Dragon King Order

Chapter 1899: Beaten to a pulp

Wan Hong remained calm and waved his hand, and the Fiery Bird attacked directly!


The wings of the Fire Bird continued to flap, and flames rose up in the sky, turning half the sky red!

The beasts transformed by the talismans of Hu Mazi roared in the flames!

They were all set on fire and disappeared into thin air.

Seeing this, Hu Mazi hurriedly activated the magic formula again, and the talisman on his body rose into the sky again!

"Water control spell..."

Hu Mazi shouted, and then the ground around him exploded, and pillars of water shot up into the sky!

The water pillars gathered together to form a waterspout, and then swept towards the blazing fire bird!

The fire bird spits blazing flames from its mouth, but it is extinguished when it touches water, and the waterspout approaches instantly!

The Fire God Bird was quickly surrounded, and a large amount of water columns hit the Fire God Bird!

The flames on this fire bird are not spiritual fire or samadhi true fire, so in front of a large amount of water, the flames become darker and darker!

Seeing that the fire bird was about to be swallowed up by the waterspout, Hu Mazi stopped!

Because this fire bird is the only one in the world where Xiaoyu exists!

But just when Hu Mazi was stunned, the Fire God Bird, under the command of Wan Hong, roared directly out of the waterspout and slammed into Hu Mazi!

Hu Mazi couldn't dodge and was knocked straight away, a mouthful of blood spurting out!

No one controlled the waterspout, and it instantly turned into a pool of stagnant water and fell back to the ground!

The flames on the Fire Divine Bird are burning brightly again!

"Hahaha, Hu Mazi, you can never surpass me. Even your most beloved woman has chosen me. What else do you have to say in front of me?"

Wan Hong looked at Hu Mazi like that and laughed, stimulating Hu Mazi!

"You're numb..."

Hu Mazi covered his chest, his blood and energy surged up, and he was about to follow Wan Hong desperately!

But as soon as he moved, a mouthful of blood spurted out again!

"Master Hu, stop moving and let me deal with this guy!"

Seeing this, Chen Ping stopped Hu Mazi and told him to stop moving.

Wan Hong looked at Chen Ping and snorted coldly, "Boy, who are you? Dare you say such big words? Are young people so crazy now?"

"Believe it or not, I can beat you to a pulp with just one hand?"

Seeing that Chen Ping dared to speak arrogant words at such a young age, Wan Hong immediately threatened Chen Ping with a cold face!

"My name is Chen Ping..."

Chen Ping said calmly.

When the word "Chen Ping" came out of his mouth, Wan Hong, who had originally looked disdainful, suddenly turned extremely ugly!

"Chen Ping?" Wan Hong looked at Chen Ping. "Are you the Chen Ping who established Longmen and followed the martial arts alliance to fight against you?"

Chen Ping's name is considered a household name in the entire martial arts world!

Chen Ping's name appears most frequently on martial arts forums.

"You're right, so I really want to see how you can slap me into a pulp..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly.

Wan Hong's face is uglier than eating shit!

Who doesn't know that Chen Ping's physical body is extremely powerful, and with the blessing of an indestructible golden body, even the peak Dawuhou cannot even think of slapping Chen Ping to death.

Even if Wu Sheng came, he would not dare to say such big words when facing Chen Ping.

Wan Hong said this, which is obviously bragging!

"Chen Ping, you and I have no quarrel with each other. I have no enmity with you. Why do you want to deal with me?"

"You know that I am a master of deduction, and my best skill is deduction. If you use force to attack me, aren't you afraid of losing your reputation?"

Wan Hong just hopes that Chen Ping won't do anything to him at this moment!

Because he knew that he was definitely no match for Chen Ping!

"What a coincidence. I have also understood the way of heaven and learned some deduction techniques. The technique of deduction is to rely on strong mental power to understand the way of heaven and the whole world. Since you and I both understand, let's compare our mental powers. Bar!"

