Chapter 296 Canglong clone, killing the ancestor of the Cheng family

Cheng Fan, the ancestor of the Cheng family, slowly raised his eyelids in the sunken eye sockets.

The next moment, in the muddy eyes, two rays of light suddenly burst out.

Then, above his mechanical arm, a flame quickly covered the entire arm.

Soon, after the flame dissipated, his right arm had already condensed a genetic weapon.

This is how the hunters condense genetic weapons.

Compared with the hunter, the speed is several times faster.

Cheng Fan’s genetic weapon is a long spear.

The spear is pitch black and more than three feet long.

At the moment when the spear was condensed, Cheng Fan’s temperament suddenly changed.

It wasn’t the old, slender old man just now.

But the figure is tall and straight, and the whole person is like a spear, piercing the sky.

He didn’t go to see the Canglong clone, but stared at Mo Shi.

Although he also knew that the biggest threat at this time was this upgraded wild beast.

But he also knew that the person who controlled this upgraded desolate beast was the kid in front of him.

In his mouth, the voice resounded like a thunder:

“Zhu Zi’an dare to be arrogant!”

Before the words fell, his body violent!

The man was in the air, with a spear in his hand stabbing directly at Mo Shi.

call out–

When the spear was in the air, it instantly extended more than five hundred meters.

Stabbed straight towards Mo Shi.


The tip of the gun directly pierced Mo Shi’s chest.

Everyone present was secretly happy.

In a spear thrust by the ancestors of the Cheng family, this kid is over!

However, only the ancestor of the Cheng family was alone, but his gaze suddenly condensed.

what happened?

Although his spear stabbed this kid.

But it didn’t penetrate his body.

It only stayed on the surface of his body.

He couldn’t even pierce his skin.

How can this be?

Could it be that this kid has some kind of armor that the naked eye can’t see?

What kind of armor is it that can withstand a blow from a level 3 waste hunter?

And even if there is such an armor, it can resist the penetration of own spear.

But the huge power carried by the gun would surely blast this kid out hundreds of meters away.

But now the kid stopped in the air like that, his body didn’t even shake.

what’s the problem?

This is completely beyond Cheng Fan’s cognitive scope.

In fact, this is not to blame Cheng Fan’s short-sightedness.

This skill is really too heaven-defying.

What Mo Shi just used was the one he signed in after he was in the hunting ground on the 13th, after the Mossaurus clone swallowed a defensive-talented upgraded barren corpse—absolute defense!

This skill has a very long cooling time.

Reached an astonishing year.

But the opposite is its power: it can withstand a blow from any creature in the Yanshi Continent.

This is awesome.

Even if it is the top powerhouse of Yanshi Continent, as long as Mo Shi has activated this skill.

It is also impossible for the other party to kill him with a single blow.

Therefore, this absolute defense has the same effect as the absolute defense when Happy opens the Heavenly Word form.

At this time, Mo Shi was also secretly surprised.

In fact, he didn’t intend to activate this skill just now.

After all, the cooling time is as long as one year, and after one time is used up, it will not be used within a year.

But the opponent came too fast, too suddenly.

The distance of 10,000 meters was reached in an instant.

I had no choice but to activate this skill.

At this time, he used absolute defense to withstand the fatal blow of the opponent.

Seeing Cheng Fan’s black spear, the red and white light was already lit up, and it was obvious that he was about to activate the energy martial arts.

He suddenly felt shocked.

You know, the energy martial arts of the hunter is much stronger than the hunter.

The energy weapon of the hunter can only release energy 10 times in a battle at most.

However, at least the energy weapon of the hunter can release more than 100 times.

And the intensity is far stronger than the energy of the hunter.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi immediately controlled the Canglong clone.

The Canglong clone jumped up several thousand meters almost instantly.

Cheng Fan rushed straight into the air.

Its speed is so fast that even Cheng Fan can only avoid it when it is dangerous and dangerous.

He didn’t have time to use the energy weapon to deal with Mo Shi, but directly aimed at the Canglong clone.

However, at this moment, Canglong avatar opened a mouthful.


A bolt of lightning spewed out directly, hitting Cheng Fan in an instant.


On Cheng Fan’s body, electric currents flowed like small snakes.

Cheng Fan was shocked and quickly backed away.

At the same time flew towards the sky.

However, the Canglong clone spewed out a flash of lightning once again, hitting Cheng Fan again.

Cheng Fan was hit twice in a row, and his whole body only felt numb, and the energy in his body was very stagnant.

He can only land towards the ground.

Mo Shi saw that this man was fighting like a beast.

Can’t help but shook his head secretly.

With the strength of the dragon clone, surpassing the opponent’s two levels, it is completely easy to kill it in seconds.

But the Canglong clone had a limited IQ after all, and when it was not under its control, its combat effectiveness dropped drastically.

So although it has the obvious upper hand, it is still impossible to kill it in a short time.

It seems that you have to help it yourself.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi took out the Dragon’s Cave.

Let the body enter the dragon’s cave.

Then the consciousness switched to Canglong’s body.

The dragon avatar shook his whole body suddenly.

The temperament of the entire Canglong clone suddenly changed.

No longer was as rigid as the four-legged lizard before.

Just from the eyes, you can see that it is obviously more intelligent than just now.

That Cheng Fan also realized this.

He was panicked.

Why does this upgraded wild beast suddenly seem to have human wisdom?

At this moment, Mo Shi’s level 4 dragon thought spread out instantly.

Cheng Fan suddenly felt a sting in his head.

At the same time, Mo Shi controlled the Canglong avatar, releasing several thick currents and hitting Cheng Fan directly.


Cheng Fanben’s head was stabbed because of being attacked by Long Nian’s consciousness.

At this time, he couldn’t react even more, and his body was trembling directly from the electric shock.

The next moment, Mo Shi controlled the Canglong clone, and the huge mouth like a cave opened.


A thick blue-white beam of light spit out directly.

This beam of light was much thicker than the energy beam shot by Cheng Fan just now.

When Cheng Fan couldn’t react at all, this huge beam of energy swallowed Cheng Fan.

“Do not–”

Only a scream of despair was heard.

In the thick beam of energy, Cheng Fan’s clothes melted instantly.

Then, the skin of the body is also melted.

The muscle tissue was scorched and turned to ashes.

In the end, the bones turned into fly ash.

All this is a long story, in fact, after Mo Shi took over the control of the Canglong clone, he killed Cheng Fan in just two seconds.

Everyone in the Cheng family thought that the ancestors left the customs and the earth moved.

This kid is going to finish.

As a result, they never expected that their ancestors rushed out of the customs, but in less than a minute, they disappeared.

This f*ck plot shouldn’t be like this.

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