After hearing what Li Quan said, Ifreya smiled at Li Quan and said, Yes, I didn't expect that this 'guest' would actually know me.

Ifreya was also a little surprised. After all, she and Li Quan didn't know each other, so how did Li Quan know her.

However, Evelea soon felt relieved.

There are all kinds of legends in this world. Since Li Quan has been performing in the Universe Continent in these few months, he is naturally aware of his reputation.

Since my guest knows me, would you be interested in sealing this woman with me?

This woman, of course, refers to Evelia.

After all, what Evelia likes most is to be right with her,

Every time Ifuliya wants to do something big, such as destroying a certain place, this Ifuliya will suddenly appear and stop her.

If they weren't worried that the battle between the two would directly shatter the entire universe and make them homeless, they would have unleashed their full strength and have a good fight.

Originally, the battle pattern between the two had always been on the same strength front.

But now there is an existence that destroys the balance.

It's Li Quan.

Li Quan is a person even more powerful than Evelia.

Therefore, as long as Li Quan is united, Everiya can be sealed.

As for whether Li Quan will cooperate or not, it doesn't matter.

As long as Li Quan is willing to cooperate, no matter what the cost.

Including herself, she can also dedicate herself to Li Quan.

Evelea is very confident about her figure.

After all, she is much more slutty than Evelia, a conservative woman.

Of course, even so, Ifreya is still perfect.


Who can invade the body of a creation-level goddess?

Who else has the guts to invade the body of a creation-level goddess?

Therefore, since the opening of the universe continent and the four realms of gods, demons, mortals, and the dead, the two goddesses are still in perfect condition until now.

Well, to put it simply, she is an old maid who has lived for who knows how many years.

Of course, for most people, as long as they look good, it doesn't matter how old you are.

What's more, she is a goddess who has the same life span as heaven and earth.

Seal Everiya?

After Li Quan heard Evelea's voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly.

At this moment, Everiya, who was knocked away, reluctantly got up, and then shouted at Li Quan with an angry face: Asshole, let me go quickly!

Ifreya! Hurry up and stop the founding ceremony from starting!

Do you want the rules of the universe to be changed?

If Li Zun, an outsider, becomes the king and is recognized by the will of the universe, then Li Zun will have the qualifications to survive completely in this universe.

You know, the first generation of kings were protected by the consciousness of the universe.

Unless there is a war between the first generation king and the first generation king, the first generation king will fall.

Otherwise, no one can harm the king.

Of course, except if it is said by a mortal.

However, those who can become the leader of the country will themselves be rewarded and blessed by the consciousness of the universe.

How could it be possible that a mere mortal could defeat him if his strength was greatly increased?

Moreover, even after the death of the king, his heroic soul will still be attached to the kingdom and protect the prosperity of the country.

Therefore, the first generation of kings will be the only foundation of strength to resist all the forces of the gods.

Unfortunately, after all this time, no one has succeeded.

If Li Zun is a person in this universe, then there will be nothing after Li Zun becomes the leader of the country.

However, Li Zun is not from this universe, and Li Zun is related to Li Quan!

Who knows what Li Quan is planning after suddenly entering this universe.

After Li Zun became the leader of the country, this was his first step.

Thinking about it this way, Li Quan is simply a big conspirator.

Although Li Quan usually smiles, he is actually full of calculations secretly.

However, this Evelia had wronged Li Quan.

Li Quan really has no interest in plotting anything in this universe.

Moreover, as long as Li Quan is the reason, can anyone in this universe be his opponent?


Therefore, if Li Quan really wants to do something, no one in this universe will be able to stop him.

After hearing Evelia's voice, Evelia spread her hands and said nonchalantly: Efulia, have you forgotten? This guest is the one who brought the divine power to us. Imprisoned.

With the two of us now possessed in the bodies of these two mortals, what can we do with our mortal strength?

Ifreya didn't show any performance. Anyway, her main role was to create chaos.

Now, after Li Zun becomes the leader of the country, it is chaotic enough. At the very least, this chaotic place will become even more chaotic.

After hearing this, Evelia was also very disappointed.

He actually forgot that his strength was imprisoned by Li Quan. Therefore, he could not release any divine power and could only watch Li Zun's founding ceremony proceed perfectly.

At this moment, Li Quan rubbed his chin and said with a smile, It's time to take action.

I saw Li Quan take a slight step forward, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage.

The next moment, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the sky.

For a moment, no one knew what happened.

Although the weather before was originally cloudy.

However, there was no such thing as thunder.

What's going on now?

Could it be that it is not allowed to establish a country in this universe?

The lightning and thunder continued, and everyone was now panicking, always feeling like something earth-shattering was about to happen.

And just when everyone didn't know what to do next, a deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded.

A huge dragon claw actually cut through the dark clouds and surged out of the dark clouds.

The huge and mighty dragon head was fixating its gaze on Li Zun.

Li Zun and his group of thirty people were all shocked after seeing this mighty dragon.

Isn't this the dragon unique to their universe?

Why does it appear in this universe?

Could it be said that dragons also exist in this universe?

Except for Li Zun's thirty people, the demi-humans in the native world were too frightened to move after seeing Li Zun's figure.

I don't know why, just seeing the figure of this giant dragon, I was so scared that I didn't dare to breathe, for fear that the giant dragon would look over.

Because the pressure Li Quan gave them was too strong.

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