Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 342 Hammer flying!

This is her main responsibility as the goddess of creation!

Of course, Evelia cannot come in person. He needs to rely on his own clone and then come to any random person.

And if this person carries his power, he will die when Evelia leaves.

After all, the will of a Hunyuan-level strongman is not so easy to bear.

Of course, Ifuliya will not treat these people badly. When this person dies, his soul will be guided, and then sent to her temple by Ifuliya, and then serve herself.

After all, being able to serve the gods is the highest honor for them.

However, what makes Evelia crazy is that in Seoul where Li Zun is located, there is not a single person who believes in gods!

wrong! Yes, very few, only one or two.

what on earth is it?

Moreover, these two people who believe in gods are actually old men in their fifties and sixties!

Is this the rhythm that wants her to come to the old man?

However, if it happens to other people, the one closest to Seoul will have to be a long way away.

When we arrived, it was estimated that the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China was already over!

Therefore, it is better to come to the old man than to come directly.

Moreover, if the founding ceremony is successful, it will be too late.

Although kingship is divinely granted, as long as it is granted successfully, the person to whom it is granted will ignore the threats from the gods.

If you want to kill the king, even a god must pay a heavy price.

What's more, all gods have divine personality.

The godhead is the condensation of laws. They must abide by everything in this world, otherwise, they will lose all their divine power and become mortals.

Therefore, Evelia arrives.

It happened to an old man.

This old man belongs to a sect that believes in the light side, so Evelia can catch the old man's body.

In addition to the arrival of Evelia, this moment also happened to another old man, Everel, Evelia's twin sister.

In the land of chaos, gods cannot come, except for two creation-level goddesses.

Therefore, both goddesses descended.

There is only one thing to do.

Find out the identity of Li Zun, an outsider.

If it is related to Li Quan, then it must be treated with caution.

If it has nothing to do with Li Quan, then sorry, suppress!

The world is so cruel, and they act according to the rules of the world.

Soon, when Li Zun was about to reach the top of the sacrifice platform, the two old men used their divine power to try to attack Li Zun.

Prevent Li Zun from successfully ascending the throne.

Once he fails to ascend the throne, Li Zun will have no chance of ascending the throne.

However, when they intended to take action, they discovered that the divine power in their bodies was actually sealed at this moment.

At the same time, a person appeared that made Evelia grit her teeth.

Hey, Evelia, long time no see, why do you suddenly look like an old man? Could it be that you, a goddess of creation, still like this kind of tone?

Behind Evelia, Li Quan's teasing voice suddenly sounded.

When Evelia heard this, her face was full of shyness.

This guy is indeed Li Quan, and he is as cheap as when they first met.

Now, Li Quan has appeared, which means that the person who became the leader of the country is someone related to Li Quan.

However, even so, Li Zun cannot become the leader of the country!

If Li Zun becomes the leader of the country, the future of this universe will probably change drastically.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Evelia used her divine power, she was still unable to use it to interfere with Li Zun.

He could only watch Li Zun ascend the throne.

Evelea on the side was not in a hurry.

After all, as the World-Destroying Demon God, she likes the world to fall into chaos.

The reason why he appeared here and took action to prevent Li Zun from successfully ascending the throne was naturally because of his divine status.

But now, his divine power was tightly restrained by Li Quan and he was unable to take action, so everything was doomed to be in vain.

Li Quan, you are still the same, the same bitch!

Evelia turned around and shouted with a hint of anger on her face.

However, if Evelia was not attached to an old man now, it would be a beautiful scene of a beautiful girl acting like a baby.

But now, she borrowed the face of an ugly old man and suddenly roared at Li Quan. Li Quan couldn't control his hand and wanted to slap her away.

However, before Li Quan could take action, he saw his young apprentice Bai Ling, who didn't know when, holding a pair of hammers, and knocked away the old man possessed by Evelia with one hammer.

Master, this old man's face is so ugly that I can't help it, so I'm sorry, master!

After Bai Ling successfully hammered Evelia away, he seemed to realize something. He was so frightened that he quickly threw the two hammers in his hands to the ground, then hugged Li Quan and begged Li Quan for forgiveness.

After all, Li Quan had taught her not to hurt others at will.

Now she couldn't help it and suddenly knocked Evelia away, which was hurtful.

Therefore, in order to avoid being punished by Li Quan, he could only hug Li Quan and try to act cute to get through.

After hearing this, Evelea couldn't help laughing.

I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed, but Ifreya saw her embarrassment again. It was really funny.

Unexpectedly, this Evelia would be beaten away by a human being.

However, judging from the level of anger Evelia had just felt, the Li Quan in front of her, who seemed to have no strength at all and looked like an ordinary person, was probably the person she had been looking for for a long time.

Hello, my name is Evelea.

At this time, Ifreya didn't have any hostility. Instead, she looked at Li Quan with interest and said.

Okay Bai Ling, I know you didn't mean it, but you won't do it next time, you know?

If Bai Ling hadn't taken action, it would have been Li Quan.

After all, wearing an ugly face and roaring in front of Li Quan would make people want to punch him.

Although it is said that good looks are not everything, if the looks are really so that people can't help but take action, then it's not Li Quan's fault.

Are you Ifreya, the world-destroying demon who is opposed to the creation goddess Ifreya, Ifreya?

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