Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 66 The dragon clan returns!

Dad, we are here! Hearing Li Zhen's call, Li Quan also shouted in the direction of Li Zhen.

After Li Zhen heard Li Quan's voice, he ran towards where Li Quan was.

Soon they came to a secret cave, and on the side of the cave, only Li Quan, Wang Keyuan, and Ren Hong stood there silently, seeming to be waiting for Li Zhen's arrival.

After seeing the three of them, Li Zhen said with a smile on his face: You three children are really easy for me to find.

It rained heavily just now, but I didn't expect it to stop raining all of a sudden. By the way, were you taking shelter in this cave just now?

While speaking, Li Zhen looked at the faces of the two women, as if he wanted to see what their expressions were.

Sure enough, when Li Zhenyi mentioned the word cave, the two women couldn't help but think of everything they had experienced with Li Quan in the cave.

Her pretty face began to turn rosy involuntarily.

Seeing this, Li Zhen immediately knew what the three of them must have experienced just now.

Especially seeing the shy look on the two girls' faces, it was obvious that the process was about to reach a certain level.

Just thinking about this, Li Zhen couldn't help but curse himself secretly for disturbing his son's beautiful things.

If Li Zhen hadn't come out, maybe these two girls would have been taken care of by Li Quan, and then he would have two daughters-in-law.

But now, it’s gone!

Thinking that he had disturbed his son's beautiful job, Li Zhen felt heartbroken and blamed himself.

Dad, what's wrong with you? Seeing Li Zhen's self-blaming look, Li Quan asked with confusion.

It's nothing. Let's go down the mountain while the rain stops now.

Girls, be careful. It just rained and the mountains are slippery.

Well, thank you for your concern, uncle. After hearing this, the two girls said to Li Zhen with a smile on their faces.

Li Zhen nodded with satisfaction.

Soon, the four of them descended from Xianming Mountain together and began to return to Li Quan's home.

At this time, in space, because Tianlong opened up the illusion of the Dragon Clan, the Blue Star Dragon Clan was returning to the Blue Star from the 'bridge' built by Tianlong, Li Ya, and Li Lan.

Although the Dragon Clan can move in the universe, a certain amount of strength is required to move in the universe.

At the very least, some young dragons definitely can't.

Soon, the 'bridge' was erected, and at the same time, the Dragon Clan began to leave the Dragon Clan environment and began to move towards the Blue Star.

As huge dragons flew out of the dragon illusion, a huge space crack began to appear in the sky.

This is... In the imperial capital, Ji Xuan and others were looking at the huge space crack that suddenly appeared in the sky with puzzled faces.

Suddenly, Ji Xuan seemed to feel something and said excitedly: Dragon Clan, it's the Dragon Clan!

The hidden dragon clan has finally appeared again! As soon as these words came out, all the ministers present became excited.

However, apart from the excitement, there is also more concern.

Because hundreds of years have passed, they don't know what the Blue Star Dragon Clan's attitude towards Blue Star humans is.

I just hope that the two will complement each other just like in ancient times.

Soon, a silver-white dragon about a thousand meters long appeared!

As a giant dragon passed over the bridge, more and more giant dragons also passed through the bridge and led to the Blue Star through this gap.

There are thousands of meters, hundreds of meters, more than ten meters, even giant dragons that are tens of thousands of meters high.

All flew out of the cracks and hovered in the sky above the Blue Star.

And their destination is the ocean!

The dragon enters the sea!

As the giant dragons entered the seabed one after another, the entire polluted area of ​​the sea was actually being purified.

Li Ya looked at the Blue Star Dragon Clan returning to Blue Star one after another, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

Finally back.

Yeah, it's not easy.

Li Ya and Li Lan, one of the two three ancestors of the Blue Star Dragon Clan, couldn't help but sigh when they saw the dragons entering the sea.

At this moment, in the gap, a golden dragon with a size of more than 100,000 meters appeared.

This is the Dragon King of the contemporary Blue Star Dragon Clan!

Ao Shun!

hold head high!

The giant dragon roars, and all beasts surrender!

Is this the Dragon King of Zhenhai, Ao Shun? It's really spectacular.

With a body of more than 100,000 meters, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a giant.

With this body type, who else could be their opponent?

With such strength back then, why couldn't they join forces to deal with the monsters outside the territory?

Ji Xuan didn't understand this at all.

Dragon King Ao Shun, after returning to Blue Star, let out a long roar to show his return.

Then the huge figure did not return to the ocean, but flew to the sky above the Imperial Capital, and the figure hovered over the Imperial Capital.

Are you the Blue Star Human Emperor this time? Ao Shun said, and his huge dragon eyes stared at Ji Xuan.

After everyone saw Ao Shun's figure, they couldn't help but tremble.

The pressure on Ao Shun was so strong that he didn't even have the courage to look directly at Ao Shun.

Is this the momentum of the Dragon King?

I am Ji Xuan, the current emperor of Tenglong Kingdom, and I respectfully welcome the Dragon King back to Blue Star.

After hearing this, Ao Shun glanced at Ji Xuan, and his body gradually transformed into a dragon head.

Ao Shun's figure disappeared in the sky in an instant, and appeared in front of Ji Xuan the next second.

Everyone subconsciously covered the firearms on their belts. However, Ji Xuan waved his hand to signal that everyone should not panic.

Very good, much better than your decadent ancestor back then.

After Ao Shun glanced at Ji Xuan, he looked towards the imperial capital and carefully felt the dragon veins of heaven and earth on the land.

The dragon veins of heaven and earth have been restored. This time, the grievances between you and the human-dragon clan have been settled. The Blue Star human clan is still the ally of the Blue Star dragon clan.

As soon as these words came out, Ji Xuan's face gradually became full of laughter.

Because of the reason why the dragon veins of heaven and earth were cut off, the dragon clan left angrily, but now, the dragon veins of heaven and earth have been restored, and the dragon clan has naturally returned.

Come here! A grand welcome banquet to congratulate the Blue Star Dragon Clan on their return to Blue Star! As soon as these words came out, the entire imperial capital was boiling.

Come, Dragon King, I have something to discuss with you today, which is related to the future development of Blue Star.


After hearing this, Ao Shun just said one word, Okay.

Then the two entered the hall together and began to discuss the future direction of Blue Star.

One is the current supreme ruler of the human race of Blue Star, and the other is the supreme ruler of the Blue Star dragon clan. The decisions of the two are related to the future of Blue Star.

As for the return of the Dragon Clan, everyone on Blue Star felt it clearly.

Especially Li Quan, after returning to his home, Li Quan had already felt Ao Shun's dragon roar.

This is a roar that demonstrates his return to hegemony.

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