Chapter 266

That fair young man swept the scene with his thoughts.

A person was captured keenly.

The others were panicked at this time.

But he was just alone, still sitting on the stone bench, holding a piece of barbecue, and gulping.

Mouthful to eat.

It seemed that everything that happened before him had nothing to do with him.

The fair young man suddenly wrinkled his brows.

Those brothers and sisters in the family have always been acting in front of them.

After leaving the family, I always encounter other people pretending to be coercive in front of me.

Now it’s so easy to come to Hunting Ground No. 1, even an aboriginal dare to pretend to be in front of him.


He cursed in his heart.

His face was slightly hideous.

“Crack me!”

With a roar in his heart, his thought power went directly towards Mo Shi.

He wants to tear this aboriginal people apart in the cruelest way.

Not torn in half, but from him, torn strips of flesh.

Let him watch the flesh on his body be torn clean!

However, when his thought power enveloped Mo Shi, and tore towards Mo Shi’s body.

Suddenly, his brows wrinkled tightly.

Because he found that his mind power couldn’t tear this guy’s body at all.

How can this be?

As a level 1 great teacher, he can easily tear apart any waste hunter below level 1 except for the waste hunters above level 2.

Could it be said that this aboriginal has reached level 2 waste hunter or above?

What a joke.

Thinking of this, he concentrated all his thoughts on Mo Shi.

With a movement of Nian Li, he tore it to Mo Shi again.

However, Mo Shi remained motionless.

Continue to gnaw at that piece of meat with his head down.

It seems that the more you eat it, the more fragrant it is.

The fair young man tried for a while, and a look of horror began to appear on his face.

The other few people also noticed something wrong from the fair youth’s face.

They followed his gaze and saw that they were eating meat there, as if nothing had happened.

They were also shocked.

“This aboriginal is weird!”

“Be careful!”

A wild hunter cursed: “What the hell is weird, can you live with Daddy’s energy martial arts?”

With that, the right arm directly condensed energy Wulai.

Those aborigines, seeing that guy condensed energy and martial arts, their expressions changed drastically.

They have seen those outsiders condense this kind of weapon before.

This weapon is extremely lethal.

Basically, one sweep can kill a large area.

“Do not……”

“God, please, let us go.”

“We knew it was wrong. We really knew it was wrong. I just ask you to spare us untouchables.”

These aborigines begged one after another.

At this time, Mo Shi finally finished eating.

He took a towel next to him and wiped his hands clean.

Then he looked up at the five people in the air.

The next moment, suddenly jumped.

The figure disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already in the air.

His right hand made a fist, directly hitting the head of the young man with energy.

Secretly said something in his heart: It won’t be like the routines of those dog-blood novels, killing a few guys, and immediately attracting their elders, then the ancestors, and then what other forces.

Fortunately, from the memories of these five people, he knew that four of these five people did not have any powerful family elders.

The only one with a powerful elder is the great teacher.

It’s just that he has been away from home for five or six years.

Even if he is dead, his family elders don’t necessarily know.

Even if he knew it, he wouldn’t run all the way to avenge him.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi felt relieved.

Said to Emma: “I have eaten the meal, and I went back to sleep.”

Emma nodded: “Yes, Master.”

At this time, the jaws of the aborigines were almost falling.

They didn’t recover for a long while.

In their perception, the aborigines are basically vulnerable to those outsiders.

But this aborigines are too fierce.

He didn’t even use the genetic martial arts, so he used his physical strength to kill the five people with one punch and one punch.

This f*ck is definitely a natural supernatural power.

Thinking of this, a person couldn’t help kneeling on the ground and worshipping Mo Shi.

When he bowed like this, other people also bowed to the ground like dominoes.

“Thank you hero for saving our city!”

“Without you, we are afraid we would not see tomorrow’s day.”

“Thank you hero, thank you hero.”

Mo Shi waved his hand casually: “I just don’t want to be disturbed by them.”

While speaking, he took out twenty bottles of recovery potions and said:

“Give the injured people these healing potions.”

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