Chen Ping sneered. Wan Hong remained calm and waved his hand, and the Fiery Bird attacked directly!


The wings of the Fire Bird continued to flap, and flames rose up in the sky, turning half the sky red!

The beasts transformed by the talismans of Hu Mazi roared in the flames!

They were all set on fire and disappeared into thin air.

Seeing this, Hu Mazi hurriedly activated the magic formula again, and the talisman on his body rose into the sky again!

"Water control spell..."

Hu Mazi shouted, and then the ground around him exploded, and pillars of water shot up into the sky!

The water pillars gathered together to form a waterspout, and then swept towards the blazing fire bird!

The fire bird spits blazing flames from its mouth, but it is extinguished when it touches water, and the waterspout approaches instantly!

The Fire God Bird was quickly surrounded, and a large amount of water columns hit the Fire God Bird!

The flames on this fire bird are not spiritual fire or samadhi true fire, so in front of a large amount of water, the flames become darker and darker!

Seeing that the fire bird was about to be swallowed up by the waterspout, Hu Mazi stopped!

Because this fire bird is the only one in the world where Xiaoyu exists!

But just when Hu Mazi was stunned, the Fire God Bird, under the command of Wan Hong, roared directly out of the waterspout and slammed into Hu Mazi!

Hu Mazi couldn't dodge and was knocked straight away, a mouthful of blood spurting out!

No one controlled the waterspout, and it instantly turned into a pool of stagnant water and fell back to the ground!

The flames on the Fire Divine Bird are burning brightly again!

"Hahaha, Hu Mazi, you can never surpass me. Even your most beloved woman has chosen me. What else do you have to say in front of me?"

Wan Hong looked at Hu Mazi like that and laughed, stimulating Hu Mazi!

"You're numb..."

Hu Mazi covered his chest, his blood and energy surged up, and he was about to follow Wan Hong desperately!

But as soon as he moved, a mouthful of blood spurted out again!

"Master Hu, stop moving and let me deal with this guy!"

Seeing this, Chen Ping stopped Hu Mazi and told him to stop moving.

Wan Hong looked at Chen Ping and snorted coldly, "Boy, who are you? Dare you say such big words? Are young people so crazy now?"

"Believe it or not, I can beat you to a pulp with just one hand?"

Seeing that Chen Ping dared to speak arrogant words at such a young age, Wan Hong immediately threatened Chen Ping with a cold face!

"My name is Chen Ping..."

Chen Ping said calmly.

When the word "Chen Ping" came out of his mouth, Wan Hong, who had originally looked disdainful, suddenly turned extremely ugly!

"Chen Ping?" Wan Hong looked at Chen Ping. "Are you the Chen Ping who established Longmen and followed the martial arts alliance to fight against you?"

Chen Ping's name is considered a household name in the entire martial arts world!

Chen Ping's name appears most frequently on martial arts forums.

"You're right, so I really want to see how you can slap me into a pulp..."

Chen Ping smiled lightly.

Wan Hong's face is uglier than eating shit!

Who doesn't know that Chen Ping's physical body is extremely powerful, and with the blessing of an indestructible golden body, even the peak Dawuhou cannot even think of slapping Chen Ping to death.

Even if Wu Sheng came, he would not dare to say such big words when facing Chen Ping.

Wan Hong said this, which is obviously bragging!

"Chen Ping, you and I have no quarrel with each other. I have no enmity with you. Why do you want to deal with me?"

"You know that I am a master of deduction, and my best skill is deduction. If you use force to attack me, aren't you afraid of losing your reputation?"

Wan Hong just hopes that Chen Ping won't do anything to him at this moment!

Because he knew that he was definitely no match for Chen Ping!

"What a coincidence. I have also understood the way of heaven and learned some deduction techniques. The technique of deduction is to rely on strong mental power to understand the way of heaven and the whole world. Since you and I both understand, let's compare our mental powers. Bar!"

Chen Ping sneered.

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