Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 58 Li Quan was wronged

Uncle, uncle, what are you doing?! After coming out, the two women saw Li Zhen playing a men's singles match against Li Quan, and quickly exclaimed to stop them.

The two women grabbed Li Zhen's hands respectively to stop Li Zhen from continuing to beat Li Quan with the cane.

When Li Quan saw this, he finally no longer had to cooperate with his parents in acting.

This bastard actually did such a thing, I, I'm sorry for you two! After Li Zhen saw the two women stopping him, he threw the cane in his hand to the ground, and then he groaned angrily. said.

After hearing what Li Zhen said, the two girls blushed.

As for what happened, the two women naturally knew it. When they thought of Li Quan's wanton behavior on them last night, the two women subconsciously blushed, remained silent, and did not speak.

When Li Quan saw the appearance of the two girls, he suddenly thought of something.

If Li Quan guessed correctly, these two women had obviously been stopped by him last night, but why were they still blushing?

No! Illusion!

The main function of Li Quan's illusion is to make people's wishes come true while they are sleeping.

Li Zhen and Wang Yun eavesdropped on the play between Li Quan and the two girls in their sleep.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong were also affected by the illusion. Naturally, when they were affected by Wang Yun's fragrance, they would also attack Li Quan in their sleep.

Moreover, because it is an illusion, the two girls will feel particularly real, as if it is really staged.

Thinking of this, Li Quan secretly thought that he had miscalculated.

But this can be explained. After all, the two women's bodies are still intact, and they can naturally feel if something is wrong.

Dad, Mom, I just got into my bed without knowing when. Why did you suddenly do this to me? Thinking of this, Li Quan quickly retorted.

After the second daughter heard Li Quan's irresponsible words, she immediately became angry.

This is Li Quan's rhythm of turning against others after being in love!

Li Quan, I didn't expect you to be such a person! Ren Hong glared at Li Quan with a disappointed look, while Wang Keyuan covered her pretty face and ran towards the room. Not long after, Wang Keyuan's low voice came A loud cry.

You stinky boy! Li Zhen didn't expect that his son would be such an irresponsible person. He immediately kicked Li Quan and shouted: I'm going to fuck your mother!

The force was so strong that the former Li Quan would have been admitted to the hospital with just one kick.

When Li Quan saw this, he immediately realized the problem with his words.

They had all been under illusion before, so they thought that what happened in the illusion was real.

But, they don't know.

Thinking of this, Li Quan quickly explained: Dad! I really didn't do anything to them!

If we really fall in love with them, wouldn't they be able to feel it on their own bodies?!

As soon as Li Quan said these words, Ren Hong stopped being angry, and Wang Keyuan also stopped crying.


Upon closer inspection, their bodies seemed to have not changed much, they were still the same.

Moreover, it seems to be a lot more comfortable. Except for the clothes being a little messy after waking up and the pants being a little wet, there is nothing wrong with it.

In this way, the second daughter misunderstood Li Quan!

You brat, you still want to quibble? After hearing this, Li Zhen glanced at Wang Yun.

Wang Yun whispered in her mouth, seeming to be talking about something.

The two women only felt that their bodies seemed to be peeped by others. Of course, it was only for a moment.

After Wang Yun finished reciting the formula, her face was full of disappointment.

When Li Zhen saw this, he realized that he had really wronged Li Quan.

Ahem, uncle, actually, we made a mistake. At this time, Ren Hong said with a hint of shyness on his face.

Huh? Is it a mistake? After hearing this, Li Zhen also touched his nose silently.

He was also mistaken. The two women were still in perfect condition and had not been broken by Li Quan.

That is, everything they heard was false.

Dad, I'm just saying, you have wronged me. Li Quan finally accepted his injustice and said helplessly.

Hmph! You kid actually sleeps in the same bed with another girl. I haven't even settled this with you yet!

If this matter gets spread, what will you do to this girl's reputation?!

Li Zhen looked like he hated the iron, and pointed at Li Quan and cursed.

Sister Hong, I'm sorry, it's my fault. After hearing this, Li Quan apologized directly to Ren Hong.

If you want any compensation, if I can do it, just ask for it. I will be responsible.

Li Quan knew that as long as he was not responsible today, this matter would be over.

No, it's okay. Anyway, since others don't know, we don't have much to lose, so let's leave it like that. Ren Hong was very ashamed at this time. Because she misunderstood Li Quan, Li Quan was raped by his parents. I felt a little uneasy mentally.

No, when he came to Li Quan, his white hands gently touched Li Quan's 'scar' and asked with a worried look: Li Quan, does it still hurt?

It doesn't hurt, it's okay, it's just a small injury. These injuries are just marks.

Moreover, even if Li Zhen really pumped it hard, it would hurt Li Quan and Li Quan would be willing to call Li Zhen his father!

You brat, what if the neighbors heard that you slept with that girl last night?

No, it doesn't matter, uncle, no one knows.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst! If others really find out that the three of you slept together! Your reputation will not be good! At this point, Li Zhen confessed loudly.

This is all my fault! If it weren't for me giving birth to such a brat! You two girls would not be innocent either!

Daughter! Don't worry! If others find out what happened today! I will make this brat responsible!

I swear by the ancestors of the Li family!

After hearing this, Li Quan had a look of helplessness on his face.

You should speak softer. You don't want others to know such a loud voice. Do you think it's possible? !

After hearing this, Ren Hong's pretty face gradually turned rosy. Apparently, she was moved by what Li Zhen said.

Wang Keyuan in the room was snickering secretly.

Obviously, both guys want to let this matter ferment.

Dad, please keep your voice down. Li Quan saw his father trying to say more and quickly stopped him.

You brat, you still dare to instigate your father, be careful if I get close to you!

Come on, come on, girls, don't worry, if anything happens, uncle will support you.

Now just wash up. Your aunt has already prepared it for you.

Li Zhen smiled with a smile on his face.

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