Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 331 Aboriginal people with tough folk customs

Because of the power system of this universe, the level of civilization in this universe has only reached the same level as the civilization of Blue Star in the Middle Ages.

There are no so-called pure humans here, only demi-humans.

However, the demihumans here are the so-called humans.

Demi-humans are the main creatures in this cosmic continent.

Of course, besides demi-humans, there are other powerful creatures.

Such as dragons.

However, the dragon here is not Li Quan's dragon clan, but in Li Quan's eyes, it is a large lizard with wings.

And this big lizard is very powerful and can fight against gods.

Although their peak combat power is not as good as the two Hunyuan-level goddesses, due to some special reasons of their own, even Evelia or Everel at the peak of Hunyuan cannot defeat these lizard dragons. Completely eliminated.

In the universe continent, there are the laws of life, the laws of destruction, the laws of time, and the laws of space.

These four laws gave birth to four different dragon kings.

Although the individual strength of these dragon kings is no match for a goddess, if they join forces, even Everel and the others will have to stay away.

Therefore, in this world, in addition to the two divine religions of light and darkness, there is also the Dragon Cult that the Warcraft believe in.

Moreover, precisely because they are the incarnation of laws, they cannot be destroyed, because as long as these laws in the universe are immortal, they are immortal.

It is for this reason that the Dragon Clan is also the third largest force apart from the demihumans and Warcraft.

Although there are very few descendants of the dragon clan, every dragon clan has power that can rival the gods when they reach adulthood.

Not only that, there is also a place called Dragon Cave in this cosmic continent.

It's a pity that except for the goddess of creation Evelia and the demon god of destruction Everel, who know where the dragon cave is, the others have no way of knowing.

You must know that the power of the Dragon King of the Four Laws is not weaker than the power of the two goddesses.

Even the Dragon King's power is even more powerful.

Unfortunately, apart from magic, the Dragon Fighter type is so rare that it is almost as if it has become extinct.

At this time, Li Quan was heading towards the center of the Universe Continent.

The center of the universe continent is extremely chaotic, but with the strength of my students now, they are enough to survive in that chaotic place.

After all, the overall integration period is no joke.

Especially Li Zun, his strength has reached the Mahayana stage.

In the mortal world of the universe continent, if the gods do not appear, Li Zun will be the strong man at the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, Li Quan did not need to rush over to see if his brother was okay.

In fact, what Li Quan should worry about is others.

After all, the students he has trained can defeat the weak and the strong, and the few can defeat the many.

If anyone is released, he can command the three armies and fight against the world's experts.

Moreover, the main system of this cosmic continent is magic diluted by divine power.

Magic is given to these demi-humans by gods.

Different from Li Zun and others' own cultivation, they rely on themselves.

If we compare strength and weakness, naturally the power of cultivating oneself is the strongest.

It's not your own. Although it improves quickly, there is an upper limit.

At this time, Li Quan was traveling in a kingdom called Oslank.

The Kingdom of Oslank is a kingdom established five thousand years ago by the Lion Tribe among the demihumans.

This is a theocratic country, the king's power is divinely granted, and the gods are the supreme existence in the mortal world of the universe and continent.

Therefore, a kingdom, the actual ruler, is actually what is called the church.

The Church of Light and the Church of Darkness.

Therefore, in order to create a kingdom, it must be recognized by the church.

Otherwise, they will be treated as heretics.

As for how to deal with it, it is naturally a punishment from heaven.

This is an ability that all churches in the universe possess.

But there is no way, who made all the supernatural systems in this universe given by the so-called gods and powerful men.

Without these powers, they are just mortals.

Therefore, the words of the gods cannot be violated. If you violate them, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the Kingdom of Oslank, Li Quan is now in the royal capital.

In the universe continent, the Kingdom of Oslank can also be regarded as a medium-sized country.

The reason why Li Quan appeared in this place was not because of how attractive it was, but because Li Quan landed in this place after walking out of the mysterious space of the creation goddess Evelia.

However, there are quite a lot of delicacies here. At least, in addition to the foods Li Quan is familiar with, there are also many strange delicacies.

Like the hell rock turkey.

This is made with extra spicy hell pepper and Warcraft three-finger magic flame chicken.

When you eat it, in addition to the super spicy taste, you can also experience a hellish feeling.

This strange thing is actually very popular. It has to be said that the taste of the biological inhabitants of this other universe is special.

After Li Quan traveled for several days, he finally left the Kingdom of Oslank.

During the few days here, Li Quan saw that the customs and customs here were very strong.

After all, demihumans possess animalistic nature, so fights and the like are common.

However, in the royal capital, it was okay to fight secretly, but it would be terrible if they were caught by the guards.

After all, they are human beings and must abide by civilized order. Therefore, in addition to being imprisoned, those who fight must also be fined.

In these few days, Li Quan witnessed no less than ten fights.

I have to say that the customs and customs of this cosmic continent are still very strong.

After leaving the Kingdom of Oslank, Li Quan naturally headed towards the center of the universe continent, the place known as the Land of Chaos.

In this chaotic place, there are all kinds of sects.

For example, there are the Evil God Cult, the Tentacle Cult, the Tiger Cult, etc.

Anyway, in the land of chaos, even gods, except for the two creation goddesses, no one can interfere with everything inside.

However, according to Li Quan's current walking speed, it is estimated that it would not take him tens or even millions of years to reach the place of chaos.

After all, the cosmic continent is the size of a universe, not a planet.

At this time, Li Quan was located in a small town on the border of the Kingdom of Oslank.

This town is located near a forest called the Forest of Vicissitudes.

There are many monsters in the forest.

Of course, the strength of these Warcraft itself is not very good, and because of this, they are regarded as a 'resource supply' point by the Kingdom of Oslank.

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