Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 366 You chase me

Stop! You dare to run away after humiliating me! Today, I want to revitalize Fu Gang!

After hearing Li Zun's words, Fang Rong's face instantly turned red.

Even though she and Li Zun had too much contact that went beyond the relationship between men and women, she couldn't help but blush after hearing Li Zun's teasing words.

Hmph! Come on! If you catch up with me, I'll let you hehe!


Hearing that Fang Rong dared to respond to him, Li Zun felt that if he didn't do something, Fang Rong would simply look down on him.

Therefore, Li Zun felt that it was time for him to teach Fang Rong a lesson.


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zun chased after Fang Rong.

For a time, the entire palace was filled with the sound of the two chasing each other.

And all this was heard by Li Quan, who was sitting at the side of the palace.

I didn't expect this kid to have such a scene.

However, this kid has a conscience and thinks about his parents when he gets married. Otherwise, see how I teach you a lesson.

However, since we are getting married, our parents will be present.

‘Well, forget it, it’s time to explain something to this kid. ’

Li Quan felt that it was time to let Li Zun know the secret of the family.

After all, Li Zun is now an adult and has his own 'career'.

no sooner said than done.

Soon, night fell, and Li Quan came to Li Zun's palace alone.

In Li Zun's bedroom, Li Zun was sleeping alone.

Li Quan, on the other hand, came to the palace where Li Zun was and sat next to Li Zun. He looked at Li Zun's handsome and sleeping face with a smile on his face.


Hearing a crisp slap suddenly, Li Zun woke up subconsciously, and then glared in all directions.

Because, he discovered that he was slapped by someone while he was sleeping.

However, after reacting, Li Zun suddenly became cautious.

In the chaotic land, who is the strongest, it can be said to be Li Zun.

However, when Li Zun was sleeping, he was still very vigilant. After all, the chaotic place was very chaotic, and no one knew whether it would be absolutely safe in the palace.

Therefore, you cannot relax your vigilance even when you are sleeping.

But now, Li Zun was slapped while sleeping.

This is incredible.

who is it?!

Although this person could approach him quietly while he was sleeping, he could not sense any breath.

Then, it would be easy for this person to kill him.

Thinking of this, Li Zun felt scared.

If that person really had any evil intentions, I'm afraid Li Zun would be dead by now.

At this moment, a breeze blew from behind Li Zun. Li Zun subconsciously looked behind him and found that there was a person standing there on the other side of the window, enjoying the moonlight.

And this figure, for some reason, seemed a bit familiar to Li Zun.

Who are you?!

As Li Zun said this, he directly summoned his Dragon Shocking Spear and walked towards the place where the figure was.

And at the moment when he was still a few meters away from the figure, the figure suddenly turned around.

The moment Li Zun saw the face of that figure, he was stunned. A moment later, the Dragon-Starling Spear in his hand fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

Then with a trace of tears on his face, he subconsciously said: Brother.

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