Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 52 Dragon Temple

Golden elixir period!

The meaning of a cultivator's realm lies in practicing Qi, refining the body, and building the foundation.

Li Quan's mother, Wang Yun, is at the peak of foundation building.

Thinking of this, Li Quan finally understood why his parents would find out when he was playing hide and seek when he was young.

It turns out that his parents are practitioners.

This secret has been hidden for twenty years. It is really deep.

However, if Li Quan guessed correctly, there are not many practitioners in the Golden Core Stage even in the entire Tenglong Kingdom.

Although Li Quan doesn't know why his parents have been ordinary for twenty years, they must have their reasons.

And Li Quan is not in a hurry to reveal the password, he should wait for them to reveal the secret themselves.

Anyway, everyone has their own secret, just like Li Quan himself has a huge secret.

Yes! We, father and son, drank enough! Thinking of this, Li Quan put his arm around Li Zhen's shoulders and laughed.

The father and son stepped into the house shoulder to shoulder, and soon, noon arrived.

When noon arrives, it’s time to cook.

When talking about cooking, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong's eyes lit up.

They all entered the kitchen and wanted to personally help Wang Yun cook together.

Wang Yun was also happy to have some free time, so she cooked with the two girls. Unfortunately, the two girls had no talent for cooking, so they made a lot of dark dishes.

In response to this, the corners of Wang Yun's mouth twitched, although from the beginning, Wang Yun could tell that the two women did not know how to cook.

However, seeing the two girls being so proactive, it was not easy to discourage them.

I didn't expect that the food produced would be such terrible food.

Ren Hong, in particular, looked very embarrassed.

As the proprietress of a fast food restaurant, she can't even cook. Who would believe it?

However, it cannot be stipulated that the owner of a fast food restaurant must know how to cook. After all, there are chefs who cook, and the owner is only responsible for operations. It is enough to manage the restaurant well.

So, at noon, when Li Quan and his family were sitting at the dinner table, the only things on the table were radish greens, steamed carp, and steamed meat cakes.

Well, just these three dishes. As for the promised meal, if you can ignore the pile of 'abstract paintings' in the kitchen, it can be regarded as a feast.

It's okay, it's just your first time. Just study hard. Everyone, let's have dinner.

As if to ease the awkward atmosphere, Wang Yun was the first to speak.

These three dishes were all made by Wang Yun herself.

After the two women looked at each other, they looked at Li Quan a little embarrassed.

I promised to go to the kitchen to help, but I ended up helping more and more.

I'm sorry, Auntie. The second daughter apologized from the bottom of her heart.

It's okay. It's just that I don't know how to cook. Just learn how to cook.

I didn't know how to cook before. Look at the food I cook now.

With that said, he placed two pieces of meat pie in Wang Keyuan's and Ren Hong's bowls respectively.

After the two girls tried it, their eyes lit up.

This taste is amazing!

Auntie, how can you make it so delicious?! This is not flattery, but a fact.

Uh-huh! Girl, you didn't know that your aunt was a famous chef when she was young!

On the side, Li Zhen said proudly.

At the same time, he glanced at Li Quan, as if to say: Look at my wife, how delicious the food she cooks is, and look at your wife.

Li Quan ignored Li Zhen's 'provocation' and would look at her like: Your wife, my mother, if you have anything to show off, I can eat it anytime I want.

The secret confrontation between father and son ended in a draw.

That's right, after dinner, remember to go to the Dragon Temple with me and your dad to worship the Dragon God. Do you understand?

Well, why do we have to worship the Dragon God? Li Quan asked Wang Yun with a puzzled look on his face while eating.

This is a thank you to Shenlong for helping our Tenglong Kingdom. You brat, without Shenlong's help, would you have the life you have now?

Wang Yun rolled her eyes at Li Quan and said.

Okay, okay, why don't I go?

I'll go too! At this moment, the two women said in unison again.

Okay, okay, let's go together. It just so happens that the Dragon Temple has just been built recently, and we haven't had time to go there yet.

It's a good time for us to go together. Moreover, I heard that the Dragon Temple is very efficacious. Whenever you go to ask for a wish, your request will be granted!

Mom, is what you said a lie? You can answer your questions.

I made a wish for him to make me the world's richest man, Dangdang. Can he fulfill my wish?

You're the only one who talks too much. After hearing this, Wang Yun rolled her eyes at Li Quan.

Not long after, after everyone had eaten, they came to Beidou Village, which was near the neighboring village of Guangbei Village.

The Shenlong Temple is located in Beidou Village. Because of this, the number of people in Beidou Village is much greater than before.

In addition, the dragon really appeared, and every time it appeared, it would cause a huge sensation, so more people came to the dragon temple to worship the dragon god.

Is this the Dragon Temple? It's really a bit fancy. Li Quan held Li Lan with one hand to prevent Li Lan from getting lost, but his eyes were focused on the Dragon Temple.

The Dragon Temple is a two-story building with an estimated total area of ​​about two hundred square meters. It is considered a small temple.

What do you know, kid? This is a sign of respect for the Dragon God. If you make yourself look very miserable, won't you lose the Dragon God's face?

You know, the Dragon God is real. If you make him unhappy and suddenly appear and kill you, don't say that I am your mother. I can't afford to embarrass this person.

Li Quan was very helpless after hearing this. Will he kill himself?

After hearing this, Li Lan, who was in Li Quan's arms, covered her pretty face and laughed.

At this time, it can be said that the Dragon Temple is crowded with people. At least, at a glance, they are all heads.

This Dragon Temple is really popular. Li Quan subconsciously complained about this.

Of course, after all, the Dragon God saved the entire Tenglong Kingdom. Li Zhen patted Li Quan on the shoulder and smiled.

But if there are so many people, how long do we have to wait before we can go in? Ren Hong looked at so many people with a worried look on his face and said a little nervously.

After all, bad things happen when there are more people.

For example, thieves stole wallets, and some people estimated to take advantage, especially for beauties like Ren Hong and others, which is even more special.

Inside, if someone else takes advantage of you, you won't be able to find out who Hundan is taking advantage of.

That's right, I have a solution!

At this time, the corners of Wang Yun's mouth raised slightly, as if she had thought of a good idea.

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