Chapter 248

Yanshi Continent, the most central part is a continent.

There are more than twenty large hunting islands around it.

On every hunting island, there is a hunting ground.

The closest to Hunting Island No. 1, more than 3,000 kilometers away.

Youzhou land boundary, Dari County.

There is a gang called Wutuo Gang.

This gang is a first-rate force in Da Ri County.

Help all 50,000.

The gang leader Ulu reached the 9th level hunter.

The most important thing is that they have 2 fighters on the surface.

In fact, secretly, there are a total of six fighters.

It’s just that the first-rate forces in Da Ri County can only be regarded as third-rate forces in the entire Youzhou.

Gang leader Ulu has always believed that because Wutuo Gang does not have its own veins, it is unable to grow bigger and stronger.

Therefore, a few days ago, when the deputy head of the Sandstorm Mercenary Group came over and said that a mineral vein was found, he immediately sent someone to investigate.

And it was his own son who was sent.

It’s just that who knows this, it has been more than ten days, but there is still no news.

He has contacted countless times, but there is no reply at all.

He sent people to the Sandstorm Mercenary Group, and as a result, the entire Sandstorm Mercenary Group had disappeared.

This made him panic.

You can only send another person to Hunting Island No. 1 to investigate.

It was found that there were traces of human activities on Hunting Island 1.

So on this day, he decided to go to Hunting Island No. 1 himself.

And with the Cheetah mech.

On this day, Mo Shi was beheading the wild beast.

But at this time, there were about a thousand people, stepping on flying skateboard shoes, and flew over to Hunting Island One.

And behind them, there are six flying mechas, which are flying fast.

Mo Shi had discovered these people a long time ago through the virtual watch towers arranged around the island.

When I saw the six fighters that could fly, I couldn’t help but feel happy.

The flying fighter is more high-end than the ordinary fighter.

Unexpectedly, the people of Yanshi Continent were so hospitable.

Seeing that I had just arrived and lacked mechas, I took the initiative to send them.

In this case, there is no reason to refuse.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi quickly called the little monk over.

Little monk didn’t leave the game console in his hand, didn’t lift his head, and asked, “Boss, you call me?”

Mo Shi said, “What’s the point of playing game consoles? There are a few flying fighters outside. Find a way to get them for me.”

When little monk heard the words, his eyes lit up.

As light as his bald head.

He was tired of playing with these mechas on Hunting Island One.

He is naturally excited to be able to play with Flying Fighter Armor now.

“Good boss, but you try to help me delay the time.”

Mo Shi nodded: “You do your own thing, don’t worry about the others.”

Little monk nodded, and immediately tapped the belt keyboard on his waist twice to activate the keyboard.

Then the fingers flew quickly on the keyboard.

Like chanting, he kept muttering:

“Amitābha, what a good thing. Try to establish a remote connection…remote connection is successful…analyze the firewall code…start to implant the cracking program…”

At the same time, the leader of the Wutuo gang, with more than one thousand people, has already arrived over the base.

They saw that there was a large green area in the center of Hunting Island One, which was originally blood red.

There are still human and mecha activities on this green area, and they can’t help but be a little surprised.

Ulu said to the keyboard player behind him:

“Release the drone for reconnaissance.”

The keyboard player replied, “Yes, helper.”

With that said, more than 500 drones were released.

However, just when these five hundred drones just took off.


More than five hundred blue beams of light flew out of the mountain in the distance without warning.

Accurately hit these drones.

Boom boom boom boom–

All drones flashed instantly.

Falling down from the air.

The keyboard player was taken aback.

Ulu’s complexion became extremely difficult to look at.

You know, all his drones have energy shields.

Able to resist mental, physical and energy attacks.

People below the hunter can’t cause harm to them at all.

Obviously, the blue light that just launched should be some kind of high-tech weapon.

Unexpectedly, this island, which is occupied by infected creatures everywhere, has high-tech weapons that even he does not know.

Of course he could not think of these drones, but they were signed in from the system.

A drone that is completely ahead of the Yanshi Continent by one plane.

Possessing energy rays, it can penetrate the energy shield of Yanshi Continental UAV.

At this time, Ulu took over a thousand people suspended in the air and became the living target of the Moshi UAV.

Of course, Ulu is not stupid.

He quickly realized this and immediately ordered everyone:

“Let’s land now, hurry!”

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly followed Ulu to land on the ground.

At the same time, Ulu said to the keyboard player:

“Order the mecha to land, right now!”

The keyboard player also hurriedly operated.

In the sky, the six mechas landed on the ground.

The machine creaked and quickly transformed into a Cheetah mecha.

There are many people in Yanshi Continent who are in love with Cheetah Mechas.

With fast speed and outstanding combat ability, it can adapt to battlefields of various terrains.

“Let the Cheetah Mecha go to find the way.”

Ulu ordered.

The keyboard player responded with a “yes”.

Immediately controlling these 6 mechas, they got into the blood-red mountain forest in front.

At the same time, on the upper left of the screen, the pictures taken by the six mechas are displayed.

At this moment, in the sky, a Daoist shadow suddenly appeared without warning.

“You guys trespassed on my hunting island No. 1 with fighter armor. This is not very friendly.”

Everyone heard the words and looked up.

In the sky, a young man who seemed to be in his twenties and less than 30 years old was suspended there.

All in black.

Behind him is a pair of blood-red wings more than six meters wide.

But the strange thing is that these blood-red wings are not physical, but are made of energy.

You know, in Yanshi Continent, the only way for hunters to use energy is to release it through energy martial arts.

Only after reaching the wilderness hunter can the energy be used to condense into various weapons or wings.

Could it be that this guy is a waste hunter?

But soon he reacted.

Judging from the energy fluctuations on this guy, he was probably only a level 2 waste hunter.

The reason why energy can be used to condense into wings should be due to the use of a special skill.

Thinking of this, he asked coldly:

“Where is my son Uldan?”

Mo Shi saw this guy’s tone so blunt, and he didn’t give him a good face.

Two words directly: “Kill.”


Ulu’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

own son, dead? !

Although he had long guessed that his son might be dead, guessing and being confirmed are completely two concepts.

At this moment, I heard a stranger say from his mouth, how can he be calm as a father?

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