Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,326: Work harder

After Xing Jun finished speaking, Chen Ping looked at him with slightly focused eyes, "So, I am the one who messed up the Kyoto martial arts world, right?"

After all, the Kyoto martial arts world has experienced many years, and the division of power has become clear. No matter which sect or family they are, they all check and balance each other. No one dares to jump out and face the entire martial arts world, which is secretly developing!

But the appearance of Chen Ping broke this balance and directly turned the Kyoto martial arts world upside down!

At this time, Chen Ping finally figured out why Mr. Shi supported him everywhere.

Xing Jun looked at Chen Ping and smiled, but said nothing. While the two corpses were being balanced, Xing Jun threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground.

"Mr. Shi asked me to tell you that tomorrow he will convene a meeting of all the sect families in Kyoto's martial arts world. Mr. Shi wants you to attend too..."

Xing Jun said to Chen Ping.

"Am I participating too? Doesn't Mr. Shi know that those people want my life?"

Chen Ping asked puzzledly.

"This is what Mr. Shi meant. Anyway, I told you..."

After Xing Jun finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Chen Ping looked helpless. He didn't like this feeling of being dominated like a puppet!

"Don't you like the water to be muddy? Then I will work harder to make the water in the martial arts world muddy..."

Chen Ping's eyes sparkled, and then he turned around and left!


Martial arts alliance!

When it got dark, Zhu Zhishan didn't get the news he wanted to know.

"Damn it, what the hell is the Blood Corpse Cult..."

Zhu Zhishan slammed the table and cursed!

Seeing that he might not get the news today, Zhu Zhishan got up and prepared to rest.

At this time, a person from the Martial Arts Alliance hurried in and handed Zhu Zhishan an invitation!

Zhu Zhishan was stunned, "Who sent it at this time? Is there anyone who sends invitations late at night?"


"Alliance leader, it's from the Dharma Protector Pavilion!"

The martial arts alliance member said.

Upon hearing that it was from the Guardian Pavilion, Zhu Zhishan hurriedly took it. He knew that Mr. Shi must have something to do.

When I opened the invitation, I found that it was asking all the sects and families of the Martial Arts Alliance to attend a meeting at the Dharma Protector Pavilion tomorrow!

This time, Zhu Zhishan’s face was full of suspicion!

In all these years, he has never seen Mr. Shi so anxious during a meeting.

The invitation was sent in the evening and there will be a meeting tomorrow.

"Is it because of Chen Ping's matter?"

Zhu Zhishan frowned slightly, with many things on his mind!

At the same time, all the sects and aristocratic families in Kyoto's martial arts world received Mr. Shi's invitation at the same time!

This night, the martial arts world was in a bit of chaos, and everyone was speculating on Mr. Shi’s intentions!

Zhu Zhishan stayed up all night and summoned all the other sects and families in the Martial Arts Alliance.

Everyone analyzed what Mr. Shi meant.

Later, after inquiring, I found out that Mr. Shi suddenly held a meeting because people in the martial arts world have been sucked out of their essence and died recently, and evil cultivators are showing signs of recovery, so the meeting was held.

Following Chen Ping had nothing to do with it, nor was it because of Chen Ping's meeting. Only then did Zhu Zhishan feel at ease.

Moreover, Zhu Zhishan heard that Chen Ping had also been invited to participate in the reminiscence, which made him a little excited!

When the time comes, he will set up a dragnet nearby. As long as Chen Ping goes to participate, he will catch or kill Chen Ping directly after he comes out.

Now Zhu Zhishan is a little anxious, so he no longer considers Mr. Shi.

He struck first and killed Chen Ping directly. Mr. Shi would not kill him even if he was punished.

But if he didn't kill Chen Ping, he wouldn't be able to keep his position as leader of the alliance, and he might lose his life.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhu Zhishan still had to kill Chen Ping as quickly as possible, so that he could save his life. After Xing Jun finished speaking, Chen Ping looked at him with slightly focused eyes, "So, I am the one who messed up the Kyoto martial arts world, right?"

After all, the martial arts world in Kyoto has experienced many years, and the division of power has become clear. No matter which sect or family they are, they all check and balance each other. No one dares to jump out and face the entire martial arts world, which is secretly developing!

But the appearance of Chen Ping broke this balance and directly turned the Kyoto martial arts world upside down!

At this time, Chen Ping finally figured out why Mr. Shi supported him everywhere.

Xing Jun looked at Chen Ping and smiled, but said nothing. While the two corpses were being balanced, Xing Jun threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground.

"Mr. Shi asked me to tell you that tomorrow he will convene a meeting of all the sect families in Kyoto's martial arts world. Mr. Shi wants you to attend too..."

Xing Jun said to Chen Ping.

"Am I participating too? Doesn't Mr. Shi know that those people want my life?"

Chen Ping asked puzzledly.

"This is what Mr. Shi meant. Anyway, I told you..."

After Xing Jun finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Chen Ping looked helpless. He didn't like this feeling of being dominated like a puppet!

"Don't you like the water to be muddy? Then I will work harder to make the water in the martial arts world muddy..."

Chen Ping's eyes sparkled, and then he turned around and left!


Martial arts alliance!

When it got dark, Zhu Zhishan didn't get the news he wanted to know.

"Damn it, what the hell is the Blood Corpse Cult..."

Zhu Zhishan slammed the table and cursed!

Seeing that he might not get the news today, Zhu Zhishan got up and prepared to rest.

At this time, a person from the Martial Arts Alliance hurried in and handed Zhu Zhishan an invitation!

Zhu Zhishan was stunned, "Who sent it at this time? Is there anyone who sends invitations late at night?"


"Alliance leader, it's from the Dharma Protector Pavilion!"

The martial arts alliance member said.

Upon hearing that it was from the Guardian Pavilion, Zhu Zhishan hurriedly took it. He knew that Mr. Shi must have something to do.

When I opened the invitation, I found that it was asking all the sects and families of the Martial Arts Alliance to attend a meeting at the Dharma Protector Pavilion tomorrow!

This time, Zhu Zhishan’s face was full of suspicion!

In all these years, he has never seen Mr. Shi so anxious during a meeting.

The invitation was sent in the evening and there will be a meeting tomorrow.

"Is it because of Chen Ping's matter?"

Zhu Zhishan frowned slightly, with many things on his mind!

At the same time, all the sects and aristocratic families in Kyoto's martial arts world received Mr. Shi's invitation at the same time!

This night, the martial arts world was in a bit of chaos, and everyone was speculating on Mr. Shi’s intentions!

Zhu Zhishan stayed up all night and summoned all the other sects and families in the Martial Arts Alliance.

Everyone analyzed what Mr. Shi meant.

Later, after inquiring, I found out that Mr. Shi suddenly held a meeting because people in the martial arts world have been sucked out of their essence and died recently, and evil cultivators are showing signs of recovery, so the meeting was held.

Following Chen Ping had nothing to do with it, nor was it because of Chen Ping's meeting. Only then did Zhu Zhishan feel at ease.

Moreover, Zhu Zhishan heard that Chen Ping had also been invited to participate in the reminiscence, which made him a little excited!

When the time comes, he will set up a dragnet nearby. As long as Chen Ping goes to participate, he will catch or kill Chen Ping directly after he comes out.

Now Zhu Zhishan is a little anxious, so he no longer considers Mr. Shi.

He struck first and killed Chen Ping directly. Mr. Shi would not kill him even if he was punished.

But if he didn't kill Chen Ping, he wouldn't be able to keep his position as leader of the alliance, and he might lose his life.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhu Zhishan still had to kill Chen Ping as quickly as possible, so that he could save his life.

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