Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,327 Dragnet

the next day!

People from all the sects and families in the Kyoto martial arts world gathered in the Dharma Protector Pavilion!

For these people, this meeting is obviously different from the past!

Never before had so many people attended a meeting at the same time. There were hundreds of sects and families in Kyoto's martial arts world.

Among them, the Martial Arts Alliance stands at nearly one-third, and not all sects and families have joined the Martial Arts Alliance.

"I wonder if something is going to happen when Mr. Shi suddenly called us all together?"

"I heard that men in black have been appearing recently. It may be the resurgence of evil cultivators. It seems that a bloody storm is unavoidable."

"The martial arts world is in disarray right now. If evil cultivators reappear, it will be difficult to resist them!"


Everyone was talking and chatting with their acquaintances.

At the door of the Guardian Pavilion, Dong Liqun and Dong Jiahao were looking out, as if waiting for someone.

"Pavilion Master Zhao, is Mr. Chen really invited too?"

Dong Liqun asked Zhao Wuji.

After all, Chen Ping is just one person. He has not announced his establishment of a sect or even registered it. Therefore, individuals are generally not invited to this kind of conference.

"Of course, Mr. Shi spoke personally. Besides, don't you Dong family follow Mr. Chen's lead now?"

Zhao Wuji smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes, our Dong family follows Mr. Chen's lead. Mr. Chen can make any decision on behalf of our Dong family!"

Dong Liqun nodded quickly and said.

Soon, Chen Ping's figure appeared at the door, and Dong Liqun and Dong Jiahao hurriedly greeted him.

When they saw that Chen Ping actually came to attend such a meeting, many people turned their attention to him!

"Leader, Chen Ping is here..."

Someone is in Zhu Zhishan's ear

Said softly.

"Are you all ready?"

Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping who walked in from the door, and then asked in a low voice.

The man nodded, "Everything is ready. As soon as Chen Ping leaves, he will definitely die..."

Zhu Zhishan had already laid a dragnet for Chen Ping. Although he did not dare to take action at the Dharma Protector Pavilion meeting, Chen Ping had no way to escape after walking out of here.

Chen Ping looked around and found that there were quite a few people coming, many of whom Chen Ping didn't recognize.

But these people are very familiar with Chen Ping.

During this period, Chen Ping's name was almost unknown to everyone in the Kyoto martial arts community.

"Chen Ping, this is a meeting for various sects and families in our Kyoto martial arts world. How qualified are you to participate? Do you have an invitation?"

At this time, a man suddenly stood up and questioned Chen Ping.

This person was also a sect in the martial arts alliance, so he gave Chen Ping a direct blow.

The reason for this is nothing more than to show off oneself in front of Zhu Zhishan.

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Chen Ping, and many people pointed at Chen Ping!

Chen Ping did not have an invitation, he was only notified verbally by Xing Jun.

At this time, Zhao Wuji hurriedly wanted to explain, but Dong Liqun took a step forward and said, "Mr. Chen is here to participate on behalf of my Dong family, isn't that okay? Our Dong family will be Mr. Chen's pawn from now on. Whoever is not convinced can go out and practice." …”

"I think you are tired of living. Do you believe that after you leave, I will make your sect disappear from the Kyoto martial arts world?"

Dong Liqun looked at the nitpicking guy with fierce eyes.

The Dong family can live alone, and no one dares to bully them without joining the martial arts alliance. They must have their own strength, which is not comparable to that of ordinary sect families.

Dong Liqun's words instantly deflated the sect leader, his face became ugly, and he looked extremely embarrassed. the next day!

People from all the sects and families in the Kyoto martial arts world gathered in the Dharma Protector Pavilion!

For these people, this meeting is obviously different from the past!

Never before had so many people attended a meeting at the same time. There were hundreds of sects and families in Kyoto's martial arts world.

Among them, the Martial Arts Alliance stands at nearly one-third, and not all sects and families have joined the Martial Arts Alliance. ??

"I wonder if something is going to happen when Mr. Shi suddenly called us all together?"

"I heard that men in black have been appearing recently. It may be the resurgence of evil cultivators. It seems that a bloody storm is unavoidable."

"The martial arts world is in disarray right now. If evil cultivators reappear, it will be difficult to resist them!"


Everyone was talking and chatting with their acquaintances.

At the door of the Guardian Pavilion, Dong Liqun and Dong Jiahao were looking out, as if waiting for someone.

"Pavilion Master Zhao, is Mr. Chen really invited too?"

Dong Liqun asked Zhao Wuji.

After all, Chen Ping is just one person. He has not announced his establishment of a sect or even registered it. Therefore, individuals are generally not invited to this kind of conference.

"Of course, Mr. Shi spoke personally. Besides, don't you Dong family follow Mr. Chen's lead now?"

Zhao Wuji smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes, our Dong family follows Mr. Chen's lead. Mr. Chen can make any decision on behalf of our Dong family!"

Dong Liqun nodded quickly and said.

Soon, Chen Ping's figure appeared at the door, and Dong Liqun and Dong Jiahao hurriedly greeted him.

When they saw that Chen Ping actually came to attend such a meeting, many people turned their attention to him!

"Leader, Chen Ping is here..."

Someone is in Zhu Zhishan's ear

Said softly.

"Are you all ready?"

Zhu Zhishan looked at Chen Ping who walked in from the door, and then asked in a low voice.

The man nodded, "Everything is ready. As soon as Chen Ping leaves, he will definitely die..."

Zhu Zhishan had already laid a dragnet for Chen Ping. Although he did not dare to take action at the Dharma Protector Pavilion meeting, Chen Ping had no way to escape after walking out of here.

Chen Ping looked around and found that there were quite a few people coming, many of whom Chen Ping didn't recognize.

But these people are very familiar with Chen Ping.

During this period, Chen Ping's name was almost unknown to everyone in the Kyoto martial arts community.

"Chen Ping, this is a meeting for various sects and families in our Kyoto martial arts world. How qualified are you to participate? Do you have an invitation?"

At this time, a man suddenly stood up and questioned Chen Ping.

This person was also a sect in the martial arts alliance, so he gave Chen Ping a direct blow.

The reason for this is nothing more than to show off oneself in front of Zhu Zhishan.

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Chen Ping, and many people pointed at Chen Ping!

Chen Ping did not have an invitation, he was only notified verbally by Xing Jun.

At this time, Zhao Wuji hurriedly wanted to explain, but Dong Liqun took a step forward and said, "Mr. Chen is here to participate on behalf of my Dong family, isn't it okay? Our Dong family will be Mr. Chen's pawn from now on. Anyone who is not convinced can go out and practice." …”

"I think you are tired of living. Do you believe that after you leave, I will make your sect disappear from the Kyoto martial arts world?"

Dong Liqun looked at the nitpicking guy with fierce eyes.

The Dong family can live alone, and no one dares to bully them without joining the martial arts alliance. They must have their own strength, which is not comparable to that of ordinary sect families.

Dong Liqun's words instantly deflated the sect leader, his face became ugly, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

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