Chapter 265 Unleash the Devil in the Heart

Mo Shi grabbed a roasted leg and gnawed at it.

Not to mention, this animal meat is really fragrant.

Since Mo Shi planned to go to the Yanshi Continent, he began to use all the sign-in opportunities for the bloodline modification fluid and the dragon’s blood.

So I haven’t eaten real barbecue for nearly half a year.

At this time, I ate this fragrant barbecue again, and I only felt that it was more fragrant than any time in the past.

It’s a pity that there is no beer.

At this point, Emma next to him had already brought a can of wine and handed it to Mo Shi.

Mo Shi looked at Emma unexpectedly.

Emma also looked at him with a smile.

This Emma is really more and more able to figure out her own mind.

Could she have evolved from the roundworm in her stomach?

As soon as he had this idea, Mo Shi had a picture in his mind.

How does a roundworm wriggle in its own body.

Then slowly evolved, and finally became this sexy and sultry Emma.

Hey mom, it’s a little disgusting…

Mo Shi suddenly felt that the roast meat in his mouth didn’t seem too fragrant.

If Emma knew that in the master’s imagination, she had become a roundworm wriggling in his stomach, and she didn’t know how to feel.

Of course, these were just some strange thoughts that Mo Shi had in mind.

When he shook his head and threw these strange thoughts out of his head, he felt very comfortable.

After all, if there is a beautiful woman handing herself wine, any man will feel very comfortable.

The men around, saw Emma so sexy, and several daring ones wanted to come over and talk to each other.

But when they saw Emma taking the initiative to bring wine to Moshi, they all dispelled the idea.

In their view, this is a family of three.

Emma took care of Mo Shi, then turned to take care of her son.

Her son doesn’t seem to be very intelligent in other respects.

But when it comes to eating, it seems very talented.

It seems to be better than anyone else.

So far, the weight of her eleven-year-old son has reached more than 90 kilograms.

And Emma are almost there.

People in this city have their own way of dealing with night ghosts.

The night ghost is most afraid of light and dare not come out during the day.

At night, the whole city is lit up.

So night ghosts dare not attack the city at night.

For people in the city, the biggest natural enemies are actually those who call themselves wilderness hunters.

The strongest locals are just level 10 hunters.

And these hunters, whoever come here, can easily crush their 10th-level hunter.

However, people from alien planets usually come to the city to rest during the day.

At night, they will go out to hunt those night ghosts.

So in the evening, it is the most relaxing time for these locals.

Gradually, the time came to around ten o’clock in the evening.

Mo Shi was eating right.

As for Emma, ​​she did not eat.

For the blood race, human food is not very tasty.

Especially cooked food.

But at this moment.

In the sky, a few blue and white rays of light suddenly flew towards this side from the distant horizon.

The guards immediately sounded the alarm:




The important thing is said three times.

Every time an outsider appears, it is basically a disaster for the city.

Imagine a hunter breaks into the nest of a prey. What good things can happen?

When the aborigines saw this, their eyes showed deep horror.

He got up quickly and was about to flee in all directions.

For them, these outsiders are the devil.

Only Mo Shi, still sitting there, holding a leg of an unknown animal, gnawing right away.

At this moment, an aboriginal who ran the fastest suddenly fell to the ground, motionless.

Then, bang bang bang——

More than a dozen aborigines who ran the fastest in a row all fell to the ground, and there was no sound.

In the sky, those blue and white rays of light gradually approached.

A voice full of majesty commanded:

“Who dares to escape, die!”

The rest of the aborigines were all scared to death.

In Ye Guixing, there is no Nian Lishi.

So this scene just now, for them, is simply incomprehensible.

Can only be explained by ghosts and gods.

At this time, the light clusters were closer.

Everyone can see clearly that they are five outsiders.

Four men and one woman.

The handsome young man, headed by them, had a harmless smile on his face.

To these indigenous people:

“We are just tired of killing monsters outside, and come to you to rest tonight. If you serve us well, we will kill a few people. Otherwise, we will kill your city.”

His face still wore a harmless smile.

His tone was as relaxed and ordinary as if he was talking about the everyday.

But to all the aborigines, it seemed to hear Devil’s voice.

At this moment, hiss—

The arm of an aboriginal was directly torn off by an invisible force.

In the blood splashing, the aboriginal screamed in pain: “Ah————”

The aborigines have not reacted yet.


The leg of another aboriginal was torn apart.


The aboriginal face was also pale, his face twisted, and he screamed in pain.

The rest of the aborigines are all heartbroken.

In the sky, the eyes of the other four people were on a young man in his twenties.

The young man had a fair complexion and neatly dressed.

It seems to give people a feeling of an ancient Scottish student.

But it was this person who tore apart the arms and legs of the two men just now.

Seeing the other four people looking at him, the fair young man showed a smile on his face:

“Sorry, I couldn’t hold back.”

The remaining four people are speechless.

The head of the man said:

“You want to kill and wait until tomorrow when we leave. Kill them all now. Who will serve us?”

The white youth nodded: “Well, you are right. It’s just been a long time since I killed someone, and my hands are a little itchy.”

Before the words fell, his thought power spread out again.


The arms and legs of more than a dozen people were suddenly torn apart, and they were thrown away.

The scene was suddenly crying and howling.

This caused several other people to shake their heads for a while.

However, that’s all.

Everyone has a dark side inside.

When they came to the hunting ground, the dark side of their hearts was infinitely magnified.

After all, in their opinion, these aborigines are just prey, and kill them if they want.

This white and pure young man is a level 1 great teacher who has been cultivating for more than ten years, but he is still only level 1.

In the family on weekdays, you are not welcome.

I am often bullied outside.

Now that he came to Hunting Ground No. 1, the Devil in his heart seemed to be awakened.

When he killed the night ghost before, he killed the most.

But he still felt very upset.

There is no way to kill the night ghost.

Now when he came to this city, he naturally wanted to slaughter.

At this moment, his mind power detected that among these people, there was one person who was different from everyone else.

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