Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,385 A combination of kindness and power

This was far beyond his expectation.

"Seven Evil Star Lord, Chen Ping's strength is indeed not low, but he may be relatively weak in mental power, so he cannot withstand the mental attack of Seven Evil Star Lord, so he becomes dementia!"

The martial arts alliance elder hurriedly explained.

"Yes, this Chen Ping must be mentally weak. After all, people with extraordinary talents are not without flaws..."

Zhu Zhishan also quickly echoed.

Lord Qishaxing snorted disdainfully. He believed that Chen Ping's strength had always been mythologized by others.

At such a young age, even if he cultivated from his mother's womb, what kind of achievements could he achieve?

"Whether Chen Ping is gifted or not, this time there is another general in my puppet corpse..."

Lord Seven Evil Stars laughed loudly.

"Seven Evil Star Lord, you can't turn this Chen Ping into a puppet corpse..."

Zhu Zhishan hurriedly said to the Seven Evil Star Lord.

"Why? Don't you want this Chen Ping to die?"

Lord Qishaxing looked at Zhu Zhishan doubtfully.

"Of course I want this Chen Ping to die, but I need to take Chen Ping's head back..."

Zhu Zhishan explained.

Seeing that Zhu Zhishan was about to chop off Chen Ping's head, Lord Qishaxing's expression changed.

If Chen Ping doesn't have a head, he can't practice puppet corpse.

"Zhu Alliance Leader, I took action to surrender this Chen Ping, so I should have the final say on how to deal with this Chen Ping. How can you just say one word and let me give it to you for nothing with such good corpse refining materials?"

Lord Qishaxing looked at Zhu Zhishan very displeased and said.

Zhu Zhishan frowned. He did not expect that the Seven Evil Star Lord would contradict him and disobey his orders!

"Seven Evil Star Lord, don't forget your identity. I have a demonic order here..."

Zhu Zhishan said with a cold expression.

See you

When Shan mentioned the magic order, Lord Seven Evils opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Although his face was full of dissatisfaction, he did not dare to follow Zhu Zhi on the top of the mountain.

Seeing that Qi Sha Xingjun was not talking, Zhu Zhishan smiled with satisfaction, "Don't worry, I will find a way to send you several Wuhou to let you refine corpses, and I will also have people give you blood corpses." Send a lot of resources there.”

Zhu Zhishan was giving both kindness and power. He knew that with his own strength, if it weren't for the magic order, none of these evil cultivators would be willing to listen to him.

"Then thank you very much, Leader Zhu..."

Seeing that Zhu Zhishan had promised benefits, Mr. Qishaxing showed a satisfied expression.

But at this moment, Chen Ping, whose eyes had been dull and looked like a corpse, suddenly laughed.

"Is my head easily taken away?"

Chen Ping said with a playful look.

Chen Ping suddenly spoke, making Zhu Zhishan and Qisha Xingjun startled.

The two people hurriedly turned to look at Chen Ping, and found that Chen Ping's eyes were bright at this time, he was just a normal person, and there was no sign of being controlled at all.

Zhu Zhishan looked at Qisha Xingjun in confusion, "What's going on?"

Qi Shaxing Junyue looked confused, and then suddenly waved his hands, "Maybe this kid's mental power broke through the restraints and made me come..."

After saying that, streaks of black mist waved out from Qisha Xingjun's hands, instantly wrapping Chen Ping in it again.

The shrill screams rang out again.

Zhu Zhishan and the elder hurriedly covered their ears. When they heard the screams with mental attacks, they felt mentally unstable.

"Hmph, do you really think that this mere evil spirit technique can control me? You are simply too naive."

Chen Ping snorted coldly and suddenly opened his mouth!

The black mist surrounding Chen Ping was instantly sucked into Chen Ping's body.

It wasn't until all the black mist was absorbed that Chen Ping wiped his mouth with satisfaction. This was far beyond his expectation.

"Seven Evil Star Lord, Chen Ping's strength is indeed not low, but he may be relatively weak in mental power, so he cannot withstand the mental attack of Seven Evil Star Lord, so he becomes dementia!"

The martial arts alliance elder hurriedly explained.

"Yes, this Chen Ping must be mentally weak. After all, people with extraordinary talents are not without flaws..."

Zhu Zhishan also quickly echoed.

Lord Qishaxing snorted disdainfully. He believed that Chen Ping's strength had always been mythologized by others.

At such a young age, even if he cultivated from his mother's womb, what kind of achievements could he achieve?

"Whether Chen Ping is gifted or not, this time there is another general in my puppet corpse..."

Lord Seven Evil Stars laughed loudly.

"Seven Evil Star Lord, you can't turn this Chen Ping into a puppet corpse..."

Zhu Zhishan hurriedly said to the Seven Evil Star Lord.

"Why? Don't you want this Chen Ping to die?"

Lord Qishaxing looked at Zhu Zhishan doubtfully.

"Of course I want Chen Ping to die, but I need to take Chen Ping's head back..."

Zhu Zhishan explained.

Seeing that Zhu Zhishan was going to chop off Chen Ping's head, Qisha Xingjun's expression changed.

If Chen Ping doesn't have a head, he can't practice puppet corpse.

"Zhu Alliance Leader, I took action to surrender this Chen Ping, so I should have the final say on how to deal with this Chen Ping. How can you just say one word and let me give it to you for nothing with such good corpse refining materials?"

Lord Qishaxing looked at Zhu Zhishan very displeased and said.

Zhu Zhishan frowned. He did not expect that the Seven Evil Star Lord would contradict him and disobey his orders!

"Seven Evil Star Lord, don't forget your identity. I have a demonic order here..."

Zhu Zhishan said with a cold expression.

See you

When Shan mentioned the magic order, Lord Seven Evils opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Although his face was full of dissatisfaction, he did not dare to follow Zhu Zhi on the top of the mountain.

Seeing that Qi Sha Xingjun was not talking, Zhu Zhishan smiled with satisfaction, "Don't worry, I will find a way to send you several Wuhou to let you refine corpses, and I will also have people give you blood corpses." Send a lot of resources there.”

Zhu Zhishan was giving both kindness and power. He knew that with his own strength, if it weren't for the magic order, none of these evil cultivators would be willing to listen to him.

"Then thank you very much, Leader Zhu..."

Seeing that Zhu Zhishan had promised benefits, Mr. Qishaxing showed a satisfied expression.

But at this moment, Chen Ping, whose eyes had been dull and looked like a corpse, suddenly laughed.

"Is my head easily taken away?"

Chen Ping said with a playful look.

Chen Ping suddenly spoke, making Zhu Zhishan and Qisha Xingjun startled.

The two people hurriedly turned to look at Chen Ping, and found that Chen Ping's eyes were bright at this time, he was just a normal person, and there was no sign of being controlled at all.

Zhu Zhishan looked at Qisha Xingjun in confusion, "What's going on?"

Qi Shaxing Junyue looked confused, and then suddenly waved his hands, "Maybe this kid's mental power broke through the restraints and made me come..."

After saying that, streaks of black mist waved out from Qisha Xingjun's hands, instantly wrapping Chen Ping in it again.

The shrill screams rang out again.

Zhu Zhishan and the elder hurriedly covered their ears. When they heard the screams with mental attacks, they felt mentally unstable.

"Hmph, do you really think that this mere evil spirit technique can control me? You are simply too naive."

Chen Ping snorted coldly and suddenly opened his mouth!

The black mist surrounding Chen Ping was instantly sucked into Chen Ping's body.

It wasn't until all the black mist was absorbed that Chen Ping wiped his mouth with satisfaction.

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