Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,399 Do you have the courage?

But Du Da didn't say anything. He just shook hands with Ning Zhi after being stunned for a moment.

"Ning Zhi, do you know whether Chen Ping has returned to Kyoto?"

Zhu Zhishan asked Ning Zhi about Chen Ping’s whereabouts!

"Chen Ping is in Kyoto, but no trace of Chen Ping has been found in the past few days. I wonder if he is hiding!"

Ning Zhi replied.

"Hmph, even if he hides in the ends of the earth, I can still find him..."

Zhu Zhishan looked at his broken arm, and then said with a sinister expression.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhishan waved his hand, "I'll chat with Brother Du for a while. You can go out. I'll call you if something happens..."

"Okay..." Ning Zhi nodded and walked out of the hall!

Ning Zhi walked back and Zhu Zhishan sat on the main seat and said to Du Da, "Brother Du, after you kill Chen Ping and have a good time in Kyoto for a few days, I will entertain you well..."

Duda smiled slightly, "Brother Zhu, you think you should have a sense of crisis. Now you may become an abandoned child."

Zhu Zhishan was slightly startled, "Brother Du, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you saw something?"

"I didn't see anything, I'm just reminding you!" Du Da shook his head, "I want to take a rest first, and you can send someone to find out about Chen Ping's whereabouts..."

Seeing that Du Da didn't say anything, Zhu Zhishan could only arrange a room for Du Da first, and then ordered someone to find out about Chen Ping.


Early the next morning!

Zhu Zhishan was still sleeping, but was awakened by a loud shout!

"Old Zhu Zhishan, I know you are back in Kyoto, come out and die quickly..."

Chen Ping stood at the door of the Martial Arts Alliance and shouted loudly.

This loud shout instantly caused Zhu Zhishan to jump up, and Duda also stood up in a hurry!

"This Chen Ping is so deceptive. He even dares to come to his door..."

Zhu Zhishan said through gritted teeth.

"I wish my brother not to be angry, just wait until I go out and kill him..."

Duda said with a relaxed look.

Soon, Duda walked out quickly, followed closely by Zhu Zhishan!

Chen Ping saw two people walking out of the Martial Arts Alliance. The one with only one arm left was Zhu Zhishan, and the burly man next to Zhu Zhishan must be Duda!

A ray of consciousness emanated from Chen Ping's body and headed directly towards Duda.

Duda's eyes flashed coldly, "Huh, what a little trick..."

With a cold snort, a golden light flashed in Duda's eyes, instantly cutting off Chen Ping's consciousness!

Chen Ping narrowed his eyes slightly, "He is really an immortal cultivator..."

When Chen Ping looked at Du Da, his eyes were full of greed and desire. He wanted to disembowel Du Da immediately and take out his Nascent Soul!

"Are you that Chen Ping?"

Du Da looked at Chen Ping in front of him and asked coldly.

"Yes, I am your Grandpa Chen Ping, who are you?"

Although Chen Ping knew Du Da, he pretended not to know and deliberately provoked Du Da and asked.

Sure enough, Du Da was instantly angered by Chen Ping's words.

"Well, you ignorant kid, today I will definitely take your dragon crystal and dig up your Nascent Soul..."

Duda's body instantly erupted with a strong aura.

This aura is obviously more powerful than Zhu Zhishan, and it carries strong spiritual power fluctuations!

Chen Ping looked at Du Da coldly. He didn't expect that when Du Da came to kill him, he also came for the Nascent Soul in his body.

It seems that the two of them now have a common goal, which is to take each other's Nascent Soul!

Just when Duda was about to take action, he was stopped by Zhu Zhishan.

"Brother Du, don't do anything here again, otherwise you will disturb the officials."

After Zhu Zhishan stopped Du Da, he then looked at Chen Ping and said, "Chen Ping, do you have the courage to go to the suburbs to fight?" However, Du Da didn't say anything. After being stunned for a moment, he shook hands with Ning Zhi.

"Ning Zhi, do you know whether Chen Ping has returned to Kyoto?"

Zhu Zhishan asked Ning Zhi about Chen Ping’s whereabouts!

"Chen Ping is in Kyoto, but no trace of Chen Ping has been found in the past few days. I wonder if he is hiding!"

Ning Zhi replied.

"Hmph, even if he hides in the ends of the earth, I can still find him..."

Zhu Zhishan looked at his broken arm, and then said with a sinister expression.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhishan waved his hand, "I'll chat with Brother Du for a while. You can go out. I'll call you if something happens..."

"Okay..." Ning Zhi nodded and walked out of the hall!

Ning Zhi walked back and Zhu Zhishan sat on the main seat and said to Du Da, "Brother Du, after you kill Chen Ping and have a good time in Kyoto for a few days, I will entertain you well..." .? ?.

Duda smiled slightly, "Brother Zhu, you think you should have a sense of crisis. Now you may become an abandoned child."

Zhu Zhishan was slightly startled. "Brother Du, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you saw something?"

"I didn't see anything, I'm just reminding you!" Du Da shook his head, "I want to take a rest first, and you can send someone to find out about Chen Ping's whereabouts..."

Seeing that Du Da didn't say anything, Zhu Zhishan could only arrange a room for Du Da first, and then ordered someone to find out about Chen Ping.


Early the next morning!

Zhu Zhishan was still sleeping, but was awakened by a loud shout!

"Old Zhu Zhishan, I know you are back in Kyoto, come out and die quickly..."

Chen Ping stood at the door of the Martial Arts Alliance and shouted loudly.

This loud shout instantly caused Zhu Zhishan to jump up, and Duda also stood up in a hurry!

"This Chen Ping is so deceptive. He even dares to come to his door..."

Zhu Zhishan said through gritted teeth.

"I wish my brother not to be angry, just wait until I go out and kill him..."

Duda said with a relaxed look.

Soon, Duda walked out quickly, followed closely by Zhu Zhishan!

Chen Ping saw two people walking out of the Martial Arts Alliance. The one with only one arm left was Zhu Zhishan, and the burly man next to Zhu Zhishan must be Duda!

A ray of consciousness emanated from Chen Ping's body and headed directly towards Duda.

Duda's eyes flashed coldly, "Huh, what a little trick..."

With a cold snort, a golden light flashed in Duda's eyes, instantly cutting off Chen Ping's consciousness!

Chen Ping narrowed his eyes slightly, "He is really an immortal cultivator..."

When Chen Ping looked at Du Da, his eyes were full of greed and desire. He wanted to disembowel Du Da immediately and take out his Nascent Soul!

"Are you that Chen Ping?"

Du Da looked at Chen Ping in front of him and asked coldly.

"Yes, I am your Grandpa Chen Ping, who are you?"

Although Chen Ping knew Du Da, he pretended not to know and deliberately provoked Du Da and asked.

Sure enough, Du Da was instantly angered by Chen Ping's words.

"Well, you ignorant kid, today I will definitely take your dragon crystal and dig up your Nascent Soul..."

Duda's body instantly erupted with a strong aura.

This aura is obviously more powerful than Zhu Zhishan, and it carries strong spiritual power fluctuations!

Chen Ping looked at Du Da coldly. He didn't expect that when Du Da came to kill him, he also came for the Nascent Soul in his body.

It seems that the two of them now have a common goal, which is to take each other's Nascent Soul!

Just when Duda was about to take action, he was stopped by Zhu Zhishan.

"Brother Du, don't do anything here again, otherwise you will disturb the officials."

After Zhu Zhishan stopped Du Da, he then looked at Chen Ping and said, "Chen Ping, do you have the courage to go to the suburbs and fight?"

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