There are no other parents left, so how can such a method be used?

The two women's voices became louder and louder, and they were touching each other, trying to seek pleasure from each other's body.

However, Li Quan sat up silently, looked at the two women on the bed who were moving their hands up and down, and touched his chin.

It seems that their parents will not give up unless they get some ‘real stuff’ for them.

But how do you confuse your parents?

Li Quan touched his chin, and suddenly, the system store popped up.

Illusion (100 million wealth value.)


When Li Quan saw this, he fell into thinking.

Indeed, if you use illusions, you can confuse your parents and let them experience real feelings.

Of course, this is establishing the strength of the person who uses illusion.

And how effective it is on the target strength of the spell.

Nowadays, there is no one who can match Li Quan on Blue Star.

Li Quan only needs to transform into his true form, and he can cause a 12-magnitude storm with just a sneeze, and a 10-magnitude earthquake with just a stomp of his foot.

This is Li Quan's strength. In the face of such strength, who can stop Li Quan?

The decision is yours!

Li Quan directly spent 100 million wealth to buy it. After the successful purchase, the method of using illusion appeared in Li Quan's mind.

Is this how to use illusion? Li Quan touched his chin, and with a thought, he saw an invisible force beginning to act on Guangbei Village.

Everyone in Guangbei Village had their dreams come true that night.

Except for Li Quan, everyone had a smile when they woke up this morning.

Because of the lasting effect of the illusion, Li Quan had set it to disappear when the sun appeared, so after the sun appeared, the illusion that enveloped Guangbei Village also disappeared.

Ah! Early in the morning, a scream sounded, starting this peaceful morning.

Li Quan rubbed his ears, slowly opened his eyes, and found that he had fallen asleep on the bed at some point.

As for the two girls, who is on the left and right of Li Quan respectively.

Wang Keyuan's dinosaur pajamas had fallen to her waist at some point, but there was a quilt covering her upper body.

Ren Hong on the side also looked very messy, especially since the straps on her shoulders had been untied. If she moved any bigger, she would probably fall off.

Li Quan, on the other hand, suddenly woke up because of Ren Hong's scream.

Suddenly, Li Quan's door was kicked open, and the person who entered was Wang Yun!

After Wang Yun entered the door, she saw the scene of the three people at this time, with an 'angry' look on her face, but she was hiding a hint of laughter.

Because Wang Yun’s fragrance succeeded!

Although it is what Wang Yun thinks.

You brat! What are you doing?! Wang Yun walked up to Li Quan with an 'angry' look on her face, then grabbed Li Quan's ear and cursed.

Hey! Mom, be gentle! Although Wang Yun's strength was not strong, and Li Quan did not feel the slightest pain.

However, those who should cooperate should still cooperate.

You stinky boy, look at the good things you have done! Wang Yun said, pointing to Ren Hong on the bed and Wang Keyuan, who was still sleeping soundly, with even a trace of saliva at the corner of her mouth.

After hearing this, Li Quan looked at Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan, who looked pitiful, and was completely stunned.

If Li Quan guessed correctly, when he slept, he slept on a mat on the ground. How could he suddenly run to the bed?

Wait a moment!

Li Quan suddenly remembered something.

He himself seems to have a knack for recognizing beds.

As long as you are in your own home, you will undoubtedly sleepwalk and find your own bed.

Daughter, don't cry. This brat asked me to teach him a lesson! As he said this, a vine suddenly appeared in Wang Yun's hand.

The mixed men’s and women’s doubles event that Li Quan was ‘fearful’ in when he was a kid is here!

Hold the grass! Mom! I can explain it! Really! Upon seeing this, Li Quan ran away!

Wasn't this rattan prepared too quickly? Why didn't you bring the one you were looking for?

Or is this all part of Wang Yun's plan?

You bastard! Where are you going? If you sleep with someone else's girl, run away! If you dare to run away, be careful that I don't want you as my son!

As soon as these words came out, Li Quan immediately stopped.

Wang Yun, on the other hand, had not yet reacted and suddenly bumped into Li Quan.

The whole person fell down subconsciously. In an instant, Li Zhen appeared beside Wang Yun and suddenly picked up Wang Yun who was about to fall backward.

Honey, are you okay? Li Zhen looked at Wang Yun affectionately and asked.

When Wang Yun reacted, she saw Li Zhen holding her in his arms. A faint blush suddenly appeared on her face and she smiled: No, it's okay.

When Li Quan saw this, he was dumbfounded.

How is this going? Will your mother still have this expression? !

My mother, who has always been strong, had such an expression. It was so shocking!

You brat, why did you hit your mother?

Dad, as evidenced by heaven and earth, it was mom who bumped into her. Li Quan said with a little aggrievement.

Honey, this guy slept with someone else's girl and ran away without being responsible.

What? There is such a thing?! After hearing this, the expression on Li Zhen's face was very exaggerated.

Yes! Wang Yun handed over the cane in her hand. Upon seeing this, Li Zhen took the cane directly without hesitation.

You stinky boy! I didn't expect that I would give birth to such an irresponsible thing like you. I, I will beat you to death!

Li Zhen's movements were very fast, and the sound he made was very loud.

A cane hit Li Quan directly, making a loud noise, and a red cane mark appeared on Li Quan's skin.

But what? Li Quan didn’t feel any pain.

It wasn't that Li Quan's own defense was amazing, but that although Li Zhen's whip seemed to be forceful, it actually didn't cause the slightest pain on his body.

In addition, Li Zhen also gave Li Quan a look, reminding Li Quan to hurry up and pretend.

When Li Quan saw this, he immediately understood.

Oh, dad, let me go! I won't dare to do it again!

Compared with Li Zhen's exaggerated acting skills, Li Quan's acting skills can be said to be Oscar-level, the kind that can win the statuette.

Because of the acting skills of this father and son, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong also had to run out.

However, the two of them sorted out their clothes. Wang Keyuan was still wearing the dinosaur pajamas, while Wang Yuan picked up a wide shirt that Li Quan put in the cabinet and put it on.

It looks like a little skirt.

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