Dragon King Order

Chapter 1900: Competing Mental Power

Wan Hong's eyes flashed: "Chen Ping, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course, I also want to see what level of mental power you so-called masters of deduction have achieved!"

Chen Ping nodded and said.

"Well, I hope you won't regret it..."

After saying that, Wan Hong recalled the Fire God Bird, then closed his eyes slightly, took out black stones from his body, and kept throwing them on the ground!

"Chen Ping, he is cheating. He is using the stones on the ground to mark out areas to expand his perception distance!"

Hu Mazi reminded Chen Ping.

Wan Hong only needs to feel the stones he throws on the ground, and he can sense the surrounding situation through the stones!

This is a trick, but it will be transmitted through stones, so the perception of some things will be inaccurate.

"I'll let him cheat and see what happens..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly!

Chen Ping is very confident in his own mental power, and his understanding of the way of heaven is not deep. If he can deepen his understanding of the way of heaven by following Wan Hong's confrontation, then Chen Ping's goal will be achieved!

Soon, Wan Hong closed his eyes slightly, and bursts of huge mental power began to spread to the surroundings!

As Wan Hong's mental power spread, the black stones on the ground began to shine!

Looking at the luster of the stones on the ground, one can easily tell where Wan Hong's perception has reached!

Chen Ping was instantly enveloped in that huge spiritual power, and his whole body seemed to be in a strange space!

I saw that in this space, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, with nothing at all!

Even the sky and the earth were a vast expanse of white, and Chen Ping seemed to be floating in mid-air!

People in this environment will become very fearful and anxious!

Chen Ping, on the other hand, had a calm face. He was waiting quietly, waiting for how Wan Hong would deal with him!

r\u003e Soon, the white surroundings began to disappear, and land appeared under Chen Ping’s feet!

Houses appeared one after another around, and there were even large fields, with many people working in the fields!

"Chen Ping..."

"When did your kid come back!"

"Chen Ping is already so old..."

People working in the fields kept saying hello to Chen Ping!

Chen Ping looked very familiar to these people, but he couldn't remember them!

"Chen Ping, you kid, your uncle and aunt say hello to you, but why don't you say anything?"

At this time, a familiar voice came into Chen Ping's ears!

Chen Ping turned around and found that it was his mother Tang Hongying. At this time, Tang Hongying still had black hair and was holding tools in her hand, and was about to work in the fields.

"Mom, you..."

Chen Ping was about to talk to Tang Hongying, but soon a stinging pain flashed through his mind!

A vague spiritual power has entered Chen Ping's mind and began to probe Chen Ping's thoughts!

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth slightly. It seemed that this Wan Hong was not useless. He did have a lot of mental power. He actually put the mental power into his mind without even realizing it!

"Have you had enough fun?"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he gently touched his palm, and everything in front of him disappeared, and the spiritual power in his mind was cut off instantly by Chen Ping!

Wan Hong suddenly took a step back, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was breathing heavily!

Chen Ping, on the other hand, looked at Wan Hong quietly, "With this little ability, do you dare to call yourself a master and understand the way of heaven?"

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth, and then a ray of light shot out from his eyes, and an extremely domineering spiritual power instantly entered Wan Hong's mind!

Wan Hong was stunned and his eyes instantly became dull!

Soon, fear appeared on his face, his whole body was shaking, and he started waving his arms! Wan Hong's eyes flashed: "Chen Ping, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course, I also want to see what level of mental power you so-called masters of deduction have achieved!"

Chen Ping nodded and said.

"Well, I hope you won't regret it..."

After saying that, Wan Hong recalled the Fire God Bird, then closed his eyes slightly, took out black stones from his body, and kept throwing them on the ground!

"Chen Ping, he is cheating. He is using the stones on the ground to mark out areas to expand his perception distance!"

Hu Mazi reminded Chen Ping.

Wan Hong only needs to feel the stones he throws on the ground, and he can sense the surrounding situation through the stones!

This is a trick, but it will be transmitted through stones, so the perception of some things will be inaccurate.

"I'll let him cheat and see what happens..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly!

Chen Ping is very confident in his mental power, and his understanding of the way of heaven is not deep. If he can deepen his understanding of the way of heaven by following Wan Hong's confrontation, then Chen Ping's goal will be achieved!

Soon, Wan Hong closed his eyes slightly, and bursts of huge mental power began to spread to the surroundings!

As Wan Hong's mental power spread, the black stones on the ground began to shine!

Looking at the luster of the stones on the ground, one can easily tell where Wan Hong's perception has reached!

Chen Ping was instantly enveloped in that huge mental power, and his whole body seemed to be in a strange space!

I saw that in this space, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, with nothing at all!

Even the sky and the earth were a vast expanse of white, and Chen Ping seemed to be floating in mid-air!

People in this environment will become very fearful and anxious!

Chen Ping, on the other hand, had a calm face. He was waiting quietly, waiting for how Wan Hong would deal with him!

r\u003e Soon, the white surroundings began to disappear, and land appeared under Chen Ping’s feet!

Houses appeared one after another around, and there were even large fields, with many people working in the fields!

"Chen Ping..."

"When did your kid come back!"

"Chen Ping is already so old..."

People working in the fields kept saying hello to Chen Ping!

Chen Ping looked very familiar to these people, but he couldn't remember them!

"Chen Ping, you kid, your uncle and aunt say hello to you, but why don't you say anything?"

At this time, a familiar voice came into Chen Ping's ears!

Chen Ping turned around and found that it was his mother Tang Hongying. At this time, Tang Hongying still had black hair and was holding tools in her hand, and was about to work in the fields.

"Mom, you..."

Chen Ping was about to talk to Tang Hongying, but soon a stinging pain flashed through his mind!

A vague spiritual power has entered Chen Ping's mind and began to probe Chen Ping's thoughts!

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth slightly. It seemed that this Wan Hong was not useless. He did have a lot of mental power. He actually put the mental power into his mind without even realizing it!

"Have you had enough fun?"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he gently touched his palm, and everything in front of him disappeared, and the spiritual power in his mind was cut off instantly by Chen Ping!

Wan Hong suddenly took a step back, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was breathing heavily!

Chen Ping, on the other hand, looked at Wan Hong quietly, "With this little ability, do you dare to call yourself a master and understand the way of heaven?"

Chen Ping raised the corner of his mouth, and then a ray of light shot out from his eyes, and an extremely domineering spiritual power instantly entered Wan Hong's mind!

Wan Hong was stunned and his eyes instantly became dull!

Soon, fear appeared on his face, his whole body was shaking, and he started waving his arms!

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