At the same time, in the original universe, a special black hole suddenly appeared.

This is the black hole constructed by Li Quan.

The function of the black hole is to transfer the collected souls to the universe through the black hole.

Moreover, there are special particles inside the black hole that can protect souls from passing through.

Therefore, the soul will not suffer any damage when passing through this black hole.

As soon as Li Quan finished speaking, dozens of souls suddenly appeared in the gate, and flew towards everyone as if they had a purpose.

This is...Dad, Mom?!

All Li Zun's classmates burst into tears after seeing the appearance of this soul.

It turned out to be the souls of his parents.

Unexpectedly, I would meet my parents again in such a form.

Not only Fang Rong, but all the people from the original universe and their parents also descended into it.

However, it came in the form of a soul, not in the form of a true body.

And their true bodies are now resting in the original universe.

For a moment, everyone hugged their parents.

Because Li Quan used a special technique, the soul that had traveled through time had a physical entity within a short period of time and could meet his children.

On Fang Rong's side, Fang Tonghao and Ji Rong also came.

Of course, all come in the form of souls.

Li Quan had already told Fang Tonghao before summoning him. Therefore, after Fang Tonghao arrived, he looked around in confusion.

Your injustice has been realized, but you only have one hour to meet. After one hour, they will return to their original universe.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure gradually turned into a point of light and disappeared in the sky.

At this moment, everyone's parents also arrived in the universe continent.

Although I can only stay for an hour.

Dad, Mom!

After Li Zun saw Li Zhen and Wang Yun, he was like a homeless child who saw hope in despair.

That scene was so warm.

Not only Li Zun, but also Fang Rong.

After all, Fang Rong didn't know Li Quan's secret, so after seeing her parents, Fang Rong burst into tears and silently covered her mouth.

In Seoul, the onlookers had no idea what was going on.

However, they seemed to understand that it seemed that the guardian dragon of their Longhuang Empire had used great magical powers to summon their emperor and all of his brothers and parents.

Such a scene is simply comparable to a god.

wrong! It is more powerful than the gods.

Sure enough, their country is powerful.

Even the guardian dragon is so powerful that it can even summon 'undead' directly.

Of course, what people in this world don't know is that Li Zun and the others are not natives of this world, but come from other universes.

Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't have any objections. After all, Li Zun's power had been witnessed with his own eyes.

He led them from a weak city to the largest force in the chaotic land, the Longhuang Empire.

Only a dozen years have passed.

More than ten years may be a long time for ordinary people, but for cultivators like them, more than ten years just passes in the blink of an eye.

Now, Li Zun has achieved such achievements in just a dozen years, and he has to be admired.

Moreover, since Li Zun successfully established the Longhuang Empire and became the emperor of the Longhuang Empire, he has not been angry and assertive, which makes people unable to bear the mentality of surrender.

Therefore, they are determined to follow Li Zun for the rest of their lives.

If you follow Li Zun, you will have food to eat and you will be able to live happily.

And Li Zun, after successfully making his wish, did not forget to fulfill Li Quan's instructions.

Although Li Zun knew the secrets of his family and conquered all the human forces in the universe, it would only enhance his strength.

However, the drama of the show still has to be performed.

Otherwise, if her companions knew that all this was actually for Li Zun himself, what would they think?

There may not be any verbal resistance, but the heart may have long been dissatisfied.

Therefore, in order to prevent this accident from happening, I had no choice but to continue acting.

Xiao Zun, is that you?

Is it really you? I miss you so much!

Wang Yun's exaggerated acting skills may be fake, but in the eyes of others, it is like a mother who has lost her son for a long time and unexpectedly learns that her son is still alive.

Mom, Dad.

Li Zun also pretended to be moved and hugged Wang Yun and Li Zhen directly.

For a moment, everyone present shut up and enjoyed this brief family reunion.

At this time, Li Quan also came.

Fang Rong and everyone were shocked when they saw Li Quan arriving.

However, they soon let go.

Li Zun's brother, since he is a relative, will naturally come.

Therefore, Li Quan's arrival is not an accident.

However, after seeing Li Quan again, their hearts were extremely excited.

If it weren't for Li Quan, they wouldn't have such strength.

Without this strength, there would be no current achievements.

Perhaps, when they were forced to undergo devil training by Li Quan, they had already secretly cursed Li Quan countless times.

However, now that they have truly experienced all this, they only feel grateful, and they no longer feel unhappy at the beginning.

I didn't expect that your boy's achievements are good.

Looking at what you are wearing now, is it possible that you have become the emperor!?

Brother, you really guessed it right, I really became the emperor.

While speaking, Li Zun seemed to be showing off his achievements.

Okay, stop showing off. Even if you become the emperor, I will still be your eldest brother.

But why are we here?

Li Quan asked Li Zun with a puzzled look on his face.

Not only Li Quan was 'confused', but the other parents were also very confused.

Obviously, they don't know why they are here.

Upon seeing this, Fang Rong began to explain to Li Quan and others the fact that everyone suddenly came here.

Moreover, when Li Zun talked about getting married, Wang Yun specifically glanced at Fang Rong. Not to mention how happy she was in that look.

Fang Rong seemed to feel Wang Yun's gaze, and her face, which was already blushing, became even more rosy at this moment.

He quickly covered his red cloth head and finally regained some confidence.

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