Chapter 249 Where’s the Mecha Slaughter?

Ulu, the leader of the Wutuo gang, heard that Mo Shi had killed his son.

And he said it in such an understatement, as if he was saying that he had just shot an ant to death.

This made Ulu’s heart suddenly angry.

As a father, after learning that own son was killed by this guy in front of him.

The kind of hatred and anger, people who have not experienced it personally, simply can’t imagine.

But Ulu is after all the leader of the first-class forces in Da Ri County.

He is naturally not mindless.

He did not come forward immediately.

Instead, he said to a 6th-level great teacher next to him:

“Kill him! Tear him to pieces!”

The 6th-level master also knew how angry the leader was at this time.

He didn’t say much, but with a thought, he went directly to Mo Shibao.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a huge and unmatched power of thought, pressing against his body.

If he continues to tear the guy in the air regardless, then his own body is likely to be torn apart.

So he quickly withdrew his mind and protected his own body.

If it were in the past, even if he used his mind to protect his body, he would be easily torn apart by the inexplicable mind.

But today, the unreasonable Long Nian only recovered 10%.

Secondly, it is difficult to explain the delay.

So Mo Shi just scared him.

Let this 6th-level great teacher never dare to release his thought power out of his body.

Seeing that the kid didn’t move at all, Ulu suddenly turned his head, a pair of eyes bloodshot from anger, staring at the 6th-level master.

The 6th-level great teacher quickly explained:

“Fangzhu, that kid is also a great teacher, and it’s very likely… his mind level is about the same as mine.”

Hearing this, Ulu snorted coldly, “No wonder it’s so rampant.”

Then he said to an 8th-level waste hunter next to him:

“Knock him down!”

The 8th-level waste hunter naturally knows the meaning of the helper.

He immediately pulled off the sleeve of his right arm.

The robotic arm inside was exposed.

Soon, there was a layer of stratum corneum on the robotic arm.

The stratum corneum quickly transforms into red and white energy martial arts.

call out–

A red and white energy ray was shot out from his energy weapon in an instant, straight to Mo.

However, when this energy ray was about to hit inexplicable.

An energy barrier suddenly appeared in front of Mo Shi.

To be sure, it should be called an energy mask.

Not only did it cover Mo Shi, but also covered Mo Shi with the entire base not far behind him.

This energy mask is made up of countless hexagons the size of a house.

When the energy ray hits the energy mask.

Above the energy mask, there was no reaction at all.

But Mo Shi in the mask is safe and sound.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

“Helper, they have a defensive mask.”

“Such a large defensive area, this f*ck is really abnormal!”

You know, the general defensive mask is basically to protect the mecha, or at most to protect a house.

It’s not bad here, this defensive light shield directly protects the range within a radius of 50 kilometers.

How much crystal source is needed to support such a large consumption?

It seems that it is true that this hunting island has a crystal source mineral vein.

It’s at this moment, 咻——

A black shadow suddenly shot from a distance behind Mo Shi.

Its speed is extremely fast, like a black lightning.


Instantly penetrated the chest of the wilderness hunter who attacked Mo Shi.

And it was nailed directly to the ground.

When the Wutuo gang saw this, all of them were shocked.

Kill Level 8 Scavengers in one hit!

So, the opponent has at least one 9th-level waste hunter!

It’s not just those who are horrified in their hearts.

Even the leader of the Wutuo gang squatted in his heart at this time.

Originally, if this kid was even an 8-level master, he could use his own power to destroy this kid.

But now that the opponent has a 9th-level waste hunter, that’s a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, I brought six fighters today.

Thinking of this, he commanded to the keyboard player next to him:

“Find the 9th-level waste hunter first and destroy him for me!”

The keyboard player responded:


The fingers of both hands were placed on the virtual keyboard, and they moved quickly.

Only soon, he discovered something was wrong.


Because he was so surprised, he couldn’t help making a sound.

A person next to him asked: “What?”

The keyboardist stared at the screen.

I saw the pattern of six mechas on the screen.

Originally, the patterns of the six mechas were all green.

But at this time, the pattern of one of the mechas has turned red.

“Lost contact?”

The man asked.

The keyboardist looked ugly and nodded.

Hearing this, Ulu also looked at the virtual screen.

Then he shouted fiercely:

“Ignore that mecha, let the other mechas come over and beat that kid down for me!”


The keyboardist said quickly.

Soon, he controlled the remaining five mechas and rushed back here.

But only a minute later, his dancing fingers suddenly stagnated.

The complexion is more difficult to look than before.

Because of the display on the virtual screen, another mecha is missing.

But at this time he no longer dared to report the news to the gang leader.

The gang leader just learned the news of his son’s death, and then suffered a series of setbacks.

If you continue to report bad news to him at this time, in order to help the lord’s temper, in a rage, it is very likely that own will be shot to death on the spot.

So the keyboard player only paused with both hands, then continued to operate again.

But another minute later, another mecha lost contact.

The keyboardist’s forehead was already dripping with fine sweat.

Fortunately, at this time, the remaining three mechas have all returned here.

He hurriedly controlled the three mechas and raised his head one after another.

Ulu next to him saw only three mechas coming back.

I already understand what happened.

I glanced at the screen, and sure enough, the patterns of three mechas had already turned red.

But at this time he also had no time to pay attention to these.

With bloodshot eyes, he stared fiercely at Mo Shi in the sky.

“Fire me!”

He almost screamed through gritted teeth.

His voice was shocking, full of grief and hatred in the heart of a father who had just lost his son.

Even the hard-hearted helpers behind him heard the roar of the helper.

All of them couldn’t help but be moved.

However, after Ulu yelled out that sentence, the three mechas didn’t respond at all.

Ulu was taken aback, then suddenly turned his head and stared at the screen.

On the screen, the pictures of the six mechas all turned red.

At the same time, there are four words displayed on it: Lost connection.

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