Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1025: The knife has been handed to your hand!

Chapter 1025 The knife has been handed to your hand!

Many people in Xindu know that Princess Kangle plays well with the fat girl from the Jia family.

 But I have only heard a few words about it, and I have not seen it with my own eyes several times.

 Looking at it like this today, it is really novel.

The Jia girl is a glutton, her cheeks are stuffed with food and are as bulging as a squirrel.

Not only did Princess Kangle not dislike it, she also gave Miss Jia water and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

Looking at the food, it was not placed on the table. It was obviously prepared by Princess Kangle specially for Miss Jia.

The ladies just paid it off, after all, it was just the two little girls who had a better time.

 But the girls from all the families felt uncomfortable.

You must know that Princess Kangle has not spoken to any of them since she arrived, and has not even looked at them for charity. Instead, she is now wandering around a gluttonous silly girl.

 It is really short-sighted!

Aren't these noble ladies not worthy of Princess Kangle's sight?

 In the final analysis, Princess Kangle is just a poor farmer, so there is nothing to be proud of!

 In this world, only women and villains are difficult to raise.

 Among them, the little girl’s thoughts are the most difficult to predict!

As a result, many girls became jealous and angry.

The imperial concubine drank tea with a gentle smile, looking at the performing girl from time to time. In fact, she had already noticed everything and had some thoughts...

 The programs on the field are one after another.

 Occasionally some girls make mistakes, but most of them are good.

He is good at playing the piano and playing music, writing calligraphy and painting well, and his singing is crisp and cheerful.

The imperial concubine gave some rewards from time to time, which made everyone more active.

In just over half an hour, all the girls had finished their performances.

The imperial concubine smiled and asked the third princess, "Princess, look at these girls, they are really good. Not only are they beautiful and generous, but they are also very talented."

The third princess is very active and dislikes playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting the most. After sitting down for such a long time, she was so bored that she almost fell asleep.

At this moment, after hearing this, she responded with disdain, "It's barely okay. They don't need to take the scientific examination. They have learned piano, music, calligraphy and painting for more than ten years. It's not unusual for them to have this level!"

The imperial concubine seemed a little embarrassed. She glanced at the people below and looked a little guilty.

  It seems that because of her words, she caused everyone to be belittled by the princess, and she felt very sorry.

The women of each family are in a deeper city. Although they are unhappy, they will not say anything.

But the girls had just received the reward and were feeling proud and proud. Seeing this, they couldn't bear it anymore.

Especially the girl from the Lu family, who had just performed first and received the best reward, so she thought that she had caught the eye of the noble concubine and would soon become a master.

 Thinking again of how Baozhu and Mrs. Jia had just "forced" me to submit and apologize, I couldn't suppress my desire for revenge.

So she stood up and said, "The noble concubine and the courtiers are not very talented and have little knowledge. Of course, they will not impress the princess with their little abilities.

"Presumably, princesses must usually meet women who are better than us, right? For example, Princess Kangle, or a girl from the Jia family?

"Today, we are fortunate enough to have Princess Kangle and the girls from the Jia family here. How about asking them to show off their talents and open our eyes?"

The other little sisters who played well with Miss Lu saw that she was taking the lead, and they all agreed.

“Yes, my dear concubine, let us also broaden our horizons.”

"The princess's brother is the first scholar in the new science, and her sister, who is the first scholar, must also have poetry and books." "And Miss Jia's cousin is also the first scholar in the new science. Naturally, he is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, so he must be better than us."

The third princess has been pampered since she was a child and has a noble birth. Naturally, she doesn't know much about words and expressions, but she can still tell the difference between a good word and a good word.

These girls are so yin and yang, even if they annoyed her to tell the truth, they didn't dare to do anything to her, so the evil fire was directed at the good news and the treasure!

She stared at that moment and scolded, "Which family are you from? What nonsense are you talking about! If your brother is a new Jinshi, he must be equally knowledgeable? Then is your brother a Jinshi? If not, your whole family is What a fool!"

The girls were choked badly. They didn't expect the third princess to be so smooth-talking.

They wanted to refute, but they didn't dare, so they could only show their dissatisfaction written on their faces.

The imperial concubine seemed to be afraid of the third princess's strength, and tried to persuade her, "Princess, don't be angry, they just want to see the princess's erudition.

“The Li family was born in the countryside, and it has only been ten years since they settled in Xindu, so their background is indeed shallow.

“There was a champion before, and he has already won the favor of the emperor, which is very valuable. Even if the princess is a little lacking in talent, others can’t say anything.”

Jiayin didn’t want to talk at first, after all, it’s better to do less than to do more.

 But seeing this, she also laughed angrily.

Several girls stood up to provoke them, but ignored them and said nothing.

 But the imperial concubine continued to add fuel to the fire. If she didn't fight back, it would be acquiescence.

Maybe it will be spread everywhere in Xindu tomorrow that the Li family has a shallow foundation, Princess Kangle is as stupid as a pig, and even the number one scholar in the Li family is taken care of by the emperor, and there is no real talent left!

 She shook her sleeves and stood up directly, smiling lightly.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint the noble concubine. Our Li family does not come from a high background, but our upbringing is very strict. My brothers also study hard. Now they are all working hard for Tianwu. Everyone in Tianwu knows this. It’s not something that anyone can erase with a single word.”

This "who", of course, refers to the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine looked a little unhappy. She didn't want to quarrel with the third princess, but she was not afraid of a princess who came from a peasant family.

"The princess has misunderstood. No one said there is anything wrong with your father and brother being loyal to the country. I just think that your talent and learning are not as good as those of the ladies here."

“After all, every lady comes from a famous family and has been taught by famous teachers since she was a child. Don’t you think so?”

Jiayin glanced at the so-called ladies who held their heads high and held their chests high, with disdain growing in his eyes.

 The knife has been handed to her hand. If it doesn't turn red again, the word "coward" will be engraved on her head!

"I cannot agree with what the imperial concubine said. Who said that a lady from a famous family must have learned a lot? There are still some idiots who are not enlightened. After studying for more than ten years, I am afraid they are not as good as me, who falls asleep after reading books!"

"If the noble concubine doesn't believe it, how about I try it with the ladies here?"

 This is going to be...one against dozens!

Everyone was stunned, and no one dared to speak for a while.

They don’t understand whether Jiayin is really confident to fight against everyone, or whether he is so arrogant that he doesn’t know the sky is the limit.

 The third princess and Baozhu are really worried that Jiayin will suffer a loss!

Baozhu pulled Jiayin's sleeve firmly and hurriedly urged, "Sister Jiayin, it can't be done, it can't be done! There are so many of them!"

The third princess also stood up suddenly and shouted, "No, good news! You are only one person, how can you compete with so many people? Besides, if you are not happy, just beat them up. Why compete with them? It will be a waste of energy!" "

Jiayin patted Baozhu on the back, gave the third princess another look, and said with a smile, "There is no other way. Now that the matter has reached this point, I can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

“Otherwise, not only will I be laughed at, but my family will also be embarrassed.”

 (End of this chapter)

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