Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 375 Substituting one thing for another

Those who surrender will not be killed! If you don't surrender, just wait for death!

This is the last chance!

If you don't surrender, just wait for your heads to fall to the ground!

On the side of the Long Huang Empire, the cry to persuade them to surrender rang out again, and for a moment, the soldiers of the Night Dream Empire were shaken.

The kings of the Yemeng Empire are already dead. What are they doing for this? !

Fight for her? !

He is already dead, do you want to accompany him? !

Therefore, the soldiers of the Night Dream Empire lost confidence for a while and began to throw away the weapons in their hands.

When everyone in the Longhuang Empire saw this, their morale was greatly boosted.

Very good!

Everyone, come on! Those who surrender will not be killed! Repeat it again! Those who surrender will not be killed!

For a time, more and more soldiers of the Night Dream Empire surrendered. Without a single soldier, the Dragon Emperor Empire went straight to Huanglong, destroyed it, and occupied one of their key points.

In itself, the Yemeng Empire fell into panic due to the death of its leader.

Now, the Dragon Emperor Kingdom has taken advantage of the situation and attacked them at this moment, which makes it difficult for them to have the confidence to resist.

For a time, all the levels and castles surrendered without a fight and chose to surrender to the Longhuang Empire.

The Longhuang Empire took advantage of the opportunity and continuously sent soldiers to attack the Yemeng Empire.

At this time, Li Zun, who was far away in Seoul, learned the news and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It seems the plan worked.

The leader of the Yemeng Empire wants to plot against him, but he doesn't care how much he weighs.

If you want to take advantage of your happy day to disgust yourself, you are simply seeking death.

Since he is unkind, don't blame Li Zun for being unjust.

By substituting something for another, the leader of the Night Dream Empire was caught off guard.

Now, it is estimated that the leader of the Night Dream Empire has been pissed to death, right?

However, Li Zun guessed correctly.

Dead indeed.

Unfortunately, it's not that I'm angry to death, it's still a long way from being angry to death.

Li Zun, what are you laughing at?

On the side, Fang Rong asked Li Zun with a puzzled look.

Obviously he didn't know why Li Zun was laughing.

If I say that I am laughing because I am going to marry you Rongrong today, what do you think?

After Fang Rong heard Li Zun's words, her pretty face under the red cloth hair turned slightly rosy.


Fang Rong patted Li Zun's chest gently with her hand with a shy look. This move made Li Zun burst into laughter.

Rong Rong, today is our special day, and there are many happy events coming to our door.

Don't worry, we can go home one day!

After hearing this, Fang Rong had a touch of emotion on her face and gave a slight hum.

Obviously, they recognized that Li Zun could lead them home.

At this moment, Li Quan, who was in the sky, seemed to understand what was happening in the Longhuang Empire.

It seems that this guy Li Zun has some plans.

But yes, after all, he has become the Human Emperor for so many years, so he should have some strength.

Otherwise, all his blood would be wasted.

As for Li Quan, it was time to take action.

I saw Li Quan looking up to the sky and chanting, and for a moment, the dark clouds that had been dispersed by Li Zun gathered again.

At the same time, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, as if it was the end of the world.

A huge portal suddenly opened.

At the same time, in the original universe, part of the souls of people began to be collected by Li Quan

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