Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 369 The Emperor is getting married!

Looking at Li Quan's disappearing figure, Li Zun also sighed helplessly.

There is a long way to go.

However, no matter what happened, he could not live up to Li Quan's expectations for him.

After making up his mind, Li Zun glanced at his big bed, then lay down directly on it and continued to sleep.

Time flew by quickly, and soon it was time for morning court again.

In the morning, many ministers also went to court and began to report what happened yesterday.

Then wait for Li Zun to solve it or something.

When Li Zun came to the throne, he saw a group of ministers starting to respectfully say to Li Zun: Greetings to the emperor! Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!

Well, everyone, I wish you a peaceful life.

Thank you, Your Majesty!

If you have something to report, go to court, if nothing happens, leave the court.

Soon, everything that happened last night was reported, including where there was an attack, where there was a bumper grain harvest, and so on.

As long as there were matters related to the people, they were reported one by one.

Soon, several hours passed, and the report was finally completed.

My beloved sirs, if nothing happens, I have something to announce.

After hearing what Li Zun said, everyone opened their ears.

This is what the emperor himself said. It would be a disaster if someone accidentally didn't listen.

Didn't your beloved ministers say when will my emperor marry Miss Fang Rong?

Everyone was shocked after hearing what Li Zun said.

How is this going?

The sun rises from the west?

wrong! The sun in this world alternates directly with the moon, and there is no so-called sunrise or sunset.

So, are they hallucinating or are they not waking up?

Didn't Li Zun push him around as soon as he heard that they were urging them to get married?

But what happened today?

Could it be that Li Zun's temperament has changed?

My dear friends have always been thinking about my emperor's lifelong affairs. I have also thought about it for a long time and feel that you are right.

After all, I have been in love with Miss Fang Rong for many years, but I have never given Miss Fang Rong a status.

Now, I have decided to promise you something.

After hearing this, all the ministers burst into tears. It's not simple!

Their emperor! Finally getting married!

This scene was like a large-scale gratitude scene. Finally, their daily meetings were not in vain!

Now, Li Zun finally understands that he wants to get married and understands the difficulties in their hearts.

Although I don’t know why, Li Zun suddenly proposed that he wanted to get married.

However, as long as you are willing to get married!

Your Majesty is wise! Don't worry! I will definitely make your wedding a success! The whole country will rejoice!

Fang Rong, who was standing next to Li Zun, was stunned the whole time after hearing what Li Zun said.

The whole person was in a state of emptiness, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was not until all the civil servants and generals left that Fang Rong recovered.

Li, Li Zun, you, are you really?

Well, I've made up my mind.

Yes, but marriage is not necessary.

Don't worry, Sister Rongrong. When I was sleeping last night, the real dragon entrusted me with a dream, saying that the wedding can go ahead and that our parents will be there when the time comes.

After hearing Li Zun's words, Fang Rong subconsciously covered her mouth.

If this is true, wouldn't she have the opportunity to meet her parents? !

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