Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 51 Li Quan’s Parents

Li Quan looked back and shouted excitedly: Mom! Why are you here?

However, before Li Quan could be happy, the beautiful woman slapped Li Quan directly on the head.

You melon kid, I live here. How can I be there if I'm not here?

The beautiful woman is Li Quan's mother, and her name is Wang Yun.

By the way, who are these two? Wang Yun asked Li Quan with a hint of confusion on her face, pointing at Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

Well, they're mine.



She is really a girlfriend. You are so awesome. You have found two such beautiful girlfriends.

While speaking, Wang Yun suddenly took Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong's hands and smiled: Come on, come on, you two come in with me.

By the way, what is this? At this moment, Wang Yun noticed Li Lan grabbing Li Quan's trousers.

Grandma, I am daddy's daughter!

Dad? While saying this, he also looked at Li Quan and compared it with Li Lan.

The two are really a little bit similar (too good-looking).

Tell me, kid, where did you get it from? As he said this, he hugged Li Lan and said protectively, Baby, be good, I'll make your decision. Did this guy abduct you?

Fuck, Mom! Don't accuse a good person unjustly! I am a good young man! Heaven and earth are my witnesses!

While speaking, Li Quan looked at Li Lan. Li Lan reacted and began to tell Wang Yun about her 'origin'.

Well, fourteen-year-old Li Quan was a charming and charming man. One day he rescued a beautiful woman, and then the beautiful woman became pregnant with triplets, one of whom was Li Lan.

After a series of bloody incidents, Li Lan finally came to Li Quan's side.

On the side, Wang Yun didn't know when a tissue appeared in her hand, and she wiped the tears from her face.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong on the side couldn't help but take out tissues to wipe their tears.

This story was so touching. Even though they had known it for a long time, they still felt sad when they heard it again.

But isn’t Li Lan alone?

When did you get two more sisters?

Lan Lan, when did you have two sisters? Why didn't we know?

Ah, well, actually both sisters are at home, I just ran out secretly alone. While speaking, Li Lan stuck out his tongue, acting shamelessly cute.

So, your two sisters are both the same age as you, six years old?

Yes, but mom, don't underestimate my two sisters. They are very powerful! They are no worse than those top students who graduated from Huaqing University.

Li Lan explained to everyone seriously. As for telling this story, let's just explain their origins.

You kid, why didn't you tell the two of us when something like this happened? Are you itchy?

After hearing the story, Wang Yun hit Li Quan on the head, and Li Quan was also very depressed.

This thing is obviously fake, and it is so bloody, how could it happen in reality?

However, this can be regarded as the best explanation for Li Lan and the others.

Isn't that because you are worried about your second elder's temper? Do you think I have the courage to tell you about your elder's temper?

Wang Yun was very domineering when she was young, but she became more restrained as she got older.

I guess if I really want to say that it was broken when I was fourteen, I guess what is waiting will be mixed doubles, overtime, and singles for men and women.

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Mom, there is something I need to tell you. While speaking, Li Quan pulled Wang Yun away and whispered to Wang Yun: Mom, These two are not my girlfriends, so don’t tarnish other people’s innocence.”

Li Quan simply confessed. If Wang Yun knew that Li Quan had cheated on her, she would probably have to wait for a new round of women's singles competition.

You kid, do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know about your mother?

Boy, these two girls like you, do you think your mother and I can't tell?

I have identified these two daughters-in-law. As for Lan Lan, I don't care what happens to you, you have to deal with it for me. By the way, there are also my other two granddaughters. I remember that they are the generals. Bring him to see me, do you understand?

Wang Yun's tone was very domineering, and she would not allow Li Quan to refuse at all.

Okay, I'll try my best. If anyone else dared to talk to him in this tone, they would have beaten him to death.

However, Wang Yun can't do it, because this is Li Quan's mother.

After seeing Li Quan's acquiescence, Wang Yun suddenly smiled widely, came to Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong's side and said with a smile: This kid is not sensible, he has no good habits at all, and he has quite a lot of bad habits.

You two are really wronged to be with him.

While speaking, Wang Yun grabbed the hands of Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan with two hands respectively and continued: Come on, come on, come in and sit down, why are you standing outside? Lan Lan, come in with grandma, grandma today Make a rich meal.”

Okay! Long live grandma! Li Lan shouted excitedly when he heard that Wang Yun was going to make a big meal.

Li Quan, on the other hand, silently watched the four women leaving, sighing helplessly.

At this moment, a hand patted Li Quan's shoulder.

Li Quan looked back and saw a middle-aged handsome uncle who looked somewhat similar to Li Quan, but not as handsome as Li Quan.

Dad, why are you here?

Why can't I be here? This is my home.

Well, the same question, the same answer, as expected of the couple, they are in sync.

This handsome middle-aged uncle is Li Quan’s father, named Li Zhen.

You are a good boy, you have a bit of my style back then, but you are still too shy.

As a man, it's okay to be flirtatious, but your boy has been working out recently? His physique has become much stronger.

Well, I just practiced a little bit. Li Quan responded with a smile.

Well, there's nothing wrong with exercising more, and Tenglong Kingdom will also disclose the practitioners' skills recently. If you really succeed in practicing, forget it. Let's not talk about these things. Let's go in. We won't come home until we're drunk tonight!

Dad, let's drink at home.


Don't worry about so much, just drink. Li Zhen patted Li Quan's shoulder hard and laughed.

When Li Quan saw this, he pretended to be in pain and patted Li Zhen's hand away, feeling a little surprised at the same time.

Because, Li Quan unexpectedly discovered that his parents were not ordinary people, they were both cultivators!

Especially Li Zhen, there is something similar to a bead in the Dantian.

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