Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 67 Return to Jiangdu City

This Blue Star dragon clan has returned?! Ao Shun's dragon roar resounded throughout Blue Star. Naturally, Li Zhen could also hear it clearly.

Well, the Blue Star Dragon Clan has returned. I don't know what the future of Blue Star will be like.

This is the thing that everyone is paying attention to.

It is recorded in classical books that in ancient times the Blue Star Dragon Clan and the Blue Star Human Clan complemented each other, and that was why there was such a powerful Tenglong Kingdom, which shocked everyone in the world.

Forget it, these things are not something that we, the citizens of Shengdou, can take care of. We should leave it to the Emperor and them to deal with the headache themselves.

However, today I seem to have disturbed my son's good things.

Oh? What do you say? Wang Yun asked curiously after hearing what Li Zhen said.

That's right. Soon, Li Zhen told Wang Yun the process and experience of his trip to Xianming Mountain.

After hearing this, Wang Yun had a trace of regret on her face.

It's really unlucky for you to show up. If my son had really done that kind of thing with these two girls, these two girls would already be our daughters-in-law.

However, this also shows that my son has a good impression of his two daughters.

Having said this, Wang Yun thought carefully for a while, and then said to Li Zhen: How about we continue tonight?

The so-called continuation naturally means to continue to lock Li Quan, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong in the same house.

No, this method is okay if you use it once, but it won't work if you use it too many times.

Besides, let your son handle your son's affairs. Presumably, this brat has grown up and knows what to do.

That's right. Anyway, I already have a good granddaughter, and I'm not in a hurry to let them have one.

Wang Yun said with a smile on her face.

As for Li Quan, he was trembling all over, as if he realized that someone was plotting against him just now.

Li Quan, what's wrong with you?

No, it's okay. It's getting late. It's time for us to go back to Jiangdu City.

Suddenly there was a heavy downpour, and the prey was not caught, but it unexpectedly promoted the relationship between the three of them.

This is a good start.

Well, that's right, it's time to go back. Wang Keyuan said after taking a look at the gradually darkening sky.

After all, Wang Keyuan didn't tell Wang Ruobin when she came to Guangbei Village. If the phone hadn't been turned off directly, Wang Ruobin would probably have beaten her up.

It's time to go back.

Soon, the three of them found Wang Yun and Li Zhen. At this time, Wang Yun was preparing to go to the mall to buy groceries.

What? Are you leaving so soon? Wang Yun obviously did not expect that Li Quan and the other two would leave so soon.

Yes, Keyuan has something to do at home, so...

Okay, you can go back. After all, work is more important. As he said that, Li Zhen pulled Li Quan aside, while Wang Yun pulled the two girls aside. The two of them were facing a group of children. Youth begins to convey 'knowledge'.

Son, I don't care about your relationship as a father. However, if I know that you have let down these two girls, you should not recognize me as my father. Do you understand?

While speaking, Li Zhen punched Li Quan lightly on the chest. Li Quan saw this and responded with a smile: Okay dad, I know all this.

Li Quan naturally knows the attitude of Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong towards Li Quan.

Moreover, things have developed to this point. If Li Quan directly let down the two women, wouldn't he become a scumbag in the eyes of women?

As long as you know, I'm just reminding you.

But, your physique is pretty good. How long have you been exercising?

It didn't take long, just a few days. Li Quan responded with a smile.

Okay, remember to call me when you get back. Also, remember to come back when you have time and bring my three granddaughters with you, remember.

The three granddaughters are naturally Li Ya, Tianlong and Li Lan.

Uh, okay.

Soon, Li Quan, Wang Keyuan, Ren Hong, and Li Lan got into Wuling Hongguang together and left Guangbei Village under the watch of Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

In the car, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong, who were sitting in the back seat, looked a little shy, but they didn't know what Wang Yun had just said to them.

Are you okay? Li Quan asked with a puzzled look on his face.

No, it's okay, just keep driving your car.

That's right! You can't race! If you race, we, we will be in trouble with you! Li Quan felt frightened when he thought of his racing behavior in Chunming Mountain when he came to Guangbei Village before.

They didn't want to experience that feeling again.

Okay, okay, I know, I promise not! Li Quan also knew that Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong were afraid that he would race again.

However, with Li Quan's physique, racing would be a piece of cake.

But the second girl can't do that. The second girl's physique is that of an ordinary person. At most, she is a little more powerful than ordinary people.

But they are still ordinary people, and the two women simply cannot bear such high-intensity racing.

Out of concern for the two girls, Li Quan of course couldn't continue racing.

Even if he wants to race, he has to do it when the two girls are not present.

Along the way, Li Quan drove Wuling Hongguang smoothly, and there was no incident of ancient demons breaking the seal and harming mankind.

After arriving in Jiangdu City, Li Quan returned Wuling Hongguang, and the two women came to the door of Li Quan's villa and each drove their sports cars back.

In one night, Ao Shun and Ji Xuan had already completed their discussions.

The Blue Star Dragon Clan and the Blue Star Human Clan have always been complementary to each other. Now that the Blue Star Dragon Clan has returned, they will naturally cooperate again.

After all, cooperation is a win-win situation.

And things about practitioners will finally be promoted tomorrow.

Now, the demon army has been destroyed by Li Quan, and the remaining demon descendants are not a concern at all.

Of course, out of humanitarianism, these monsters who did not obey the discipline of Tenglong Kingdom were expelled to some lonely islands in the ocean and left to fend for themselves.

This expulsion was quite large in number, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Of course, these are all descendants of demons who only have demon blood, and do not have real awakened blood.

Just because of humanitarianism, since they did not do bad things, they will not be executed.

However, since you don't obey and don't join the Tenglong Kingdom, there is only one solution: deportation!

They can't stay on land any longer.

After all, they are all the land of Tenglong Kingdom.

Coming and going, there are only those small isolated islands in the ocean.

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