Chapter 297

Mo Shi controlled the Canglong clone and killed the Cheng family.

The rest of the Cheng family changed their complexions one by one.

I was expecting that the ancestor of the Cheng family would destroy this kid after he left the customs.

As a result, it was only a minute, and their ancestors were destroyed.

Cheng Chengcheng, the head of the Cheng family, also changed drastically.

Originally, he just wanted to take advantage of the old ancestor’s battle with the upgraded barren beast, and destroy the kid.

As a result, when he flew to the place where Mo Shi was just now, Mo Shi suddenly disappeared.

This made him feel a little weird.

The next moment, the ancestor was killed directly.

His complexion changed suddenly.

He didn’t dare to stay any longer while his thoughts were turning.

Turn around and flee away.

In the Yanshi Continent, the higher the Realm, the more often they cherish their own life.

After all, after reaching the hunter, the life span can reach 200 years.

After reaching the Great Wilderness Hunter, the life span is able to break through to 500 years.

Most people will change their mood after Realm reaches the hunter.

What kind of power struggle, in their opinion, is nothing short of passing.

Their biggest pursuit is to re-Ascension a big Realm, thereby increasing their life span by hundreds of years.

Even if they stand up for the forces behind them, it is only because they can get more resources with their backs to Ascension own Realm.

For example, the ancestor of the Cheng family was unwilling to come out if there was nothing major.

With that time, it is better to cultivate cultivation.

The reason for coming out now is just to save the Cheng family.

In this way, more cultivation resources can be obtained.

Not long after Cheng Chengcheng was promoted to Level 1 Wilderness Hunter, his mood has not changed absolutely.

So after his son died, he was so angry and hated.

But now even the ancestor has died, and the most important thought in his mind is only one-save his life.

Only if you save your life, you will have unlimited possibilities in the future.

So when he saw the ancestor’s death, his first reaction was to run for his life.

And the direction he fled was high in the sky.

This upgraded wild beast is strong, but it can’t fly.

As long as he flies high in the sky, it can’t do anything about it.

However, it turns out that he was still too naive.

When Cheng Chengcheng was tens of thousands meters above the ground, the Canglong clone below suddenly opened his mouth.

In the throat, there was a sharp and piercing sound.


This harsh sound, like a sharp sword, pierced Cheng Chengcheng in the sky.

When Cheng Chengcheng heard this voice, he felt that Dantian’s energy was constantly surging.

As if not under his own control, he rushed towards the whole body.

Energy runaway!

For the cultivator, the most terrifying thing is the energy runaway.

The movement of energy within the human body has a certain direction and sequence.

Must not be messy.

If it is messed up, the body will suffer internal injuries from the slightest, and the body will explode and die.

At this time, under the vibration of the sound wave attack of the Canglong clone, the energy in Cheng Chengcheng’s body directly gushed out of Dantian.

All the Meridians and musculature in his body rushed into chaos.

“Ah-no-ah -”

Cheng Chengcheng in the sky only felt a sharp pain coming from his body.

And the location of this severe pain is not the same.

The first second was headache, the next second was heart pain, and the next second, Little Brother was hurting again.

His entire figure also fell directly from the sky.


Smashed to the ground fiercely.

A large human-shaped pit was smashed into the ground paved with stones.

Even in the crater of human form, he did not stay well.

The intense pain coming from his body made him scream, struggle, and roll.

It was at this time that the Canglong clone had already rushed over.

A tentacle shot out instantly.

Although Cheng Chengcheng was in pain, he also saw this terrifying tentacle.

Hastily rolled over, evading it embarrassingly.

But at this moment, the suction cup on the tentacles suddenly sent a huge pulling force.

Sheng Sheng sucked Cheng Chengcheng over.

Then, on the suction cup, a blood-colored vine shot out.


Stabbed fiercely into Cheng Chengcheng’s mouth.

Then, on this blood-colored vine, there were hundreds of blood-colored tentacles.

Like the roots of a big tree, it spread through Cheng Chengcheng’s body.

It can be seen that several tentacles crawled directly over his eyeballs.

Then it spread to his entire face.

And his body quickly dried up.

At this point, Cheng Chengcheng, the head of the Cheng family, the 1st-level waste hunter, died!

But at this moment Mo Shi, this was relieved.

His consciousness shifted into the ontology.

With a move of Level 4 Long Nian, the entire Cheng family’s radius of 100 kilometers was enveloped.

Within a hundred kilometers of this radius, a Long Nian barrier was formed.

As long as it is a waste hunter below level 9, there is no way to break through this dragon mind barrier and escape.

At the same time, Mo Shi’s figure flashed, and he came to the Cheng family’s keyboard player.

He stretched out his hand and waved his finger frantically on the keyboard, trying to control the keyboard player of the mecha.

Gently pinch.


The keyboard player’s neck was directly squeezed to bloody flesh.

Solved the biggest threat at present, the rest is these 9th and 10th level hunters.

When he comes here today, he will never let any Cheng family escape.

Soon, he had arrived in front of a 10th-level waste hunter.

The 10th-level waste hunter had already condensed energy martial arts at this time.

Seeing Mo Shi’s arrival, he hurriedly raised his energy martial arts.

However, Mo Shi’s sharp claws have long been condensed.

No energy is used at all.

The sharp claws swung out suddenly.

Invisible energy, directly attacked the 10th-level waste hunter.

And the 10th-level waste hunter also shot a beam of energy towards Mo Shi.

However, in front of Mo Shi’s huge invisible Qi Jin, the energy beam looked pitifully small.

It was swallowed in an instant.

Together with the body of the 10th-level waste hunter, they were all swallowed by the invisible Qi Jin.


Under the invisible vigor and sharpness, the body of the 10th-level waste hunter was directly divided into dozens of pieces.

Fly away to the surroundings.

At the same time, Mo Shi didn’t wait for everyone to react, and his figure moved again.

Came behind that Cheng Ming.

Cheng Ming had seen that the Patriarch and Patriarch had already died, and they were running frantically.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt danger coming from behind him.

With his combat experience, it was too late to turn around at this time.

Hastily rolled sideways, trying to avoid the attack behind him.

However, Mo Shi’s intangible energy occupies a full distance of more than ten meters.

He rolled on this side and couldn’t avoid it at all.

It was still swallowed in an instant, and torn to pieces in an instant.

It took five minutes to solve those 10th and 9th-level waste hunters.

Next, there are those hunters below level 9.

It is said that there are about 3,000 Cheng family members in Chengjia Town.

Counting every 4th-level waste hunter, you can also get 12,000 drops of dragon blood.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi’s figure flashed, and instantly came behind the two Cheng family members.

The left fist blasted out, bang–burst.

The right fist blasted out, bang-pierce through the hole.

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