Dragon King Order

Chapter 1400: Look at the excitement

"Why don't you dare? It's your grandson who's afraid of you. I'll wait for you in advance. Just wait and die..."

Chen Ping sneered, then jumped up and headed towards the suburbs.

Zhu Zhishan's face turned pale with anger, and he gasped for breath, "Brother Du, you must peel off Chen Ping's skin and cramp..."

"Brother, don't worry, this kid won't survive..." .??.??

Duda's eyes were full of light. In his eyes, Chen Ping was a good resource now.

Duda jumped up and headed towards the suburbs in an instant. Seeing this, Zhu Zhishan hurriedly followed.


Inside the Dharma Protector's Pavilion.

Mr. Shi drank tea leisurely, while Zhao Wuji stood respectfully aside.

"Mr. Shi, this morning Mr. Chen went to the door of the Martial Arts Alliance to yell and curse, as if he wanted to compete with Zhu Zhishan..."

Zhao Wuji reported in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Shi smiled faintly, "This guy is quite positive. I hope he won't be beaten half to death..."

Zhao Wuji was a little confused. Mr. Shi clearly defended Chen Ping in everything, but why did Mr. Shi not seem to want to help Chen Ping in this competition?

However, Zhao Wuji did not dare to ask. Now, as the master of the Dharma Protector Pavilion, he only ran errands and maintained public order. There were some things that people of his level simply could not participate in.

At this moment, Xing Jun walked in. After seeing Mr. Shi, he nodded and said, "Mr. Shi, your prediction is indeed good. This time Zhu Zhishan did not notify anyone. It seemed that he wanted to kill Chen Ping secretly. However, I have already notified..."

"Well, you can come and have a look with me, but don't really let this kid Chen Ping die..."

Mr. Shi put down the teacup, stood up slowly and said.

"Mr. Shi, if you go in person, will it arouse everyone's suspicion? You said you would not care about Chen Ping anymore..."

Xing Jun reminded Mr. Shi.

"Did I say I would take care of him?

I'm just watching the fun! "

Mr. Shi smiled slightly and then walked out.

At this time, many people from sect families had gathered together in the suburbs.

The purpose of Mr. Shi's doing this is to reduce Chen Ping's potential enemies. When these people see Chen Ping's strength, they will not choose to go against Chen Ping!

Zhu Zhishan looked at the people gathered in the suburbs, his expression extremely ugly. He didn't want anyone to know this time, because this was what Duda meant.

Penglai Island is a small overseas island and is considered a hidden place. Not many people know about it, and Duda does not want too many people to know about the existence of Penglai Island.

"Brother Zhu, what does this mean?"

Duda looked at the many people gathered at the scene, frowned, and asked with a very unhappy expression.

"Brother Du, I don't know. This time you came to Kyoto, I didn't tell anyone, let alone so many people." Zhu Zhishan explained anxiously, "Could it be Chen Ping who informed you?" ? Otherwise, I will give an order to have the people from the Martial Arts Alliance drive these guys away."

"Okay, now that this is the case, we can only decide quickly..."

Du Da waved his hand, and then jumped in front of Chen Ping.


Duda's huge figure directly smashed a big hole in the ground, rocks flew everywhere, and the earth trembled!

Many people were a little surprised to see Duda having such a big fight as soon as he appeared on the stage!

"Who is this guy? Is he from the Martial Arts Alliance? Does he look strange?"

"I don't know, but the aura on this guy is so strong. I don't know where Leader Zhu invited him from."

"This is King Du. Seniors from decades ago should all know him. This guy used to be very powerful, but he disappeared later. I don't know where he went."

"This Duda went to Penglai Island. I heard that he conquered the mountains and became the king there. He became the emperor of the earth and lived a very comfortable life."

"Where is Penglai Island?" "Why don't you dare? It is your grandson who is afraid of you. I will wait for you in advance, so you can just wait to die..."

Chen Ping sneered, then jumped up and headed towards the suburbs.

Zhu Zhishan's face turned pale with anger, and he gasped for breath, "Brother Du, you must peel off Chen Ping's skin and cramp..."

"Brother, don't worry, this kid won't survive..."

Duda's eyes were full of light. In his eyes, Chen Ping was a good resource now. ??

Duda jumped up and headed towards the suburbs in an instant. Seeing this, Zhu Zhishan hurriedly followed.


Inside the Dharma Protector's Pavilion.

Mr. Shi drank tea leisurely, while Zhao Wuji stood respectfully aside.

"Mr. Shi, this morning Mr. Chen went to the door of the Martial Arts Alliance to yell and curse, as if he wanted to compete with Zhu Zhishan..."

Zhao Wuji reported in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Shi smiled faintly, "This guy is quite positive. I hope he won't be beaten half to death..."

Zhao Wuji was a little confused. Mr. Shi clearly defended Chen Ping in everything, but why did Mr. Shi not seem to want to help Chen Ping in this competition?

However, Zhao Wuji did not dare to ask. Now, as the master of the Dharma Protector Pavilion, he only ran errands and maintained public order. There were some things that people of his level simply could not participate in.

At this moment, Xing Jun walked in. After seeing Mr. Shi, he nodded and said, "Mr. Shi, your prediction is indeed good. This time Zhu Zhishan did not notify anyone. It seemed that he wanted to kill Chen Ping secretly. However, I have already notified..."

"Well, you can come and have a look with me, but don't really let this kid Chen Ping die..."

Mr. Shi put down his teacup, stood up slowly and said.

"Mr. Shi, if you go in person, will it arouse people's suspicion? You said you would not care about Chen Ping anymore..."

Xing Jun reminded Mr. Shi.

"Did I say I would take care of him?

I'm just watching the fun! "

Mr. Shi smiled slightly and then walked out.

At this time, many people from sect families had gathered together in the suburbs.

The purpose of Mr. Shi's doing this is to reduce Chen Ping's potential enemies. When these people see Chen Ping's strength, they will not choose to go against Chen Ping!

Zhu Zhishan looked at the people gathered in the suburbs, his expression extremely ugly. He didn't want anyone to know this time, because this was what Duda meant.

Penglai Island is a small overseas island and is considered a hidden place. Not many people know about it, and Duda does not want too many people to know about the existence of Penglai Island.

"Brother Zhu, what does this mean?"

Duda looked at the many people gathered at the scene, frowned, and asked with a very unhappy expression.

"Brother Du, I don't know. This time you came to Kyoto, I didn't tell anyone, let alone so many people." Zhu Zhishan explained anxiously, "Could it be Chen Ping who informed you?" ? Otherwise, I will give an order to have the people from the Martial Arts Alliance drive these guys away."

"Okay, now that this is the case, we can only decide quickly..."

Du Da waved his hand, and then jumped in front of Chen Ping.


Duda's huge figure directly smashed a big hole in the ground, rocks flew everywhere, and the earth trembled!

Many people were a little surprised to see Duda having such a big battle as soon as he appeared on the stage!

"Who is this guy? Is he from the Martial Arts Alliance? Does he look strange?"

"I don't know, but the aura on this guy is so strong. I don't know where Leader Zhu invited him from."

"This is King Du. Seniors from decades ago should all know him. This guy used to be very powerful, but he disappeared later. I don't know where he went."

"This Duda went to Penglai Island. I heard that he conquered the mountains and became the king there. He became the emperor of the earth and lived a very comfortable life."

"Where is Penglai Island?"

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