Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 332 Red Jade Rabbit

The so-called resource supply point is naturally to hunt monsters and then obtain their fur, flesh and blood as materials.

This is the so-called resource supply point.

After all, not only are these monsters weak in strength, they also have a strong reproductive capacity. From time to time, they have to rely on the army to enter this vicissitudes of the forest and hunt monsters to prevent too many monsters from causing the birth of a tide of monsters.

If one factor such as the tide of Warcraft is ignored, this forest of vicissitudes of life is an out-and-out treasure trove.

Moreover, magicians can form relationships with monsters.

After all, the magician's own constitution is relatively fragile. Therefore, establishing a relationship with a magical beast and having a powerful magical beast to protect him can play a key role.

Even if you have a powerful monster, it will be as powerful as a tiger.

At this time, Li Quan was located in the small town of Yilanke beside this vicissitudes of life.

The small town of Yilanke, because it is close to the Forest of Vicissitudes, has many magicians coming and going.

in. Magic apprentices account for the majority.

After all, the Forest of Vicissitudes of Life has another name.

Forest of Trials.

It is specially used for magic apprentices to enter and train themselves.

In addition to the magic apprentices, that is, the students of the academy, there are also many hunters who enter it to hunt monsters for a living.

Therefore, although the small town of Yilanke is located on the border of Oslank town, it is still crowded with people. It is different from other small towns and looks like a dead town.

Li Quan, on the other hand, was happy and leisurely, shopping alone in this small town of Yilanke.

After all, due to the rich resources of Warcraft, this place has a large number of vendors and so on, and they set up stalls specifically in this place.

And their main targets of conversation are those magic apprentices.

After all, as a student, with little experience, they will definitely be tempted to come over to something interesting when they see it, and then be tricked into buying something by these ‘hardened’ vendors using their own three-inch golden lotus.

This is a normal thing in the small town of Yilanke.

Li Quan, on the other hand, walked slowly beside these vendors and took a look at the things these vendors were selling.

There are magic tools, various magic crystals, materials from monsters, rare herbs, and some potions to treat injuries.

Of course, most of these are knock-off products.

After all, setting up a stall depends on your luck. If you buy something bad and want to argue with that person, that person will have gone far away.

Moreover, except for some genuine and particularly precious items, which are more expensive than other stalls, the items on the stalls are all very cheap.

It is precisely for this reason that you get what you pay for, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

While Li Quan was wandering around, he discovered something interesting.

A strange-looking monster.

Covered in blood, he looks like a rabbit.

However, Li Quan could clearly know that this was not a rabbit.

This guest, are you interested in that Warcraft pet?

What kind of monster is this?

Li Quan directly focused his attention on the monster he saw before.

And pointed at him with his finger and asked with a smile.

Guest, this is one of the mainstream World of Warcraft pets in the Kingdom of Oslank, named the Ruby Rabbit.

The Ruby Rabbit has no offensive power of its own, and because it is petite and cute, and its appearance can easily arouse the hearts of girls, it has instantly become one of the mainstream pets in Warcraft.

The Ruby Rabbit itself is bright red, like a ruby, but the Ruby Rabbit in front of you is a mutated variety among the Ruby Rabbits.

To put it simply, it is a genetic mutation that causes the hair to become snow white instead of the normal ruby ​​color.

There are also such cases among Blue Star, albino animals.

What Li Quan can be sure of is that this red jade rabbit is physically stronger than the rabbit next to it.

Moreover, Li Quan could see that there was a special power in his bloodline that had not been awakened. If it were awakened, the potential of this red jade rabbit would probably reach the level of the gods in this universe.

However, if it were someone else, it would be difficult even to discover that they had a special bloodline, let alone awakening their sleeping bloodline.

It is estimated that if Li Quan hadn't discovered the special bloodline of this red jade rabbit, he would have become a pet rabbit in obscurity and been raised fat and white.

In the end, his fate is probably to be roasted and eaten, or to retire in peace.

As for why it is eaten grilled.

In the Kingdom of Oslank, there is a dish called Braised Jade Rabbit Head.

Li Quan tried it, well, the taste is a bit not in line with Li Quan's taste.

How much does this rabbit cost?

Guest, do you want to buy it?

The merchant's eyes lit up after hearing Li Quan's words.

With that look in his eyes, Li Quan felt that this guy wanted to kill him.

After all, Li Quan had seen this kind of look many times when he was still a student.

When I was a student, my parents talked about how poor they were.

In fact, Li Quan didn't even go to college.

Therefore, when Li Quan buys clothes or something, he always goes to a small alley.

The alley is a shopping street with various vendors selling clothes, and of course, food.

The feeling this vendor gave Li Quan was like the way the aunt looked at him when Li Quan was ripped off for buying a piece of clothing.

Tell me how much it is.

As for now, Li Quan doesn't care about the issue of money. After all, for Li Quan, money is just something that can be obtained by rubbing hands.

The money in this world is a kind of crystallization accumulated by magic power.

In other words, anyone who can master magic can create so-called money.

Of course, making money consumes a lot of magic power.

Therefore, the magic mine appears.

The magic mine is very similar to the magic crystal.

Therefore, both can be used as coins.

As for whether Li Quan has magic crystals, this is not a problem.

After all, Li Quan knew the structure of magic crystals, so it was not difficult at all to make a large number of coins.

Guest, this is a rare red jade rabbit. There may not be one in a hundred years. Even after this one, there will never be another red jade rabbit.

Stop talking nonsense, how much is it.

Three thousand magic coins.

Okay, deal.

Guest, don't you want to negotiate the price?

After hearing Li Quan's words, the vendor seemed a little dumbfounded.

What this plot says is different.

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