Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 368 The Truth 2

Soon, Li Zun finally knew all the secrets of his family.

My eldest brother is the true dragon, the supreme being in the universe.

Moreover, my family's status is very high in the universe, and some of the people who came to my family before are all famous and powerful people in the universe.

Even Nuwa and Fuxi came.

After Li Quan told all his secrets, Li Zun didn't know how to describe his feelings for a while.

It's really exciting.

It's simply more exciting than traveling to other universes.

Therefore, Li Zun only felt that he was living in a dream.

Okay, Mom, Dad, this kid has been here long enough, and it's time to go back.

If I don't go back, something bad will happen.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Zun was also a little reluctant to give up.

Not to mention anything else, Wang Yun alone was very reluctant to leave.

Xiao Zun, when you are over there, remember to take care of yourself.

Oh, by the way, Mom, I almost forgot to tell you some good news.

Huh? What's the good news?

After hearing this, Wang Yun asked with confusion.

Li Zhen on the side also looked over curiously, obviously wanting to know what the good news was.

It's just that this kid has fallen in love with someone.

After hearing these words, Li Zhen and Wang Yun were extremely surprised, while Li Zun looked embarrassed.

Who is it? What does it look like? What's your personality like?

For a time, Wang Yun asked three questions in a row, which made Li Zun feel dumbfounded.

You also know her, Mouse's daughter, Fang Rong.

After hearing Fang Rong's name, Wang Yun's face gradually became a little weird, and she smiled at Li Zun with a funny face and asked, I didn't expect, Xiao Zun, that you would actually like this girl Fang Rong. ’

But, I have seen this girl Fang Rong since she was a child, so, Xiaozun, you must remember to take good care of Rongrong.

If your mother and I find out, if you dare to bully Rongrong, be careful and I will beat you up!

While saying this, Wang Yun pretended to beat up Li Zun.

After hearing this, Li Zun was very depressed and said: Mom, I understand.

But, brother, you must also know my current problem, right?

Now, Li Zun already knows what his responsibility is, which is to occupy the Universe Continent, dominate the Universe Continent, and make all the creatures in the Universe Continent surrender.

However, Li Zun now knows that Li Quan is the real dragon and is the one who issued the order.

But now, Li Quan can lead himself back and forth across the universe continent and into the original universe.

If all this were known to his companions, even Li Zun was not sure what would happen.

Therefore, this matter is difficult to solve.

Don't worry, I will handle your kid's affairs. After all, I am your eldest brother.

Li Quan patted Li Zun on the shoulder and smiled.

Okay, time is running out, we should leave. Dad, Mom, when this kid gets married, I will take you to the universe continent.


Wang Yun asked excitedly after hearing what Li Quan said.

That's of course. After all, how can such a big thing as getting married be done without the parents of both parties being present?

You will know when the time comes.

Li Quan directly left the suspense, which made the two of them feel unhappy.

However, there is no way. Who knows that Li Quan is a real dragon and has a heavy responsibility. There may be something to worry about.

However, now that we have learned that Li Zun is doing well in the Universe Continent and has become the emperor of the Longhuang Empire, he finally feels at ease after awakening his human-emperor bloodline.

Soon, a black hole appeared out of thin air in front of Li Quan. At the same time, Li Quan put his arm around Li Zun's shoulder, and then led Li Zun back to the universe continent.

After all, in the Universe Continent, the Longhuang Empire needs Li Zun. Li Zun is the emperor of the Longhuang Empire, so nothing can happen to him.

After the two left, the broken space was being repaired and soon returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

When Wang Yun and Li Zhen saw this, they felt relieved.

His two sons have not been found in the past few years.

Although they knew that nothing would happen to Li Zun as long as Li Quan was around, they couldn't help but miss the two of them.

Okay, honey, now that you know that this kid is fine, that's fine.

Hmph! Those two brats ran away from home as soon as they disagreed.

This time, they know what we are doing and know how to come back to see us. Otherwise, when we see them, we must let them know what it means to not build a house and demolish tiles for a day.

Okay, okay, wife, calm down, let's go back and do our things, how about that?

Ah, disgusting!

After hearing what Li Zhen said, Wang Yun said with a hint of shyness on her face.

Then he patted Li Zhen on the shoulder and whispered softly: Then what are you waiting for?

After hearing this, Li Zhen felt as if he had been on steroids, and his whole body was boiling with excitement.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan was still in the room, sleeping like a dead pig.

And in the Universe Continent, Seoul, the Imperial Palace, and Li Zun’s bedroom.

I saw the space suddenly shattered.

At the same time, the figures of Li Quan and Li Zun also walked out of the space.

Finally home.

After Li Zun saw the familiar environment, he complained silently.

He had never faced his parents for so long, and for some reason, Li Zun always felt a little embarrassed.

Okay, kid, everything remains as usual. The wedding can also go ahead. I'll take care of everything.

You just need to maintain order. For you, your brother, I will fight hard.

In order to lay the foundation for Li Zun, Li Quan had already started planning several years ago.

Now, it’s time to execute.

First of all, the wedding must be carried out.

After all, as the king of a country, he is still not married. This is simply a big joke.

Therefore, in order to solve this matter, Li Quan has already thought about what to do.

Brother, thank you.

Hearing Li Zun's sudden thank you, Li Quan was stunned for a moment, then laughed silently, and then sighed and said: Who makes you my brother? If I don't help you, who will help you.

Besides, why does a family need to say thank you?

You just need to be worthy of what I have done for you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan took a step forward and his figure gradually disappeared.

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