Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 365 Forced Marriage

Master, is this the power of Godhead?

After Bai Ling merged with the Creation Godhead, he had the method of using the Godhead in his mind. Therefore, after feeling the power of the Godhead, Bai Ling said to Li Quan with a look of joy.

Well, in this world, there are so-called gods, and the power of gods comes from the godhead.

The godhead you possess now is the supreme piece among all the godheads.

I hope you can make good use of this piece of divine power, otherwise, be careful, master, I will take it back for you.

Humph, I don't want it!

Moreover, if someone is so obedient, master, can you bear to take back his godhead?

As Bai Ling spoke, he asked Li Quan with tears in his eyes.

You girl, okay, I know your temperament.

Now that you already possess the Godhead, you should become more proficient in the power of the Godhead recently.

I hope you can really put this godhead to good use, otherwise, you will definitely have to take your godhead back.

After the two exchanged a few words, Bai Ling was arranged to practice again by Li Quan.

Nowadays, Bai Ling not only needs to practice his own cultivation, but also needs to practice skills and martial arts.

Even now, Li Quan is forcing him to practice the Nine-Nine Mysterious Technique.

Jiujiu Xuan Gong is one of the powerful techniques for cultivating the physical body. As long as you can practice it to the extreme, you can even achieve the Hunyuan realm with the power of the physical body.

Although, the Hunyuan realm is nothing to Li Quan.

However, for the vast majority of life forms, the Hunyuan realm is their life goal.

After Li Quan left for three years, the relationship between Li Zun and Fang Rong has become closer and closer.

Because of what happened back then, even if the two of them were together all day long, no one would gossip.

In fact, because of more than ten years of companionship, the two are now about to get married.

But recently, Li Zun has had a headache.

Because, if you want to hold a wedding and marry Fang Rong, both parents must be present.

Although, they don't need their own parents to hold a wedding.

After all, the universe they are in now is not their own universe, but a universe called the Universe Continent.

There are no parents here.

If the wedding was held without both parents present, Li Zun would always feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Therefore, the wedding has been postponed again and again, and now, many ministers have come to force the marriage.

My dear friends, please calm down. It's not like I won't get married, and I'm not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?

Li Zun seemed to be in no pain, but all the ministers were anxious.

Originally, they thought that as long as Li Zun and Fang Rong got along, they would be able to get married soon.

However, the result is that they think too much.

Although Li Zun and Fang Rong are together, they do not hold a wedding. As a result, the queen's succession ceremony cannot be held!

If there is no queen, how come the prince comes? !

There is no prince! The country will be worried about its future!

Some people even thought that the emperor was impotent.

Fortunately, it didn't reach Li Zun's ears, otherwise, even if it did, Li Zun wouldn't know how to refute.

Although the two of them kissed and touched each other, the last step of the home run never happened.

After all, Fang Rong can be considered a traditional person and must save the first time for Li Zun on the wedding day.

However, marriage requires the presence of both parents.

And Li Zun is not a pervert, so naturally he will not force Fang Rong.

After all, the two of them are together all day long, so it doesn't matter whether they want a wedding or not.

It is precisely for this reason that I have not gotten married until now.

Your Majesty! Three years! Three whole years!

Since three years ago, all of us have been urging you! The country cannot live without a future~!

What you do really scares us!

To put it bluntly, if your Majesty is serious, who should inherit this country?

Now, after several years of development, the Longhuang Empire has already become the largest force in the chaotic land, one that no one can shake.

Moreover, because it found a way to replace spiritual energy cultivation, the overall strength of the Longhuang Empire has achieved leaps and bounds.

It's a pity, so what if the country is strong?

If there is no heir, everything will be in chaos once something goes wrong with the emperor himself.

In their hearts, only if the emperor has descendants can he stabilize the hearts of the ministers!

It's only three years, we are still young.

Your Majesty! You are already twenty-five years old! You are no longer young!

At the age of twenty-five, we are already married, and our children are old enough.

Your Majesty! You have to get married! You are the spiritual pillar of our Longhuang Empire!

Your Majesty! Please think twice! The country cannot live without a progeny for a day!

The ministers kept talking, but they all had one purpose.

Marry me!

Forced marriage!

This is simply a naked forced marriage!

Li Quan was also helpless about this.

You can't beat and scold these ministers, right?

After all, these ministers were all thinking about their country. If Li Quan really beat and scolded them, it would probably really chill their hearts.

However, a big event like marriage requires the presence of parents.

Li Zun was very helpless about this.

The dilemma is what Li Zun is facing now.

Okay, okay, I will give you an answer soon. You can just retreat.

Li Zun was very helpless. He could not fight or scold these ministers. It was simply heartbreaking.

The worst part is that others really do it for your own good.

After hearing this, all the ministers understood Li Zun's current situation. Although they came together to force the marriage today, it was better not to go too far.

Just push it once a day.

I hope Li Zun can get married as soon as possible.

After watching all the ministers leave, Li Zun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, Fang Rong on the side said with a smile: 'Oh, I didn't expect that our emperor has such a helpless side. ’

After hearing this, Li Zun looked at Fang Rong and said, If it weren't for the fact that my parents need to be present when getting married, would I be in this situation now?

But you are actually here to watch me being angrily reviled by a group of ministers, and you are also making sarcastic remarks to see if I won't teach you a lesson!

While saying this, Li Zun pretended to be fierce and shouted towards Fang Rong.

When Fang Rong saw this, she screamed in fright, and then started to run away.

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