, and the noble ladies also wanted her to take the lead and test the authenticity of the good news.

Ms. Lu tried her best to suppress her excitement. Looking at the good news, she felt as if she was sure to win the next game.

Since she was going to attend the summer banquet today, she would definitely accompany the imperial concubine to enjoy the flowers, so she wrote a few poems at home early to prepare for emergencies.

Wherever I thought of it, this came in handy!

“Princess Princess, the title of this first game is Peach Blossom!”

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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