Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,384 Control

"You should go back to Kyoto by yourself. I don't plan to go back now. I want to look for it again to see if I can find some mausoleum ruins or something like that."

"When I call you, you have to come. Don't forget what you owe me."

Hu Mazi glanced at Chen Ping and said.

Chen Ping smiled awkwardly and said, "No problem, I will definitely tell you when Master Hu can use me!"

Hu Mazi smiled inwardly. With Chen Ping's words, Hu Mazi was no longer afraid, because he knew that before long, Chen Ping would be a figure that people looked up to.

After the two people parted ways, Chen Ping rushed towards Kyoto on his own.

When Chen Ping passed a small forest, his pace suddenly slowed down.

Because he felt an indescribable gloomy feeling!

It's broad daylight, and the sun is shining brightly, so it shouldn't feel like this.

But as soon as he walked into the grove, Chen Ping felt that the temperature around him had dropped a lot.

All the spiritual energy in his body was mobilized by Chen Ping, and then he walked forward cautiously.

But just when Chen Ping walked not far, he saw a sudden burst of black fog in front of him!

In an instant, the black mist submerged the entire grove.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping knew that someone must be ambushing him here.

The black mist that suddenly appeared seemed to be spiritual, and began to surround Chen Ping, and finally directly wrapped Chen Ping.

A series of shrill screams came out from the black mist. These screams, with great penetrating power, went straight to the depths of Chen Ping's mind.

This is a mental attack that seems to want to defeat Chen Ping's consciousness and turn Chen Ping into a fool.

Chen Ping stood there, motionless, as if he was frightened by the screams.

Seeing that Chen Ping was neither moving nor struggling, Qisha Xingjun was wearing a

The black robe walked out slowly.

Lord Seven Evil Stars looked at Chen Ping who was motionless, and raised his lips, "Such a powerful guy, if he can be turned into a puppet corpse, he will be a good helper..."

Qi Sha Xingjun waved his hand, and the black mist on Chen Ping slowly dissipated, and the screams disappeared. Chen Ping's eyes were lifeless and he stood motionless!

Lord Qishaxing walked up to Chen Ping, then pointed two fingers, and a golden light instantly penetrated Chen Ping's head!

Immediately afterwards, black mist began to rise from the palm of the Seven Evil Star Lord, and he slowly slapped his palm towards Chen Ping's head.

To practice the puppet corpse, you must first cut off the thoughts. The golden light just cut off the thoughts in Chen Ping's mind.


Just when Qi Sha Xingjun was about to attack Chen Ping, he was stopped by a sudden shout.

I saw two figures walking out slowly.

Lord Qi Shaxing frowned and became alert for a moment, but when he saw the person coming, he immediately let down his guard!

It turned out that these two people were the elders of Zhu Zhishan's martial arts alliance!

"Zhu Alliance Leader, why are you here?"

Lord Qishaxing asked curiously.

"I'm also here for Chen Ping..."

Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping who was standing still and smiled coldly.

"Alliance leader, you all said that this Chen Ping is awesome and extremely talented, but I was able to stop him in one fell swoop."

"Look, he is just like a fool. He will do whatever I ask him to do..."

Lord Qishaxing said with a proud look on his face.

Zhu Zhishan was speechless for a moment when Qi Sha Xingjun said this!

This Chen Ping is indeed very good. He killed Ning Dahai and now he has killed Zhou Tianyin. His strength is definitely not low!

Originally, Zhu Zhishan planned to use Qisha Xingjun as cannon fodder, but he did not expect to restrain Chen Ping as soon as he took action. "You should go back to Kyoto by yourself. I don't plan to go back now. I want to look for it again to see if I can find some mausoleum ruins or something like that."

"When I call you, you have to come. Don't forget what you owe me."

Hu Mazi glanced at Chen Ping and said.

Chen Ping smiled awkwardly and said, "No problem, I will definitely tell you when Master Hu can use me!"

Hu Mazi smiled inwardly. With Chen Ping's words, Hu Mazi was no longer afraid, because he knew that before long, Chen Ping would be a figure that people looked up to.

After the two people parted ways, Chen Ping rushed towards Kyoto on his own.

When Chen Ping passed a small forest, his pace suddenly slowed down.

Because he felt an indescribable gloomy feeling!

It's broad daylight, and the sun is shining brightly, so it shouldn't feel like this.

But as soon as he walked into the grove, Chen Ping felt that the temperature around him had dropped a lot.

All the spiritual energy in his body was mobilized by Chen Ping, and then he walked forward cautiously.

But just when Chen Ping walked not far, he saw a sudden burst of black fog in front of him!

In an instant, the black mist submerged the entire grove.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping knew that someone must be ambushing him here.

The black mist that suddenly appeared seemed to be spiritual, and began to surround Chen Ping, and finally directly wrapped Chen Ping.

A series of shrill screams came out from the black mist. These screams, with great penetrating power, went straight to the depths of Chen Ping's mind.

This is a mental attack that seems to want to defeat Chen Ping's consciousness and turn Chen Ping into a fool.

Chen Ping stood there, motionless, as if he was frightened by the screams.

Seeing Chen Ping not moving or struggling, Qisha Xingjun was wearing a

The black robe walked out slowly.

Lord Seven Evil Stars looked at Chen Ping who was motionless, and raised his lips, "Such a powerful guy, if he can be turned into a puppet corpse, he will be a good helper..."

Qi Sha Xingjun waved his hand, and the black mist on Chen Ping slowly dissipated, and the screams disappeared. Chen Ping's eyes were lifeless and he stood motionless!

Lord Qishaxing walked up to Chen Ping, then pointed two fingers, and a golden light instantly penetrated Chen Ping's head!

Immediately afterwards, black mist began to rise from the palm of the Seven Evil Star Lord, and he slowly slapped his palm towards Chen Ping's head.

To practice the puppet corpse, you must first cut off the thoughts. The golden light just cut off the thoughts in Chen Ping's mind.


Just when Qi Sha Xingjun was about to attack Chen Ping, he was stopped by a sudden shout.

I saw two figures walking out slowly.

Lord Qi Shaxing frowned and became alert for a moment, but when he saw the person coming, he immediately let down his guard!

It turned out that these two people were the elders of Zhu Zhishan's martial arts alliance!

"Zhu Alliance Leader, why are you here?"

Lord Qishaxing asked curiously.

"I'm also here for Chen Ping..."

Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping who was standing still and smiled coldly.

"Alliance leader, you all said that this Chen Ping is awesome and extremely talented, but I was able to stop him in one fell swoop."

"Look, he is just like a fool. He will do whatever I ask him to do..."

Lord Qishaxing said with a proud look on his face.

Zhu Zhishan was speechless for a moment when Qi Sha Xingjun said this!

This Chen Ping is indeed very good. He killed Ning Dahai and now he has killed Zhou Tianyin. His strength is definitely not low!

Originally, Zhu Zhishan planned to use Qisha Xingjun as cannon fodder, but he did not expect to restrain Chen Ping as soon as he took action.

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